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grandfather in the appalling situation of death, their mothers
not understanding these children.

      The two stories are also the same for the filial piety of
their parents. They are all deaths, and they all have regrets. But
because of different choices, they have very different results.
One is serenity, the other is painful, but people’s. Life, death,
sickness and death are just like the changing of the season. No
one can change. No one can predict that, After reading this
book, my experience is to cherish every gathering with my
family and to express my love and gratitude in my heart.
Although I often hear this passage and understand its
significance, few people can really practice it. so I want to start
with simple hugs and give families warm hugs every day as my
expression of love for them to know their importance in my
heart and when friends encounter setbacks or difficulties. give
a hug as a force for support.


      The stories described in this book occur almost every day
in various medical institutions in Taiwan. We often treat the
people most dear to us in the most cruel way. Dr. Chen
Xiudan's story brought medical care back to the most basic and
important human care comprehensively considering and
respecting patient lives so that we realize that death and death

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