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Ethics and the acquisition of organs

                                                T.M Wilkinson/ Oxford/2011

撰寫人:泌尿科 吳彥廷 住院醫師


      Ethics on organs transplantation


      In Taiwan, organ transplantation between 5th degree
relatives is legal for years. However, organ donation from
living donor remain controversial. In case of living kidney
donation, there will be better preoperative donor evaluation and
better anticipated graft function. Moreover, laparoscopic
kidney nephrectomy had largely decreased postoperative pain
of living donor. However, the amount of living kidney
donation is still far from enough. Hospitals, doctors, and nurse
practitioners are encouraged for organ procurement. I wish I
could learn much more about living organ donation and doing
better after I read this book.

      With more and more experience on caring kidney donor
and kidney recipient, I realized that every patient has their
individual story. The conflict that a potential donor might face

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