Page 38 - 林口醫研部2022三月電子報
P. 38

•FIGURE 1. Clustering was based on the log2 expression FC of 17 indicated

        genes using the R pheatmap package. Numbers in the heatmap represented

        the fold-changes and the P value calculated by Wilcoxon test for each gene.
        Color scale represented log2 fold-change from -2 (blue) to 4 (red). (C)

        Principal components analysis (PCA) of gene expression fold changes

        between all treatments. Colors indicated different treatments. Shapes
        indicated different time points.

        •FIGURE 2. Expression of cementoblast-specific markers incultured hPDLCs.
        Antibodies          against       CEMP-1         or     CAP       (red)     were       applied        in    the

        immunofluorescence staining. Nuclei were counter-stained by DAPI in blue.

        Different culture conditions and timepoints (4w, 5w: after 4 and 5 weeks of
        culture) were shown as indicated

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