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                     撰稿者:肝臟研究中⼼ 朱育德博⼠                               校稿者:肝臟研究中⼼ 葉昭廷主任


                                      HEPATOLOGY, 2019 May.
                                      Emergence of Oncogenic-Enhancing Hepatitis B Virus X
                                      Gene Mutants in Patients Receiving Suboptimal
                                      Entecavir Treatment.

                                      IF= 14.079

                                      Ranking: 6.25%


        林志郎醫師         1,2,3,* , 朱育德博⼠ , 葉昭廷醫師                  3,4
        1 基隆⾧庚肝臟研究室
        2 基隆⾧庚社區醫學研究中⼼
        3 ⾧庚⼤學分⼦醫學研究中⼼
        4 林⼝⾧庚肝臟研究中⼼


        To examine whether oncogenic-enhancing HBx mutants emerged in

        entecavir-treated patients having suboptimal response.


        Detection of novel hepatocarcinogenesis-promoting HBx mutants in

        entecavir-treated patients with suboptimal response could alter our current

        clinic practice so as to achieve complete virological response whenever


          Department of Medical Research & Development,  Linkou Newsletter                                             45
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