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□ 黃璟隆醫師

□ 陳力振醫師

□ 葉國偉醫師

□ 林思偕醫師

□ 李文益醫師

□ 歐良修醫師

□ 姚宗杰醫師

□ 吳志德醫師







美國加州大學戴維斯分校 (UC Davis)免疫學博士




◎ 2012 Yang-Te Lin, Chih-Te Charles Wu, Ju-Hui Cheng, Jing-Long Huang, Kuo-Wei Yeh.Patterns of sensitization to peanut allergen components in Taiwanese preschool children. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 45: 90-95

◎ 2011 Chih-Te Charles Wu, Liang-Shiou Ou, Kuo-Wei Yeh, Wen-I Lee, Jing-Long Huang.Serum Heat Shock Protein 60 Can Predict Remission of Flare-up in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 30(7): 959-65

Wu CT, Gershwin ME, Davis PA. What makes an autoantigen an autoantigen?
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Jun;1050:134-45. Review.

◎An experimental study to understand the pathogenesis of and establish an animal model for primary biliary cirrhosis. Doctoral dissertation

Wu CT, Davis PA, Luketic VA, Gershwin ME. A review of the physiological and immunological functions of biliary epithelial cells: targets for primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and drug-induced ductopenias. Clin Dev Immunol. 2004 Sep-Dec;11(3-4):205-13. Review.

Wu CT, Eiserich JP, Ansari AA, Coppel RL, Balasubramanian S, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME, Van De Water J. Myeloperoxidase-positive inflammatory cells participate in bile duct damage in primary biliary cirrhosis through nitric oxide-mediated reactions. Hepatology. 2003 Oct;38(4):1018-25.

◎Van de Water J, Wu CT, Lu L, Thomson AW. Dendriric cells and other antigen-presenting cells of the liver and in liver disease. Liver Immunology. 99. 99-114, Hanley Belfus, Inc.




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