今日名醫/黃璟隆:家裡不裝潢 沒塵蟎
名醫親子養生術/林口長庚兒醫內科部主任 黃璟隆跑出活力
蘋果日報/杏林春暖 黃璟隆疼惜兒童從不放棄 -紅斑性狼瘡剋星
1. 氣喘魔法書
教育之友文化出版 1998
ISBN 957-98191-30
家有氣喘兒--兒童氣喘完全照護手冊 上旗文化出版 2004
ISBN 986-7508-05-X
當孩子生病時--兒童完全照顧手冊 二魚文化出版 2005
ISBN 986-7237-01-3
◎ |
Huang JL, Wang SY, Hsieh
KH. Effect of short-term exposure to low
level of SO2 and NOx on pulmonary
function and methacholine and allergen
bronchial sensitivities in asthmatic
children. Arch Environ Health
1991;46:296-9. |
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Huang JL, Wang SY, Lin KL,
Hsieh KH. Mouse dander-allergic
bronchial asthma.Chinese J Microbio
Immunol 1991;24:248-54. |
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Chung JL, Huang JL*, Hung
IJ. Sex-linked a gamma-globulinemia.
Chang Gung Med J 1992;15:39-43. |
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Huang JL, Yang CP, Hung
IJ. Candida tropicalis fungemia in
children with leukemia and lymphoma.
Acta Paed Sin 1993;34:257-63. |
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Huang JL, Hung IJ, Hsieh
KH. Effect of inhaled beclomethasone
dipropionate in the treatment of
recurrent wheezing in infancy and early
childhood. J Formos Med Assoc
1993;92:1066-9. |
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Huang JL, Lin GJ, Hung IJ,
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Huang JL, Sun PC, Hung IJ.
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Chung HT, Huang JL*, Wang
HS. Dermatomyositis and polymyositis in
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Huang JL, Huang CC, Chen
CY, Hung IJ. Acute pancreatitis: an
early manifestation of systemic lupus
erythematosus. Ped Emerg Care. 1994;
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Huang JL, Wang KF, Lin
TY. Sinusitis and bronchial asthma in
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Chang JH, Huang JL*.
Congenital tracheal stenosis-case
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Huang JL. Juvenile
dermatomyositis associated with partial
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Tsui SC, Huang JL*.
Parotid lymphangioma. International
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Hsu JF, Huang JL*, Hung
IJ. Poststreptococcal reactive arthritis
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Huang JL. Methotrexate
in the treatment of children with
chronic arthritis. Br J Clin Prac.
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Chao SC, Huang JL. Ileal
perforation: a rare complication of
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Huang JL, Chou ML, Hung
IJ, Hsieh KH. Mulitple cryptococcal
brain abscesses in systemic lupus
erythematousus. Br J Rheumatol. 1996;
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Chiu CP, Huang JL, Lin
TY, Shieh WB, Hsieh KH. Double-blind
placebo-controlled study of oxatomide in
the treatment of childhood asthma. Acta
Paed Sin 1997;38:8-13. |
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Huang JL. Sulphasalazine
therapy in chronic uveitis of children
with chronic arthritis. Asian Pacific J
Allergy Immunol. 1997;15:71-5. |
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Huang JL, You DL, Hsieh
KH. Serial Single Photon Emission
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Pediatr Neurology. 1997;17:44-8. |
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Yeh KW, Huang JL*, Kong
MS. Chronic granulomatous disease. Chang
Gung Med J 1997; 20:148-52. |
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Huang JL, Hsieh KH.
Increasing prevalence of childhood
allergic diseases and the risk factors
for the development of allergy in
Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding of 5th
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Lo SF, Huang JL*, Chen
LC, Yeh KW, Yan DC, Hsieh KH. Serum
osteocalcin levels in normal children in
Taiwan. Acta Paed Sin. 1997;38:443-7. |
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Lin SJ, Chao HC, Huang
JL, Lin TY, Hsieh KH. Acetaminophen
overdose in children and adolescents.
Acta Paed Sin. 1997;38:448-53. |
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Huang JL, Lin SJ, Hsieh
KH. The relationship between sinusitis
and bronchial asthma. Acta Paed Sin.
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Lin SJ, Huang JL, Hsieh
KH. Clinical and laboratory correlation
of acute Henoch-Schönleinpurpura in
children. Acta Paed Sin. 1998;39:94-8. |
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Lin SJ, Chao HC, Huang
JL. Gastrointestinal involvement as the
initial manifestation in children with
Henoch-Schöleinpurpura-clinical analysis
of 27 cases. Acta Paed Sin.
1998;39:186-90. |
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Huang JL, Lee WY, Chen
LC, Hung IJ, Hsueh C, Hsieh KH.
Successfully treated sulfasalazine-induced
fulminant hepatic failure,
thrombocytopenia and erythroid
hypoplasia with IVIG. Clin Rheumatol.
1998;17:349-52. |
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Huang JL, Chen LC.
Sulphasalazine in the treatment of
children with chronic arthritis. Clin
Rheumatol. 1998;17:385-92. |
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Chu SM, Huang JL*, Lin SJ,
Hsueh C. Successful treatment of
rheumatic sjögren’s syndrome with
cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. Acta
Paed Sin 1998;39:268-70. |
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Chen LC, Huang JL*. CT of
splenic infarction in systemic lupus
erythematosus. Pediatr Radiol. 1998;28
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Lee WY, Yang MH, Chen LC,
Lin SJ, Huang JL*. Role of serum
eosinophil cationic protein in the
monitoring of children with brohchial
asthma and rhinitis. Pediatr Asthma
Allergy Immunol. 1998;12:129-38. |
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Lin SJ, Huang JL.
Circulating interleukin (IL)-1 beta,
IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in
children with febrile infection-A
comparison with C-reactive protein.
Asian Pacific J Allergy Immunol. 1998;
16: 105-9. |
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Lin SJ, Huang JL, Yan DC,
Hsieh KH. Orthopedic manifestation in a
child with hyperimmunoglobulin E
syndrome. Acta Paed Sin. 1998;39:330-3. |
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Kao HC, Huang JL*, Chen
LC, Hsuen C. Pemphigus Vulgaris. Acta
Paed Sin. 1998;39:404-5. |
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Lin SJ, Huang JL*, Hsieh
KH. Hodgkin's disease in a child with
hyperimmunoblobulin syndrome. Pediatr
Hematol Oncol. 1998; 15: 451-4. |
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Chu SM, Huang JL, Lin SJ,
Hsueh C. Successful treatment of
Sjogren's syndrome with cyclophosphamide
pulse therapy: report of one case. Acta
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Lin SJ, Huang JL.
Henoch-Schonleinpurpura in Chinese
children and adults. Asian Pacific J
Allergy Immunol. 1998; 16: 21-5. |
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Lin SJ, Chao HC, Huang
JL. Gastrointestinal involvement as the
initial manifestation in children with
analysis of 27 cases. Acta Paed Sin
1998; 39: 186-90. |
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Lin SJ. Huang JL*, Hsieh
KH. Clinical and laboratory correlation
of acute Henoch-Schonleinpurpura in
children. Acta Paed Sin 1998; 39: 94-8. |
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Lin SJ, Huang JL, Yan DC,
Hsieh KH. Orthopedic manifestation in a
child with hyperimmunoglobulin E
syndrome. Acta Paed Sin 1998;39:330-3. |
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Chen LC, Huang JL*, Wang
CR. Diagnosis of Anomalous Innominate
Artery Syndrome by Spiral CT With 3D
Reconstruction of the Airway: Report of
One Case. Acta Paed Sin. 1999;40:124-7. |
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Yang MH, Lee WY, Chen LC,
Lin SJ, Huang JL*. Intraarticular
Triamcinolone Hexacetonide Injection in
Children with Juvenile Chronic Arthritis
(JCA): A Survey of Clinical Practice.
Acta Paed Sin. 1999;40:182-5. |
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Lee WY, Yang MH, Huang JL*.
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Rheumatol. 1999;18:207-13. |
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Chen LC, Huang JL*, Wang
CR. Use of standard radiography to
diagnosis paranasal sinus disease in
asthmatic children: comparison with
computed tomography. Asian Pacific J
Allergy Immunol. 1999; 17: 69-76. |
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Lin SJ, Chao HC, Yan DC,
Huang JL. Serum eosinophil cationic
protein determination in asthmatic
children-effect of different collecting
tubes used for blood sampling. Asian
Pacific J Allergy Immunol. 1999;
17:269-73. |
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Huang JL*. Long-term
Prognosis of patients with juvenile
detrmatomyositis initially treated with
intravenous methylprednisolone pulse
therapy. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 1999; 17:
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Lin SJ, Huang JL, Chao
HC, Lee WY, Yang MH. A follow-up study
of systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis in children. Acta Paed Sin.
1999;40:176-81-5. |
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Chiang LC, Huang JL, Lu
CM. A study of predisposing factors and
self-management behaviors of school-age
children with asthma and the impact of
summer asthma camp. J Nurs Res.
1999;7:307-20. |
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Lin SJ, Chao HC, Yang MH,
Lee WY, Huang JL. Effect of
heparinization and overnight storage of
blood samples on concentration of
eosinophil cationic protein in asthmatic
children and controls. Pediatric Asthma
Allergy Immunol. 1999;13:25-31. |
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Huang JL. Increase airway
hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic
children with concomitant sinusitis.
Acta Paed Sin 1999;40: 19-22. |
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Chen LC, Huang JL.
Intractable wheezing and swallowing
problem in an infant: Report of one
case. Acta Paediatr Tw 1999;40:341-343. |
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Lin SJ, Yan DC, Huang JL.
Conversion to systemic lupus
erythematosus in a child with
systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis. J Rheumatol R.O.C.
2000;15:15-20. |
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Chao HC, Kong MS, Lin SJ,
Huang JL*. Gastrointestional
manifestation and its outcome of
Henoch-Scholeinpurpura in children.
Chang Gung Med J. 2000;23:135-41. |
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Huang JL*, Chen LC, Kuo
ML. The changes of serum levels
interleukin-2, intercellular adhesion
molecule-1, endothelial leukocyte
adhesion molecule-1 and Th1 and Th2 in
severe atopic dermatitis after
intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Ann
Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2000;84:345-52. |
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Lin SJ, Yan DC Huang JL*.
Serum eosinphil cationic protein
determination in asthmatic
children-Influence of atopy and
concomitant sinusitis. Pediatr Allergy
Asthma Immunol. 2000;14:197-203. |
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Chen CC, Huang JL*, Yang
KD, Chen HJ. Atopic cataract in a child
with atopic dermatitis: a case report
and review of the literature. Asian
Pacific J Allergy Immunol 2000;18:69-71. |
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Lin SJ, Yang MH, Chao HC,
Kuo ML,Huang JL*. Effect of
interleukin-15 and Flt3-ligand on
natural killer cell expansion and
activation: umbilical cord vs. adult
peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol.
2000;11:168-74. |
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邱治平, 張薰榕, 史麗珠, 黃璟隆, 林奏延,
謝文斌, 翁文能. The official bulletin of the
society of pediatric pulmonology,
Taiwan, R.O.C. 兒童胸腔醫學會會刊 2000;1:94-101. |
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Huang JL*, Chen CC, Kuo
ML, Hsieh KH. Exposure to a high
concentration of mite allergen in early
infancy is a risk factor for developing
atopic dermatitis. Pediatr Allergy
Immunol. 2001;12:11-16. |
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Huang JL*, Hung IJ, Kuo
ML, Cheng JH. Lowered IL-4 producing T
cells and decreased IL-4 secretion in
peripheral blood from subjects with
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Chang
Gung Med J. 2001;24:77-83. |
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Chiang LC, Huang JL, Chao
SY. Developing a scale of
self-management behaviors of patients
with asthmatic children in Taiwan
through triangulation method. J Nurs Res
2001;9:87-97. |
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Kuo ML, Huang JL*, Hsieh
KH. Evaluation of Th1/Th2 ratio and
cytokine production profile during acute
exacerbation and convalescence in
asthmatic children. Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol. 2001;86:272-6. |
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Lai HR, Huang JL, Yu KH,
Wu YP. Screening for asthma in six
elementary school students:comparison of
the ISAAC video questionnaire with
written questionnaire. J Health Educ.
2001;15:23-44. |
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Lin YL,Huang JL*, Chen
LC, Wang CR. Correlation of total and
specific serum immunoglobulin E levels
with the severity of sinusitis in
children. Asian Pacific J Allergy
Immunol. 2001;19:1-6. |
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Chiu CY, Wong KS, Huang
JL*. Paradoxical vocal cord adduction
mimicking as acute asthma in pediatric
patient. Asian Pacific J Allergy Immunol.
2001;19:55-8. |
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Lai HR, Huang JL, Wu DM,
Yu KH, Wu YP. The relationship between
asthmatic students acceptance of the
illness and their adjustment. School
Health 2001;39:1-27. |
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Huang JL* Shaw CK, Lee
TD, Lee A, Wu Chou YH, Kuo ML. HLA-DRB1
antigen in juvenile onset systemic lupus
erythematosus patients in Taiwan.
Rheumatol Int. 2001;21:103-5. |
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Wu CJ, Huang JL*, Yang
MH, Yan DC, Ou LS, Ho HH. Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis in Taiwan. J
Microbiol Immunol Infect.
2001;34:211-4.. |
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Kao CC, See LC, Wu CJ, Ou
LS, Huang JL*. Time trend and seasonal
variations in hospital admission for
childhood asthma in a medical center of
Taiwan from 1990 to 1998. Asian Pacific
J Allergy Immunol. 2001;19:63-68. |
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Ou LS, Huang JL*, Kuo ML.
Anaphylaxis to Riboflavin (vitamin B2).
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.
2001;87:430-3. |
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Tsao CH, Shueh S, Huang
JL*. Initial presentation of hemolytic
uremic syndrome in a boy with systemic
lupus erythematosus. RheumatolInt
2002;21:161-4. |
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Chen CY, Tsao CH, Ou LS,
Yang MH, Huang JL*. Comparison of
soluble adhesion molecules in juvenile
idiopathic arthritis between the active
and remission stages. Ann Rheum Dis.
2002;61:167-70. |
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Shen JJ, Hsu CW, Huang JL,
Yang RC, Kuo ML. The change of serum ECP,
IgE, and Th1/Th2 ratio in the asthmatic
patients with Chinese herb. J Chin Med
Sci .2002;3:53-64. |
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Ou LS, See LC, Wu CJ, Kao
CC, Lin YL, Huang JL*. Association
between serum inflammatory cytokines and
activity in juvenile idiopathic
arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2002;1:52-6. |
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Hsu SC, Chen LC, Li XD,
Kuo ML, Huang JL*, Huang SK. Novel SNPs
in a candidate gene, CRTH2, for allergic
diseases. Genes Immunity 2002;3:114-6. |
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Tsao CH, Chen CY, Ou LS,
Huang JL*. The risk factors of mortality
for salmonella infection in systemic
lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol
2002;29:1214-8. |
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Kao CC, Tsao CH, Chen CY,
Lin SJ, Huang JL*. Childhood idiopathic
hypereosiophil syndrome: report of a
case. Asian Pacific J Allergy
Immunol2002;20: 121-126. |
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Chen SH, Yin TJC, Huang
JL*. Exploring of the skills for
inhalation therapy in schoolchildren
with asthma in Taiwan. Ann Allergy
Asthma Immunol 2002;89:311-5. |
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Chiu WJ, Kao HT, Huang JL*.
Necrotizing Pneumonia Caused by
Streptococcus pneumoniae in a child with
systemic lupus erythematosus. Acta
Paediatr Tw 2002;43:291-4. |
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Huang JL, Ou LS, Chen LC,
Yan DC, Kuo ML*. Reduced expression of
CD69 and adhesion molecules of T
lymphocytes in asthmatic children with
immunotherapy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol
2002;13:426-33. |
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Lai HR, Huang JL, Wu DM,
Yu KH, Wu YP. The relationship between
family factors and life adjustment of
urban students with asthma. J Health Edu
2002;18:69-94. |
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Chiang LC, Huang JL, Lu
CM. Educational diagnosis of
self-management behaviors of parents
with asthmatic children by triangulation
based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model in
Taiwan. Patient EducCouns 2003;49:19-25. |
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Tsao CH, Huang JL*, Chen
LC, Kuo ML, Hsieh KH. Concomitant
chronic sinusitis treatment in mild
asthmatic children- effect on bronchial
hyperresponsiveness. Chest
2003;123:757-64. |
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Huang JL, Chen LC, Yeh
KW, Lin SJ, Hsieh KH, Kuo ML*. Th1 and
Th2 cytokine production among asthmatic
children after immunotherapy. J Asthma
2003;40::273-9. |
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Shen JJ, Lin CJ, Huang JL,
Hsieh KH, Kuo ML. The effect of Lui-Wei-Di-Huang
Wan on cytokine gene expression from
human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Am J
Chinese Med 2003;31:247-57. |
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Chiu CP, Shieh WB, Lin
TY, Huang JL, Yang DH, Wang CL, Lee N,
Chen KS. Serum eosinophil cationic
protein in patients with bronchiolitis
caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
The official bulletin of the society of
pediatric pulmonology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
兒童胸腔醫學會會刊 2003;3:58-63. |
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Chen CY, Tseng HM, Chen
LC, Tsao CH, Kuo ML, Ou LS, Huang JL*.
Use of the new fluorescence immunoassay
to detect anti-dsDNA antibodies is more
correlated with disease activity and
complement than the ELISA method in SLE
patients. Lupus 2003;12:266-73. |
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Yao TC, Hung IJ, Huang JL,
Niu CK, Wong KS. Idiopathic pulmonary
hemosiderosis: an oriental experience. J
Paediatr Child Health 2003;39:27-30. |
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Yao TC, Kuo ML, See LC,
Chen LC, Yan DC, Ou LS, Huang JL*.The
RANTES promoter polymorphism:A genetic
risk factor for near-fatal asthma in
Chinese children. J Allergy ClinImmunol
2003;111:1285-92. |
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Liao TH, Huang JL*.
Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis with
uveitis. Asian Pacific J Allergy Immunol
2003;21:69-71. |
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Tsao CH, Chen CY, Yeh KW,
Huang JL*. Monthly recurrent herpes
simplex virus blepharitis in a boy for
more than 10 years. Infection
2003;31:257-9. |
◎ |
Chiu CP, Shieh WB, Lin
TY, Huang JL, Yan DC, Wang CL, Lee N,
Chen KS. Serum eosinophil cationic
protein in patients with bronchiolitis
caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
The official bulletin of the society of
pediatric pulmonology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
兒童胸腔醫學會會刊 2003;3:58-63. |
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Huang JL*. A reappraisal
of nasal saline solution use in chronic
sinusitis. Chest 2036-8. |
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Chao SY, Yan DC, Lai SL,
,Ou LS, Tsao CH, Chen CY, Lai SR, Chiang
LC, Huang JL*. Primary school nurses’
knowledge/competence pertaining to
childhood asthma and its management
prior to and following a national asthma
education in Taiwan. J Asthma
2003;40(8):927-34. |
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Chiu WJ, Kuo ML, Chen LC,
Tsao CH, Yeh KW, Yao TC, Huang JL*.
Evaluation of clinical and immunological
effects of inactivated influenza vaccine
in children with asthma. Pediatr Allergy
Immunol 2003;14:429-36. |
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Chiang LC, Huang JL*, Yeh
KW, Lu CM. Effects of self-management
asthma educationalprogram in Taiwan
based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model for
parents with asthmatics children. J
Asthma 2004;41:205:215. |
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Yao TC, Wu KC, Chung HT,
Shaw CK, Kuo ML, Wu CJ, Huang JL*. MCP-1
gene regulatory region polymorphism in
ethnic Chinese children with mild,
moderate and near-fatal asthma in
Taiwan. Allergy 2004;59:436-41. |
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Chen CY, Chen LC, Tsao
CH, Yang MH, Huang JL*. Sequential
changes to clinical parameters and
adhesion molecules following intravenous
pulse cyclophosphamide and
methylprednisolone treatment refractory
idiopathic arthritis. ClinExpRheumatol
2004;22:259-64. |
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Wu KC, Yao TC, Yeh KW,
Huang JL*. Osteomyelitis in patients
with systemic lupus erythematosus. J
Rheumatol 2004;31:1340-3. |
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Chiu SJ, Tsao CH, Chen
LC, Kao CC, Lue KH, Huang JL*. Chronic
mucocutaneous candidiasis in a
6-year-old boy. J MicrobiolImmunol
Infect 2004;37:196-9. |
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Huang JL*, Yeh CC, Shaw
CK, Yao TC, Lee TD, Kuo ML. HLA-DRB1
genotyping in patients with juvenile
idiopathic arthritis in Taiwan. Eur J
Immunogenet 2004;31:185-8. |
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Liao CH, Yao TC, Chung
HT, See LC, Kuo ML, Huang JL*.
Polymorphisms in the promoter region of
RANTES and in the regulator region of
MCP-1 among Chinese patients with
systemic lupus erythematosus. J
Rheumatol 2004;31:2062-7. |
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Yao TC, Wu KC, Wu LJ,
Huang JL*. Failure to thrive caused by
coexistence of vallecular cyst,
laryngomalacia and gastroesophageal
reflux. Int J PediatrOtorhinolaryngol
2004;68:1459-1464. |
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Huang JL, Gao PS, Mathias
RA, Yao TC, Chen LC, Kuo ML, Hsu SC,
Plunkett B, Togias A, Barnes KC,
Stellato C, Beaty TH, Huang SK. Sequence
variants of the gene encoding
chemoattractant receptor expressed on
Th2 cell (CRTH2) are associated with
asthma and differentially influence mRNA
stability. Hum Mol Genet
2004;13:2691-7. |
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Liao CH, Huang JL*.
Staphylococcal endocarditis and multiple
emboli in a patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus. J Rheumatol
2004;31Dec:2305-6. |
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Huang JL*, See LC.
Prevalence of pediatric connective
tissue disease in Chinese population.
ClinExpRheumatol 2004;22 Dec:776-80. |
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Chen SH, Yeh KW, Chen SH,
Yan DC, Yin TJ, Huang JL*. The
development and establishment of a care
map in children with asthma in Taiwan. J
Asthma 2004; 41 Dec:855-61. |
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Liao CH, Huang JL*, Yeh
KW. Juvenile Reiter’s syndrome: a case
report. J MicrobiolImmunolInf 2004
Dec;37:379-81. |
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Hung JJ, Yeh KW, Yang MH,
Huang JL*. Central nervous system
infection in patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 2005;32
Jan:40-3. |
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Lee WI, Kuo ML, Huang JL,
Lin SJ, Wu CJ. Distribution and clinical
aspects of primary immunodeficiency
diseases in a Taiwan pediatric tertiary
hospital during a 20-year period. J
ClinImmunol. 2005;25 Mar:162-73. |
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Chiang LC, Huang JL, Chao
SY*. A comparison, by quantitative and
qualitative methods, between the
self-management behaviors of parents
with asthmatic children in two
hospitals. J Nurs Res 2005 Jun;
13(2):85-96. |
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Chiu CY, Wong KS, Yao TC,
Huang JL*. Asthmatic versus non-asthmati
spontaneous pneumomediatinum in
children. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol.
2005 Mar;23(1):19-22. |
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Huang JL*. Asthma
severity and genetics in Taiwan. J
MicrobiolImmunol Infect. 2005
June;38(3):158-63. |
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Kao CC, Huang JL*, Ou LS,
See LC. The prevalence, severity and
seasonal variation of asthma, rhinitis
and eczema in Taiwanese schoolchildren.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol2005
Aug;16:408-15. |
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Fang W, Chen JY, Fang
Y,Huang JL*. Epinephrine overdose-
associated hypokalemia and
rhabdomyolysis in a newborn.
Pharmacotherapy 2005 Sep;25:1266-70. |
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Hung JJ, Huang JL*.
Etanercept therapy in children with
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. J
MicrobiolImmunol Infect 2005
Dec:38:444-6. |
◎ |
Yan DC, Ou LS, Tsai TL,
Wu WF, Huang JL*. Prevalence and
severity of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis
and eczemain 13- to 14-year-old children
in Taipei, Taiwan. Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol2005 Dec;95:579-85. |
◎ |
Liao MF, Huang JL*,
Chiang LC, Wang FY, Chen CY. Prevalence
of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema from
ISAAC survey of schoolchildren in
central Taiwan. J Asthma 2005
Dec;42:833-7. |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chen SH, Chiang
LC, Chen LC, Huang JL*. Survey of
asthma care in Taiwan: a comparison of
asthma specialists with general
practitioners. Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol2006Apr;96:593-9. |
◎ |
Jaing TH, Lee WI, Lin TY,
Huang JL, Chen SH, Chow R. Successful
unrelated mismatched cord blood
transplantation in an infant with severe
combined immunodeficiency and
Mycobacterium bovis bacillus calmette-Guerin
disease. Pediatr Transplantation 2006
Jun;10(4):501-4. |
◎ |
Chiang LC*, Huang JL, Fu
Lin-Shien. Physical activity and
physical self-concept: comparison
between children with and without
asthma. J AdvNurs 2006
Jun;54(6):653-62. |
◎ |
Lee WI, Jaing TH, Hsieh
MY, Kuo ML, Lin SJ, Huang JL*.
Distribution, infection treatment and
molecular analysis in a large cohort of
patients with primary immunodeficiency
diseases (PIDs) in Taiwan. J Clin
Immunol 2006 May;26(3):274-83. (CMRPG
32069, CMRPG32003,NS93-2314-B-182A-111,
NMRPG3116) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chiang LC, Chen
SH, Huang JL*. Survey of clinical
practice of physicians in the management
of asthma in Taiwan. Asian Pac J Allergy
Immunol 2006 Mar; 24(1):1-8. |
◎ |
Chan CK, Kuo ML, Shen JJ,
See LC, Chang HH, Huang JL*. Ding Chuan
Tang, a Chinese herb decoction, could
improve airway hyperresponsiveness in
children with asthma: a randomized,
double-blind clinical trial. Pediatr
Allergy Immunol 2006
Aug;17:316-22.(CMRP271, CMR1203) |
◎ |
Yao TC, Kuo ML, See LC,
Ou LS, Lee WI, Chan CK, Huang JL*.
RANTES and monocyte chemoattractant
protein-1 as sensitive marker of disease
activity in patients with juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis- A six-year
longitudinal study. Arthritis Rheum 2006
Aug; 54:2585-93. |
◎ |
Huang JL*, Hung JJ, Wu
KC, Lee WI, Chan CK, Ou LS. Septic
arthritis in Patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus: Salmonella and
non-salmonella infections compared.
Semin Arthritis Rheum 2006 Aug;
36:61-7. |
◎ |
Chiu SJ, Ou LS, Tsai TL,
Hung IJ, Huang JL*. Sequential
evaluation of clinical and laboratory
changes amongst children suffering from
lupus nephritis during intermittent
intravenous cyclophosphamide. Clin
Rheumatol. 2006 Jul;25:515-9. |
◎ |
Niu CK, Chen WY, Huang JL,
Lue KH, Wang JY. Efficacy of sublingual
immunotherapy with high-dose mite
extracts in asthma: A multi-center,
double-blind, randomized, and
placebo-controlled study in Taiwan.
Respir Med 2006 Aug; 100:1374-1383. |
◎ |
Huang JL*. Mite allergens
avoidance in asthma: what we need to do?
ActaPaediatr Tw 2006;47:113-5. |
◎ |
Chiang LC, Tzeng LF, Fu
LS, Huang JL. Testing a questionnaire to
measureasthma-related quality of life
among children. J Nurs Scholarship.
2006;38(4):383-6. |
◎ |
Hsu SK, Huang JL, Fu LS,
Chiang LC. Factors influencing physical
activity levels in children with asthma.
Mid Taiwan J Med 2006;11(4): 205-13. |
◎ |
Tseng JR, Hung JJ, Huang
JL*. The clinical differences between
early- and late-onset pulmonary
hemorrhage in systemic lupus
erythematosus. Acta Paediat Tw 2006
Sep-Oct; 47(5):232-7. |
◎ |
Lin WS, Hwang MS, Chung
HT, Chu JJ, Lai MW, Yang JS, Huang SC,
Huang JL, Su WJ*. Protein-losing
enteropathy after the Fontan operation:
clinical analysis of nine cases. Chang
Gung Med J 2006 Sep-Oct;29(5):505-12. |
◎ |
Lin WS, Su WJ, Lin KL,
Huang JL, Wang HS, Hemichorea as a
presentation of acute rheumatic fever.
Chang Gung Med J. 2006
Nov-Dec;29(6):612-6.. |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chao SY, Chiang
LC, Lai SR, Chen SH, Chen LC, Huang JL*.
Increasing asthma care knowledge and
competence of public health nurses after
a national asthma education program in
Taiwan. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol.
2006; 24:183-9. |
◎ |
Chiang LC, Chen YH, Hsueh
KC Huang JL*. Prevalence of severity of
asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema in
10- to 15-year-old schoolchildren in
central Taiwan. Asian Pac J Allergy
Immunol. 2007 Mar;25(1): 1-5. |
◎ |
Tsai YC,Hou CL, Yao TC,
Chen LC, Jaing TH,Huang JL*. Risk
factors and bacterial profiles of
urinary tract infections in patients
with systemic lupus erythematosus. Asian
Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2007;25:155-61. |
◎ |
Lee WI, Huang JL, Kuo ML,
Lin SJ, Chen LC, Chen MT, Jaing TH.
Analysis of genetic defects in patients
with the common variable
immunodeficiency phenotype in a single
Taiwanese tertiary care hospital. Ann
Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2007 Nov;
99:433-42 (1st author, equal
contribution). |
◎ |
Ou LS, Huang JL. Cellular
aspects of atopic dermatitis. Clin Rev
Allergy Immunol. 2007 Dec; 33(3):191-8. |
◎ |
Lee WI, Yang CY, Jaing
TH, Huang JL, Chien YH, Chang KW.
Clinical aspects and molecular analysis
of Chinese patients with Wiskott-Aldrich
syndrome in Taiwan. Int Arch Allergy
Immunol 2008 Jan; 145(1):15-23. (CMRPG
32069 and 450021) (NSC
95-2314-B-182A-106 and
96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Fang W, Huang JL*.
Increasing the hospitalization of asthma
in children not in adults- from a
national survey in Taiwan 1996-2002.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2008
Feb;19:13-19. (CMRPG 260301, CMRPG
260311) |
◎ |
Tsai YC, Lee WI, Huang JL*,
Hung IJ, Jaing TH, Yao TC, Chen MT, Kuo
ML. Neutrophil function and molecular
analysis in severe leukocyte adhesion
deficiency type I without separation
delay of the umbilical cord. Pediatr
Allergy Immunol 2008 Feb;19:25-32. (CMRPG
450061, NSC95-2314-B-182A-106 and
NMRPG3131).) |
◎ |
Hu MH, Wang HS, Lin KL,
Huang JL, Hsia SH, Chou ML, Hung PC,
Hsieh MY, Wong AM. Clinical experience
of childhood hypertensive encephalopathy
over an eight year period. Chang Gung
Med J 2008;31:153-8. |
◎ |
Liang FC, Wei YC, Jiang
TH, Hsieh MY, Wen YC, Chiou YS, Wu SH,
Chen LC, Huang JL, Lee WI*. Current
classification and status of primary
immunodeficiency diseases in Taiwan.
Acta Paediatr Tw. 2008;49:3-8. (CMRPG
340222 and 450021, NSC
96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Hou CL, Ysai YC, Li-Chen
Chen, Huang JL*. Tuberculosis infection
in patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus:pulmonary and
extra-pulmonary infection compared. Clin
Rheumatol. 2008;27:557-63. |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Wong KS, Huang
JL*, Tsai MH, Lin TY, Shieh SY.
cytokines,fibrinolyticsystem enzymes and
biochemical indices in children with
infectious para-pneumonic effusions.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008
Aug;27(8):699-703. (shared correspondent
) |
◎ |
Chen MJ, Tseng HM, ,
Huang YL, Hsu WN, Yeh KW, Wu TL, See LC,
Huang JL*. Long-term outcome and
short-term survival of patients with
systemic lupus erythematosus after
bacteremia episodes: 6-year follow-up.
Rheumatology 2008; Sep 47:1352-7. (CMRPG
460031, NSC 95-2314-B-182A-172-MY3) |
◎ |
Chiang LC, Hsu JY, Liang
WM, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Developing a
scale to measure self-efficacy on asthma
teaching for health care providers. J
Asthma 2009; 46(2):113-7.
(NSC-92-2314-B039-019). |
◎ |
Tsai YC, Yao TC, Kuo ML,
Huang JL*. Lack of Association of
Mannose-binding lectin gene
polymorphisms in Chinese Children with
pediatric onset systemic lupus
erythematosus. Lupus 2009; 18:372-6.
(IF:2.783, 12/29, RHEUMATOLOGY) (NSC
95-2314-B-182A-172-MY3 and CMRPG 460031) |
◎ |
Liu CJ, Huang YJ, Chen
HL, Lin HT, Lin HL, Kuo MK, Huang JL,
Chen DS, Chen PJ, Wu HL.
Characterization of interleukin 8 in
woodchucks with chronic hepatitis B and
hepatocellular carcinoma. Genes Immun.
2009;10:27-36. (NSC 96-3112-B-002-009,
NTU 95R0066-BM02-04, NTU-H.97A10) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Chen SH, Hung
IJ, Yang CP, Jaing TH, Chen CJ, Li SP,
Huang JL. Clinical aspects, immunologic
assessment, and genetic analysis in
Taiwanese children with hemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis. Pediatr Infect Dis
J 2009;28:30-34.(CMRPG 450021, NSC
96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL, Lin
TY, Hsueh C, Wong AM, Hsieh MY, Chiu CH,
Jaing TH. Chinese patients with
defective IL-12/23-interferon-γcircuit
in Taiwan: partial dominant interferon-γ
receptor 1 mutation present as cutaneous
granuloma and IL-12 receptor β mutation
as pneumatocele. J Clin Immnol
2009;29(2):238-45. (CMRPG 450061,
NSC96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Wu CT, Huang JL, Hsia SH,
Lee HY, Lin JJ. Pott’s puffy tumor after
acupuncture therapy. Eur J Pediatr
2009;168:1147-9. |
◎ |
Wu CT, Huang JL*. Factors
associated with non-traumatic
rhabomyolysis and acute renal failure of
children in Taiwanese population.
Pediatr Emerg Care 2009 Oct;
25(10):657-60. |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chiang LC, Huang
JL*. Epidemiology and current status of
asthma and associated allergic diseases
in Taiwan-ARIA Asia-Pacific workshop
report. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2008
Dec; 26(4):257-74. |
◎ |
Yao TC, Tsai YC, Huang
JL*. Association of RANTES promoter
polymorphism with juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2009 Apr;
60(4):1173-8. (CMRPG32003 and
CMRPG450041, NSC 95-2314-B-182A-107, NSC
96-2314-B-182A-014-MY2 ) |
◎ |
Wu CT, Huang JL, Hsia SH.
Acute carbon monoxide poisoning with
severe cardiopulmonary compromise: a
case report. Cases J. 2009;2:52-4. |
◎ |
Wu CT, Huang JL, Hsia SH,
Lin JJ, Lai SH. Late-presenting
congenital diaphragmatic hernia in
pediatric emergency care: two cases
report. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1013-5. |
◎ |
Chan CK, Kuo ML, Ou LS,
Chen LC, Yao TC, Huang JL*. Sequential
evaluation of serum monocyte chemotatic
protein 1 among asymptomatic and acute
exacerbation and remission in asthmatic
children. J Asthma 2009 Apr; 46:225-8. (CMRPG
32003-I and II) |
◎ |
Chiang LC, Ma WF, Fu LS,
Huang JL*. Effect of
relaxation-breathing training on anxiety
and asthma signs/symptoms of children
with moderate- to severe- asthma: A
randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs
Stud. 2009 Aug;46(8):1061-70.
NSC-93-2314-B039-005 and CMU-92-NS02) |
◎ |
Tu YL, Chen LC, Ou LH,
Huang JL*. Mesenteric vasculitis as the
initial presentation in children with
systemic lupus erythematosus. J Pediatr
Gastroenteol Nutr. 2009 Aug;49:251-3. |
◎ |
Lee WI, Liang FC, Huang
JL, Jaing TH, Wang CH, Lin TY, Huang YC,
Huang WL, Jou R, Hsieh MY, Chia JH, Wu
TL. Immunologic analysis of
HIV-uninfected Taiwanese children with
BCG-induced disease. J Clin Immunol.
2009; May 29(3):319-29. (CMRPG450061,
CMRPG340222 and
NSC93-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Liao MF, Liao MN, Lin SN,
Chen JY, Huang JL*. Prevalence of
allergic diseases of schoolchildren in
central Taiwan. J Asthma. 2009
Aug;46(6):541-5. |
◎ |
Huang YL, Yeh KW, Chen
LC, Huang JL*. Lymphopenia is a risk
factor in the progression of carotid
intima-media thickness in juvenile-onset
systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis
Rheum. 2009 Dec;60(12):3766-75. (NSC
98-2314-B-182-002-MY3). |
◎ |
Huang YL, Hsieh MY, Hsiao
PF, Sheen JM, Yu HR, Kuo HC, Chen ST,
Huang JL, Yang KD, Lee WI*. Alopecia
areatauniversalis after
Phenobarbital-induced anti-convulsant
hypersensitivity syndrome. Immunol
Invest. 2009;38(5):383-97. (CMRPG
450021, NSC 96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2) |
◎ |
Yao TC*, Chang CJ, Hsu YH,
Huang JL. Probiotics for allergic
diseases: Realities and myths. Pediatr
Allergy Immunol. 2010;21:910-9. (NSC
96-2314-B-182A-014-MY2 and CMRPG260291) |
◎ |
Yao TC*, Chiu CY, Tsai YC,
Huang JL. Viridans streptococcal
bacteremia secondary to viral
gastroenteritis in a healthy infant.
Pediatr Int. 2010;52:e108-e110.
(IF:0.73, Pediatrics:106/120) |
◎ |
Wu CT*, Hsia SH, Huang
JL. Influenza B-associated
rhabdomyolysis in Taiwanese children.
Acta Paediatrica. 2010 Nov;99
(11):1701-04. (IF:1.674,
Pediatrics:52/120) |
◎ |
Wu CT*, Huang JL.
Pericarditis with massive pericardial
effusion in a cytomegalovirus-infected
infant. Acta Cardiol. 2009
Oct;64(5):669-71. |
◎ |
Jaing TH, Lee WI, Cheng
PJ, Chen SH, Huang JL, Soong YK*.
Successful unrelated donor cord blood
transplantation for chronic
granulomatous disease. Inter J Hematol.
2010;91:670-2. (NSC
96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2, CMRPG 33020 and
340222, NSC 96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2)
(IF:1.918, Hematology: 48/68) |
◎ |
Lee WI, Huang JL, Jaing
TH, Wu KH, Chien YH, Chang KW. Clinical
aspects and genetics analysis of
Taiwanese patients with Wiscott-Aldrich
syndrome protein mutation: the first
identification of X-linked
thrombocytopenia in the Chinese with
novel mutation. J Clin Immunol. 2010
Jul; 30(4):593-601. (CMRPG 32069 and
450021 and NSC96-2314-B-182A-053-MY2)
(IF:3.184, Immunology:59/148) |
◎ |
Lee HY, Huang YC, Lin TY,
Huang JL, Yang CP, Hsueh T, Wu CT, Hsiao
SH. Primary Epstein-Barr virus infection
associated with Kikuchi’s disease and
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: A
case report and review of literature. J
Microbiol Immunol Inf. 2010;43(3):253-7. |
◎ |
Wu CT, Huang JL. Mutiple
ecthyma gangreosum in a healthy infant
with community-acquired Pseudomonas
aeruginosa sepsis. Pediatric Emergency
Care 2010;26:750-1. |
◎ |
Hsieh MY, Lee WI*, Lin KL,
Hung PC, Chou ML, Chang WY, Huang JL.
Wang HS. Immunologic analysis and serum
heavy metal levels in exacerbated
Tourette syndrome. Pediatr Allergy
Immunol. 2010 Jun; 21:e764-71. (NSC
NSC94-2314-B-182A-165 and CMRPG32069 and
450021) |
◎ |
Huang JL*, Yeh KW, Yao TC,
Huang YL, Chung HT, Ou LS, Lee WI, Chen
LC. Pediatric Lupus in Asia. Lupus
(NSC98-2314-B-182-002-MY3) |
◎ |
Huang YL, Chung HT, Huang
JL*. Association of subclinical
atherosclerosis and leukopenia in
systemic autoimmune diseases. Arthritis
Rheum 2010 Sep;62: 2823-4 (letter) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL, Lin SJ,
Yeh KW, Chen LC, Hsieh MY, Kuo HC, Yang
KD, Yu HR, Jaing TH. Clinical aspects
and genetic analysis of Taiwanese
patients with phenotypes of
hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent
infection syndrome (HIES). J Clin
Immunol. 2011 Apr;31(2):272-80. (NSC
99-2314-B-182-003-MY3, NMRPD190315 and
CMRPG 490011) (IF:3.094, Immunology:
65/150) |
◎ |
Tu YL, Chen LC, Yao TC,
Ou LH, Yeh KW, Lee WI, Huang JL*.
Differences in diseases features between
childhood-onset and adult-onset system
lupus erythematosus patients with acute
abdominal pain. Semin Arthritis Rheum.
2011;Apr:40(5):447-54. (IF:3.946,
Rheumatology: 9/32) |
◎ |
Wang CH, Huang YL, Yao TC,
Ou LS, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Acute
pancreatitis in pediatric-onset and
adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus:
A comparison. Lupus. 2011;20(5):443-52.
(IF:2.118, Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Wei HY, Chung HT, Wu CT,
Huang JL*. Aortic dissection complicated
with hemothorax in an adolescent patient
with systemic lupus erythematosus: case
repot and review of literature. Semin
Arthritis Rheum 2011; 41:12-8.
(IF:3.946, Rheumatology: 9/32) |
◎ |
Tu YL, Tsai YC, Huang JL,
Yao TC*. Occult pulmonary hemorrhage as
a rare presentation of propylthiouracil-induced
vasculitis. Pediatrics 2011;
127:e245-e249. (IF:5.196, Pediatrics:
3/120) |
◎ |
Hua MC, Lai MW, Yao TC,
Huang JL*. Chen SM. Decreased
interleukin-10 secretion in peripheral
blood mononuclear cells in children with
irritable bowel syndrome. J Pediatr
Gastroenterol Nut. 2011 Apr;
52:376-81.(CMRPG270371) (IF: 2.4;
Pediatrics:27/120; Nutrition &
Dietetics:39/78; Gastroenterology &
Hepatology: 45/78) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chang CJ, Huang
JL*. The association of seasonal
variations of asthma hospitalization
with air pollution among preschool
children. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol.
2011 Mar; 29 (1):34-41. (IF:1.269,
Allergy: 21/25; Immunology: 139/150) |
◎ |
Yao CT, Ou LS, Lee WI,
Chen LC, Yeh KW, Huang JL*, for the
PATCH study group. Exhaled nitric oxide
discriminates children with and without
allergic sensitization in a
population-based study. Clin Exp Allergy
2011 Apr; 41(4):556-64. (CMRPG260291,
CMRPG260292,CMRPG260293, and
CMRPG260261)(IF:5.587, Allergy: 4/25;
Immunology:26/150) |
◎ |
Su CY, Chang WH, Huang JL,
Yao TC*. Gastric volvulus manifesting as
infantile wheezing: A puzzling
presentation. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011
Aug; 27:737-9. (IF:0.923, Emergency
Medicine : 16/24; Pediatrics: 97/120) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL, Lin SJ,
Yeh KW, Chen LC, Hsieh MY, Kuo HC, Yang
KD, Yu HR, Jaing TH. Clinical,
immunological and genetic features in
Taiwanese patients with the phenotypes
of hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent
infection syndrome (HIES). Immunobiology
2011 Aug; 216:909-17.(IF:2.781,
Immunology: 77/150) |
◎ |
Tsai YC, Yao TC, Huang
YL, Yeh KW, Kuo ML, Huang
JL*.Mannose-binding lectin expression
genotype in pediatric-onset systemic
lupus erythematosus: Associations with
susceptibility to nephritis disease and
protection against infection. J
Rheumatol 2011; 38(7):1429-35. (NSC
95-2314-B-182A-172-MY3 and NSC
98-2314-B-182-002-MY3; CMRPG
460031)(IF:3.236, Rheumatology: 11/32) |
◎ |
Wu SA, Yeh KW, Yao TC,
Huang JL*. Association of the herpes
zoster infection with clinical
characteristics and MBL2 gene
polymorphisms in Chinese children with
systemic lupus erythematosus. Pediatr
Inf Dis J 2011 Aug; 30:656-60. (NSC
Pediatrics:22/120; Infectious
Diseases:38/83; Immunology: 84/150) |
◎ |
Wu CT, Ou LS, Yeh KW, Lee
WI, Huang JL*. Heat shock protein 60 can
predict remission of flare-up in
juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clin
Rheumatol. 2011; 30:959-65.
Rheumatology: 20/32) |
◎ |
Wu KH, Chan CK, Tsai C,
Chang YH, Sieber M, Chiu TH, Ho M, Peng
CT, Wu HP, Huang JL*. Effective
treatment of severe steroid-resistant
acute graft-versus-host disease with
umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem
cells. Transplantation 2011
Jun;91(12):1412-6. (shared correspondent
author) (IF:3.69, Surgery:15/199;
Transplantation: 4/24; Surgery
Immunology: 36/139) |
◎ |
Yao CT, Lee WI, Ou LS,
Chen LC, Yeh KW, Huang JL*.Associations
of age, gender and body mass index with
prevalence of allergic diseases in
children: Patch study. J Asthma 2011
Jun; 48(5):503-10. (CMRPG260291,
CMRPG260292, CMRPG260293, and
CMRPG260261)(IF:1.854, Allergy:18/25;
Respiratory System: 39/58) |
◎ |
Hsin YC, Hsin YC, Huang
JL, Yeh KW*. Clinical features of adult
and pediatric anaphylaxis in Taiwan.
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2011;
29:307-12. (IF:1.269; Allergy: 21/25;
Immunology:139/150) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chang CJ, Huang
JL*. Prevalence and risk factors for
early presentation of asthma among
preschool children in Taiwan. Asian Pac
J Allergy Immunol. 2011 Jun;29(2):120-6.
(IF:1.269; Allergy: 21/25;
Immunology:139/150) |
◎ |
Chou IJ, Kuo CF, See LC,
Yu KH, Luo SF, Wu CT, Huang JL*.
Antinuclear antibody status and risk of
death in children and adolescents.
Scandinavian J Rheumatol.
2011;40:472-77. (IF:2.307, Rheumatology:
9/32) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL*,Jaing
TH, Lin SJ, Yeh KW, Chen LC, Hsieh MY,
Kuo HC, Yang KD, Yu HR ,et al.
Distribution, clinical features and
treatment in Taiwanese patients with
symptomatic primary immunodeficiency
diseases (PIDs) in a nationwide
population-based study during 1985-2010.
Immunobiology 2011 Dec 216; 1286-94.
(Shared correspondent)
(NSC99-2314-B-182-003-MY3 and
NMRPD190315) (IF:2.781, Immunology:
77/150) |
◎ |
Lee WI, Huang JL, Yeh KW,
Jaing TY, Lin TY, Huang YC, Chiu CH.
Immune defects in active mycobacterial
diseases in patients with primary
immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs). J
Formos Med Assoc 2011 Dec;110:750-8.
(IF:2.018, Medicine, General & Internal:
44/151) |
◎ |
Yao CT, Lee WI, Ou LS,
Chen LC, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. References
values of exhaled nitric oxide in
healthy Asian children age 5 to 18
years. Eur Respir J. 2012;39:378-84.
(CMRPG260291-3) (IF:8.332, Respiratory
System:3/58) |
◎ |
Lin YT, Wu CT, Chang JH,
Huang JL, Yeh KW*. Pattern of
sensitization to peanut allergen
components in Taiwanese preschool
children. J Microbiol Immunol Inf.
2012;45:90-95. (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Huang JL*. New advances
in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Chang
Gung Med J 2012;35:1-14 (Review
article) |
◎ |
Chiang LC, Wen ZN, Chiung
HT, Huang JL*. Evidence-based management
of acute asthma exacerbation in
children. 護理雜誌(中文) 2012;59(1):16-23. |
◎ |
Liou YT, Huang JL, Ou LS,
Lin YH, Yu KH, Luo SF, Ho HH, Liou LB,
Yeh KW*.Comparision of cryoglobulinemia
in children and adults. J Microbiol
Immunol Inf. 2013; 46:59-64. (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Chen SH*, Yang CP, Jaing
TH, Hung IJ, Shih LY, Ho PC, Lee WI,
Huang JL. Clinical impact of in vitro
cellular drug resistance on childhood
acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Taiwan.
Leuk Lymphoma. 2012 Aug;53(8):1536-42.
(IF:3.093, Hematology: 27/70;
Oncology:94/213) |
◎ |
Shen CC, Yeh KW, Ou LS,
Yao TC, Chen LC, Huang JL*. Clinical
features of children with juvenile
idiopathic arthritis using ILAR
classification criteria: a
community–based cohort study in Taiwan.
J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2013 Aug
46(4):288-94. (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Chan CK, Wu KH, Lee YS,
Hwang SM, Lee MS, Liao SK, Cheng EH, See
LC, Kuo ML, Huang JL*. The comparison of
interleukin-6 associated
immunosuppressive effects of human ESCs,
fetal-type MSCs, and adult-type MSCs.
Transplantation. 2012; July 94:132-8.
(IF:3.69, Surgery:15/199;
Transplantation: 4/24; Immunology:
36/139) |
◎ |
Chen CC, Huang JL, Chang
CJ, Kong MS*. Fecal calprotectin as a
correlative marker in clinical severity
of infectious diarrhea and usefulness in
evaluating bacterial or viral pathogens
in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr. 2012 Nov;55(5):541-7. (IF:2.4,
Pediatrics:27/120; Nutrition &
Dietetics:39/78; Gastroenterology &
Hepatology: 45/78) |
◎ |
Lee WI, Yeh KW, Chen LC,
Yao TC, Ou LH, Huang JL*. Stronger
Toll-like receptor 1/2.4, and 7/8 but
less 9 response in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells in non-infectious
exacerbated asthmatic children.
Immunobiology. 2013 Feb;218:192-200.
(CMRPG 260301-3)
(NSC99-2314-B-182-003-MY3) (IF:2.781,
Immunology: 77/150) |
◎ |
Chen LC, Tseng HM, Wu CJ
,Kuo ML, Gao PS, Yeh KW, Huang JL*,
Huang SK. Evaluation of a common variant
of the gene encoding clara cell 10 kd
protein(CC10) as a candidate determinant
for asthma severity and steroid
responsiveness among Chinese children. J
Asthma 2012 Sep;49:665-72.(IF:1.854,
Allergy:18/25; Respiratory System:
39/58) |
◎ |
Shen CC, Chung HT, Huang
YL, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Coronary artery
dilation among patients with
pediatrics-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus. Scandinavian J Rheumatol.
2012;41:458-65.(IF:2.307, Rheumatology:
17/32) |
◎ |
Papadopoulos NG*, Arakawa
H, Carlsen KH, Huang JL, et al.
International consensus on (ICON)
pediatric asthma. Allergy. 2012
Aug;67:976-97.(IF:6.335, Allergy: 2/25;
Immunology:21/150) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL, Yeh
KW, et al. Clinical features and genetic
analysis of Taiwanese patients with
hyper IgM syndrome phenotype. Pediatr
Infect Dis J. 2013
Pediatrics:22/120; Infectious
Diseases:38/83; Immunology:84/150) |
◎ |
Hsieh MY, Hong WH, Lin JJ,
Lee WI*, Lin KL, Wang HS, Chen SH, Yang
CP, Jaing TH, Huang JL. T-cell receptor
excision circles and repertoire
diversity in children with profound
T-cell immunodeficiency. J Microbiol
Immunol Inf. 2013 Oct. 46(5):374-81.
(NSC99-2314-B-182-003-MY3, NMRPD190315
and CMRPG490011) (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Hu MH, Huang JL, Lin KL,
Huang GH, Wang HS, Chou ML, Hung PC, Wu
CT*. Risk Factors for Delayed
Neuropsychiatric Sequelae in Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning: Ten Years’
Experience in a Pediatric Emergency
Department. J Clinic Toxicol 2012;2:124. |
◎ |
Liao SL, Lai SH, Huang
JL, Lee NC, Lee WI. Serial cytokine
expressions in infants with
incontinentia pigmenti. Immunobiology.
2013 May;218(5):772-9. (IF:2.781,
Immunology: 77/150) |
◎ |
Shen CC, Yao TC, Yeh KW*,
Huang JL*. Association of disease
activity and anti-rheumatic treatment in
juvenile idiopathic arthritis with serum
lipid file: A prospective study. Sem
Arthritis Rheum 2013 Jun; 42:590-6.
(IF:3.946, Rheumatology: 9/32) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL, Wu TS,
Lee MH, Chen IJ, Yu KH, Liu CY, Yang CH,
Hsieh MY, Lin YL, Shih YF, Jaing TH,
Huang SC, Kuo TT, Ku CL. Patients with
inhibitory and neutralizing
auto-antibodies to interferon-ɤ resemble
the sporadic adult-onset phenotype of
Mendelian susceptibility to
mycobacterial disease (MSMD) lacking
Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG)-induced
diseases. Immunobiology. 2013 May;
218(5):762-71. (IF:2.781, Immunology:
77/150) |
◎ |
Hua MC, Chao HC, Yao TC,
Lai MW, Huang JL*; PATCH study group.
Investigation of interleukin-10 promoter
polymorphisms and interleukin-10 levels
in children with irritable bowel
syndrome. Gut Liver. 2013 Jul;7:430-6.
(IF:2, Gastroenterology & Hepatology:
55/78) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Burden
of systemic lupus erythematosus in
Taiwan: A population –based survey.
Rheumatol Int. 2013 Jul; 33:1805-11.
(IF:1.702, Rheumatology: 23/32) |
◎ |
Wu SA, Yeh KW, Lee WI,
Yao TC, Kuo ML, Huang B, Huang JL*.
Impaired phagocytosis and susceptibility
to infection in pediatric-onset systemic
lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2013
(NSC-98-2314-B-182A-092-MY3 (IRB
97-2290B), (NMRPD180611-3, NMRPG386363,
CMRPG400041). (IF:2.118,
Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Chen CC, Huang JL, Hsu J,
Chung C, Lin KL*. Neonatal lupus
complicated by hemorrhagic stroke.
Lupus. 2012 Dec; 21:1582-5. (IF:2.118,
Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Chen SH, Huang
JL, Jaing TH, Chung HT, Yeh KW, Chen LC,
Yao TC, Hsieh MY, Lin SJ, Kuo ML.
Identifying patients with neutrophil
elastase (ELANE) mutations from patients
with a presumptive diagnosis of
autoimmune neutropenia. Immunobiology.
2013 May; 218:828-33. (CMRPG32069,
450021 and 490011 and
NSC99-2314-B-182-003-MY3 and
NMRPD190315)(IF:2.781, Immunology:
77/150) |
◎ |
Chen SH, Huang JL, Yeh
KW*, Tsai YF*.Interactive support
interventions for caregivers of
asthmatic children. J Asthma. 2013 May
13 ;50(6):649-57. (IF:1.854,
Allergy:18/25; Respiratory System:
39/58) |
◎ |
Huang CD, Chang YJ, Kuo
HP, Huang JL, Fang JT*. (2013 Jun)
Gender Differences in Performances of
Medical Students at One Medical School
in Taiwan. J Med Education 2013; 17: 55∼63. |
◎ |
Liao SL, Yeh KW, Lai SH,
Lee WI, Huang JL*. Maturation of
Toll-like receptor 1-4 responsiveness
during early life. Early Human
Development, 2013 Jul; 89:473-8. (CMRPG
270161-3 and CMRPG 260311) (IF:1.913,
Pediatrics: 42/120; Obstetrics &
Gynecology: 38/80) |
◎ |
Wu KH, Chan CK, Chao YH,
Peng CT, Huang JL*. Clinical
consideration for mesenchymal stem cells
in hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation. Transplantation 2013
Dec; 96(12): e86-7. (IF:3.828,
Surgery:17/198; Transplantation: 4/25) |
◎ |
Hsiao HJ, Huang JL, Hsia
SH, Huang IA, Wu CT*. Headache in the
pediatric emergency service: A medical
center experience. Pediatr Neonatol.
2014 Jun; 55(3):208-12. (IF: 1.319,
Pediatrics:70/120) |
◎ |
Lee PY, Yeh KW, Yao TC,
Lee WI, Lin YJ, Huang JL*. The outcome
of patients with renal involvement in
pediatric-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus-A 20-year experience in
Asia. Lupus. 2013; 22(14):1534-40.
(CMRPG400041) (IRB 99-06379B) (IF:2.118,
Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Chen CC, Lin KL, Chen CL,
Wong AM, Huang JL*. (2013 Dec) Central
nervous system manifestations of
neonatal lupus: a systematic review.
Lupus. 2013;22(14):1484-8. (IF:2.118,
Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Chang YC, Chen CK , Chen
JC, Liao CH, Lee CH*, Chen YC, Ng CJ,
Huang JL, Lee ST. Implementation of the
mini-clinical evaluation exercise in
postgraduate Year 1 residency training
in emergency medicine: Clinical
experience at Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital. Journal of Acute Medicine.
2013 Sep; 3; 110-115. |
◎ |
Lee WI, Lin JJ, Hsieh MY,
Lin SJ, Chen SH, Hung IJ, Yang CP, Chen
CJ, Huang YC, Li SP, Huang JL*.
Immunologic difference between
hypersensitivity to mosquito bite and
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
associated with Epstein-Barr virus
infection. PLoS one. 2013 Oct;
8(10):e76711. (CMRPG450022, CMRPG490012,
CMRPG4B0051, NSC99-2314-B-182-003-MY3
and 102-2314-B-182A-039-MY3) (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Tu YL, Chang SW, Tsai HJ,
Chen LC, Lee WI, Hua MC, Cheng JH, Ou
LS, Yeh KW, Huang JL*, Yao TC*; PATCH
study group. Total Serum IgE in a
Population-Based Study of Asian Children
in Taiwan: Reference Value and
Significance in the Diagnosis of
Allergy. PLoS One. 2013 Nov;
8(11):e80996. (NSC101-2314-B-182A-044,
NSC102-2314-B-182A-048, CMRPG260291-3,
CMRPG2B0071-3, CMRPG4B0031-3) (IF:
3.057, Multidisciplinary Sciences:
11/63) |
◎ |
Hsia SH, Chou IJ*, Kuo
CF, See LC, Huang JL, Yu KH, Luo SF, Wu
CT, Lin KL, Wang HS. Survival impact of
serum uric acid levels in children and
adolescents. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Nov;
33(11):2797-802. (IF:1.702,
Rheumatology: 23/32) |
◎ |
Yao TC, Tsai HJ, Tu YL,
Chang SW, Hua MC, Liao SL, Tsai MH, Chiu
CY, Lai SH, Yeh KW, Huang JL*.
Multiplexed immunoglobulin E
Sensitization in Relation to Exhaled
Nitric Oxide in A Population Sample of
Children. Allergy. 2014 May;
69(5):678-82. (NSC 101-2314-B-182A-044,
NSC 102-2314-B-182A-048, NSC
101-2314-B-400-009-MY2, CMRPG260291-3,
CMRPG2B0071-3, CMRPG4B0031-3).
(IF:6.335, Allergy: 2/25; Immunology:
21/150) |
◎ |
Wu JY, Yeh KW, Huang JL*.
Early predictors of outcomes in
pediatric lupus nephritis: focus on
proliferative lesions. Semin Arthritis
Rheum. 2014 Feb; 43(4):513-20.
(IF:3.946, Rheumatology: 9/32) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Lee CM, Chang CJ,
Lin YJ, Huang JL*. Lipid profiles Alter
from Pro-Atherogenic into Less
Atherogenic and Proinflammatory in
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients
Responding to Anti TNF-α Treatment. PLoS
One. 2014 Mar 6;9(3):e90757. (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Hsieh SY, Wong
KS, Lai SH, Chen JK, Huang JL*. The
value of total protein in guiding
management of infectious parapneumonic
effusion by using matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization time-of-flight
mass spectrometry. J Microbiol Immunol
Infect. 2015 Oct;48(5):483-9.
(CMRPG23024) (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Lin YT, Wu CT, Huang JL,
Cheng JH, Yeh KW*. Correlation of
ovalbumin of egg white components with
allergic diseases in children. J
Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2016 Feb
49(1); 112-118. (IF:2.955, Immunology:
68/150; Infectious Diseases: 27/83;
Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Liu YC, Tu YL, Wu RC,
Huang JL, Yao TC*. Life-threatening
pneumonitis complicating low-dose
methotrexate treatment for juvenile
idiopathic arthritis in a child. Pediatr
Emerg Care. 2014 Jun; 30(6):415-7. (Case
report) (IF:0.923, Emergency Medicine:
16/24; Pediatrics: 97/120) |
◎ |
Yao TC*, Tu YL, Chang SW,
Tsai HJ, Gu PW, Ning HC, Hua MC, Liao
SL, Tsai MH, Chiu CY, Lai SH, Yeh KW,
Huang JL*. Suboptimal vitamin D status
in a population-based study of asian
children: prevalence and relation to
allergic diseases and atopy. PLoS One.
2014 Jun 3;9(6):e99105. (NSC
101-2314-B-182A-044, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-048, and NSC
101-2314-B-400-009-MY2 NSC
101-2314-B-182A-044, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-048, and NSC
101-2314-B-400-009-MY2) (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Chan PC, Yu CH, Yeh KW,
Horng JT, Huang JL*. Comorbidities of
pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus:
A 6-year nationwide population-based
study. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2016
April; 49(2); 257–263. (IF:2.955,
Immunology: 68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Huang YL, Tsai
MH, Tu YL, Hua MC, Yao TC, Yeh KW, Huang
JL*. Sensitization to food and inhalant
allergens in relation to atopic diseases
in early childhood: a birth cohort
study. PLoS One. 2014 Jul
17;9(7):e102809. (CMRPG2B0050-52)
(IF:3.057, Multidisciplinary Sciences:
11/63) |
◎ |
Lin HC, Chiang LC, Wen
TN, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Development of
online diary and self-management system
on e-Healthcare for asthmatic children
in Taiwan. |
◎ |
Lin JL, Lee WI*, Huang JL,
Chen PK, Chan KC, Lo LJ, You YJ, Shih YF,
Tseng TY, Wu MC. Immunologic Assessment
and KMT2D mutation detection in Kabuki
Syndrome. Clin Genet. 2015 Sep;
88(3):255-60. (CMRPG4B00511-3, BMRP789,
NSC102-2314-B-182A-039-MY3) (IF:3.892,
Genetics & Heredity: 42/165) |
◎ |
Lee WI, Huang JL*, Lin SJ,
Yeh KW, Chen LC, Ou LS, Yao TC, Jaing
TH, Shih YF, Tseng TY, Lin YL. Applying
T-cell receptor excision circles and
immunoglobulin κ-deleting recombination
excision circles to patients with
primary immunodeficiency diseases. Ann
Med. 2014 Nov; 46(7):555-65. (IF: 3.763
, Medicine, General & Internal:17/151) |
◎ |
Yao TC*, Tu YL, Chang SW,
Tsai HJ, Gu PW, Ning HC, Hua MC, Liao
SL, Tsai MH, Chiu CH, Lai SH, Yeh KW,
Huang JL*. Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D in
relation to lung function and exhaled
nitric oxide in children. J Pediatr.
2014 Dec;165(6):1098-1103.
CMRPG260291-3, CMRPG2B0071-3,
CMRPG4B0031-3) (IF: 3.890, PEDIATRICS:
6/120) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Yao TC, Chen SH,
Tsai MH, Tu YL, Hua MC, Yeh KW*, Huang
JL* Low cord blood vitamin D levels are
associated with increased milk
sensitization in early childhood.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014 Dec;
25(8):767-72. (CMRPG2B0050-52)(IF:3.947
, Pediatrics:5/120; Immunology:49/150;
Allergy:7/25) |
◎ |
Chung HT, Huang YL, Yeh
KW, Huang JL*. Subclinical deterioration
of left ventricular function in patients
with juvenile-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus. Lupus. 2015 Mar;
24(3):263-72. (CMRPG400041~43,
NSC98-2314-B-182-002-MY3) (IF:2.118,
Rheumatology:19/32) |
◎ |
Liao SL, Lai SH, Yeh KW,
Huang YL, Yao TC, Tsai MH, Hua MC, Huang
JL*; PATCH (The Prediction of Allergy in
Taiwanese Children) Cohort Study.
Exclusive breastfeeding is associated
with reduced cow's milk sensitization in
early childhood. Pediatr Allergy Immunol.
2014 Aug; 25(5):456-61. (CMRPG 2B0021
and CMRPG 260311) (IF: 3.947 ,
Pediatrics: 5/120; Immunology: 49/150;
Allergy:7/25) |
◎ |
Wu SA, Yeh KW, Lee WI,
Yao TC, Huang JL*. Persistent improper
upregulation of Th17 and TReg cells in
patients with juvenile idiopathic
arthritis. J Microbiol Immunol Infect.
2016 Jun;49(3):402-8. (CMRPG400041-3,
NSC 101-2314-B-182A-101-MY3) (IF:2.955,
Immunology: 68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Kok VC, Horng JT*, Huang
JL*, Yeh KW, Gau JJ, Chang CW, Zhuang LZ.
Population-based cohort study on the
risk of malignancy in East Asian
children with juvenile idiopathic
arthritis. BMC Cancer. 2014 Aug; 14:634.
(NSC 101-2221-E-008-125-MY3)(IF:3.265,
Oncology: 85/213) |
◎ |
Kok VC, Horng JT*, Huang
JL. Juvenile arthritis and the
short-term risk for cardiometabolic
outcomes. Exp Clin Cardiol. 2014 Aug;
20(8):2832-2840. |
◎ |
Huang CD, Jenq CC, Ou LS,
Chen AC, Chan SH, Huang JL, Yeh SJ, Lee
ST. Medical record review for faculty
promotion: a cohort analysis. Biomed J.
2015 Sep-Oct;38(5):456-61. |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Tsai MH; Yao TC;
Tu YL; Hua MC; Yeh KW, Huang JL*.
Urinary LTE4 levels as a diagnostic
marker for IgE-mediated asthma in
preschool children: a birth cohort
study. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 18;
9(12):e115216. [Epub] (CMRPG2B0050-52)
(IF: 3.057, Multidisciplinary Sciences:
11/63) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Yeh KW, Huang YL,
Tsai MH, Huang JL*. Urinary LTE4 level
as a diagnostic marker for atopic
diseases in preschool children: a birth
cohort study. Eur Respir J, 2014 Sep.
44; S58; P4200(POSTER) (IF:8.332,
Respiratory System:3/58) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Huang SY, Peng
YC, Tsai MH, Hua MC, Yao TC, Yeh KW*,
Huang JL*. Maternal vitamin D levels are
inversely related to allergic
sensitization and atopic diseases in
early childhood. Pediatr Allergy Immunol.
2015 Jun;26(4):337-43. (CMRPG2B0050-52)
(IF:3.947, Pediatrics:5/120;
Immunology:49/150; Allergy:7/25) |
◎ |
Teng YK, Huang JL, Yeh
KW, Fu LS, Lin CH, Ma WF, Lee SD, Chiang
LC. Influential factors of insufficient
physical activity among adolescents with
asthma in Taiwan. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 31;
(NSC-95-2314-B-039-020-MY2) (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Lai SH, Yao TC, Liao SL,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Yeh KW, Huang JL*.
Reference value of impulse oscillometry
in taiwanese preschool children. Pediatr
Neonatol. 2015 Jun;56(3):165-70.
(CMRPG2B0061-3) (IF: 1.319,
Pediatrics:70/120) |
◎ |
Tsai MH, Huang SH, Chen
CL, Chiu CY, Hua MC, Liao SL, Yao TC,
Lai SH, Yeh KW, Wang MP, Huang JL*.
Pathogenic bacterial nasopharyngeal
colonization and its impact on
respiratory diseases in the first year
of life: the PATCH Birth Cohort Study.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015
Jun;34(6):652-8. (CMRPG2B0031-3)
(IF:2.587, Pediatrics:22/120; Infectious
Diseases:38/83; Immunology: 84/150) |
◎ |
Chen SH, Huang JL, Yeh
KW, Tsai YF. The stress of caring for
children with asthma: a qualitative
study of primary caregivers. J Nurs Res.
2015 Dec; 23(4):298-307. (IF: 0.955,
Nursing: 71/116) |
◎ |
Hsin YC, Zhuang LZ, Yeh
KW, Chang CW, Horng JT*, Huang JL*. Risk
of tuberculosis in children with
juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a
nationwide population-based study in
taiwan. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 5;
10(6):e0128768. (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Tseng ST, Tseng MH, Huang
JL*. Concurrent pulmonary hemorrhage and
deep vein thrombosis in a child with
ANCA-associated vasculitis: case report
and review of literature. Pediatr
Rheumatol Online J. 2015 Jun 10;13:20.
(Case Report) (IF: 2.144, Pediatrics
33/120; Rheumatology 18/32) |
◎ |
Hua MC, Chen CC, Yao TC,
Tsai MH, Liao SL, Lai SH, Chiu CY, Yeh
KW, Huang JL*. Role of maternal allergy
on immune markers in colostrum and
secretory immunoglobulin A in stools of
breastfed infants. J Hum Lact. 2016
Feb;32(1):160-7.(CMRPG2B0041) (IF:2.233;
NURSING: 5/116; PEDIATRICS: 30/120;
◎ |
Hsiao HJ, Wu CT, Huang
JL, Chiu CH, Huang YC, Lin JJ, Huang IA,
Chan OW, Chou IJ, Hsia SH. Clinical
features and outcomes of invasive
pneumococcal disease in a pediatric
intensive care unit. BMC Pediatr. 2015
Jul 17; 15:85. (IRB100-2984A3)
(CMRPG3B0841-3) (IF: 1.813,
Pediatrics:45/120) |
◎ |
Yao TC, Chang SW, Hua MC,
Liao SL, Tsai MH, Lai SH, Tseng YL, Yeh
KW, Tsai HJ*, Huang JL*(Correspondence);
PATCH study group. Tobacco smoke
exposure and multiplexed immunoglobulin
E sensitization in children: a
population-based study. Allergy. 2016
Jan;71(1):90-8. [Epub] (NSC
101-2314-B-182A-044, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-048, NSC
103-2314-B-182-030, MOST
103-2314-B-400-004-MY3, and MOST
104-2314-B-182-046-MY2, CMRPG260291-93,
CMRPG2B0071-73, CMRPG4B0031-33, and
CMRPG3E1201) (IF:6.335, Allergy: 2/25;
Immunology: 21/150). |
◎ |
Lai SH, Liao SL, Yao TC,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Yeh KW, Huang JL*.
Respiratory function in healthy
Taiwanese infants: tidal breathing
analysis, passive mechanics, and tidal
forced expiration. PLoS One. 2015 Nov
11;10(11):e0142797. (CMRPG2B0061-3,
CMRPG3E1211) (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Ou LS, Peng SY, Yu CY,
Huang JL, Lin HF, Hsu CC, Yeh KW, Chen
LC, Mo LL. A Study on the Stressors of
Primary Caregivers of Children with
Asthma. Health Social Work. 2015 June
[Epub]. |
◎ |
Tseng HM, Lee CH, Chen
YJ, Hsu HH, Huang LY, Huang JL*.
Developing a measure of
medication-related quality of life for
people with polypharmacy. Qual Life Res.
2015 Nov 19. [Epub] (CORPG3C0151;
MOST103-2410-H-182-023-MY2) (IF: 2.429,
Health Care Sciences & Services: 28/87;
Public, Environmental & Occupational
Health:50/172) |
◎ |
Liao SL, Tsai MH, Lai SH,
Yao TC, Hua MC, Yeh KW, Chiang CH, Huang
SY, Huang JL*. Prenatal exposure to
bisphenol-A is associated with Toll-like
receptor induced cytokine suppression in
neonates. Pediatr Res. 2016
Mar;79(3):438-44 (CMRPG2B0021-3)(IF:
2.761, Pediatrics: 17/120) |
◎ |
Chen CC, Chen KJ, Kong
MS, Chang HJ, Huang JL*. Alterations in
the gut microbiotas of children with
food sensitization in early life.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2016
(CMRPG4C0061-4C0062)(IF: 3.947,
Pediatrics: 5/120; Immunology: 49/150;
Allergy:7/25) |
◎ |
Tseng ST, Yao TC, Huang
JL, Yeh KW*, Hwang YS*. Clinical
manifestations in uveitis patients with
and without rheumatic disease in a
Chinese population in Taiwan. J
Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2015 Nov 17.
pii: S1684-1182(15)00903-2 [EPub]
(IF:2.955, Immunology: 68/150;
Infectious Diseases: 27/83;
Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Jaing TH, Chen SH, Wen
YC, Chang TY, Huang JL, Tsay PK.
Assessment of platelet activation and
immature platelet fraction as predictors
of platelet engraftment after
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Cell Transplant. 2016 Jan;25(7):1259-64.
[Epub](CMRPG4A0033) (IF:3.427, Cell
&Tissue Engineering: 13/21; Medicine,
Research & Experimental: 34/124;
Transplantation: 11/25) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL*, Yeh
KW, Cheng PJ, Jaing TH, Lin SJ, Chen LC,
Ou LS, Yao TC. The effects of prenatal
genetic analysis on fetuses born to
carrier mothers with primary
immunodeficiency diseases. Ann Med. 2016
Feb; 48(1-2):103-10.. (CMRPG 4B0051-3
and NSC 99-2314-B-182A-096-MY3, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-039-MY3, MOST
104-2633-B-182A-005 and NMRPG3C6071)
(IF: 3.763 , Medicine, General &
Internal:17/151) |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Yeh KW, Lin G,
Chiang MH, Yang SC, Chao WJ, Yao TC,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Liao SL, Lai SH, Cheng
ML*, Huang JL*. Metabolomics Reveals
Dynamic Metabolic Changes Associated
with Age in Early Childhood. PLoS One.
2016 Feb 25;11(2):e0149823.
(CMRPG2B0050-53) (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Huang JL*, Chen
CC, Lin JL, Wu RC, Jaing TH, Ou LS.
Identifying Mutations of the
Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain 37
(TTC37) Gene in Infants With Intractable
Diarrhea and a Comparison of Asian and
Non-Asian Phenotype and Genotype: A
Global Case-report Study of a
Well-Defined Syndrome With
Immunodeficiency. Medicine (Baltimore).
2016 Mar;95(9):e2918. (Correspondence)
NSC99-2314-B-182A-096-MY3, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-039-MY3, MOST
104-2663-B-182A-005, and NMRPG
3C6071-3). (IF: 2.133 ; Medicine,
General & Internal: 40/155) |
◎ |
Hsu PW, Hsieh MJ, Fu RH,
Huang JL, Liao MC, Lee ST. Comparing the
outcomes of different postgraduate year
training programs in Taiwan. Biomed J.
2015 Dec; 38(6):544-9. |
◎ |
Chiu CY, Liao SL, Su KW,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Lai SH, Chen LC, Yao
TC, Yeh KW*, Huang JL*. Exclusive or
Partial Breastfeeding for 6 Months Is
Associated With Reduced Milk
Sensitization and Risk of Eczema in
Early Childhood: The PATCH Birth Cohort
Study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Apr;
95(15):e3391. (CMRPG2C0321-2 and
CMRPG3E1191-2) (IF: 2.133 ; Medicine,
General & Internal: 40/155) |
◎ |
Su KW, Tu YL, Chiu CY,
Huang YL, Liao SL, Chen LC, Yao TC, Ou
LS, Lee WI, Huang JL*, Yeh KW*; PATCH
Study Group. Cord Blood Soluble CD14
Predicts Wheeze and Prolonged Cough in
Young Children: The PATCH Study. Int
Arch Allergy Immunol.
2016;169(3):189-97. (CMRPG3E1191)(IF:
2.677; ALLERGY:12/25; |
◎ |
Lin TC, Wu JY, Kuo ML, Ou
LS, Yeh KW, Huang JL*. Correlation
between disease activity of
pediatric-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus and level of vitamin D in
Taiwan: A case-cohort study. J Microbiol
Immunol Infect. 2016 Jan 12. pii:
S1684-1182(16)00006-2. [Epub] (IF:2.955,
Immunology:68/150; Infectious Diseases:
27/83; Microbiology: 46/123) |
◎ |
Yeh HY, Ma WF, Huang JL,
Hsueh KC, Chiang LC*. Evaluating the
effectiveness of a family empowerment
program on family function and pulmonary
function of children with asthma: A
randomized control trial. Int J Nurs
Stud. 2016 Aug, 60:133–144. (IF:3.561;
NURSING: 1/111) |
◎ |
Hua MC, Chen CC, Liao SL,
Yao TC, Tsai MH, Lai SH, Chiu CY, Yeh
Eosinophil Cationic Protein and Serum
Immunoglobulin E in Relation to Infant
Feeding Practices. Ann Clin Biochem.
2016 May 18. pii: 0004563216653417.
[Epub] (CMRPG2E0131, 2B0042) (IF:2.119;
Medical Laboratory Technology: 11/30) |
◎ |
Tseng MH, Lin SH, Chung
HT, Hsu TC, Lien R, Huang JL, Chiang MC.
Severe Hyponatremia Secondary to
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
in a Neonate. Pediatr Neonatol. 2016 Apr
5. pii: S1875-9572(16)30024-9. [Epub]
(IF: 1.319, Pediatrics:70/120)(Case
report) |
◎ |
Liao SL, Lai SH, Tsai MH,
Hua MC, Yeh KW, Su KW, Chiang CH, Huang
SY, Kao CC, Yao TC*, Huang JL*. Maternal
Vitamin D Level Is Associated with Viral
Toll-Like Receptor Triggered IL-10
Response but Not the Risk of Infectious
Diseases in Infancy. Mediators Inflamm.
2016; 8175898. [Epub] (CMRPG2B0021-3 and
2E0111) (IF:3.418; CELL BIOLOGY: 88/187;
IMMUNOLOGY: 59/150) |
◎ |
Chan CK, Lin TC, Huang
YA, Chen YS, Wu CL, Lo HY, Kuo ML, Wu KH*,
Huang JL*. The modulation of Th2 immune
pathway in the immunosuppressive effect
of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem
cells in a murine asthmatic model.
Inflamm Res. 2016
101-2320-B-182-033) (CMRPD1D0411-3).
(IF: 2.557, CELL BIOLOGY: 119/187; |
◎ |
Chang YC, Lee HY, Huang
JL, Chiu CH, Chen CL, Wu CT. Risk
Factors and Outcome Analysis in Children
with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Pediatr
Neonatol. 2016 Jul 17. pii:
S1875-9572(16)30077-8. (IF: 1.319,
Pediatrics:70/120) |
◎ |
Wu CY, Yang HY, Yao TC,
Liu SH, Huang JL*. Serum IL-18 as
biomarker in predicting long-term renal
outcome among pediatric-onset systemic
lupus erythematosus patients. Medicine
(Baltimore). 2016 Oct;95(40):e5037.
(CMRPG3D1352) (IF: 2.133 ; Medicine,
General & Internal: 40/155) |
◎ |
Yeh KW, Chiu CY*, Su KW,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Liao SL, Lai SH, Chen
LC, Yao TC, Huang JL*. High cord blood
CCL22/CXCL10 chemokine ratios precede
allergic sensitization in early
childhood. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan
31;8(5):7384-7390. (CMRPG2C0321-2
ONCOLOGY:36/213; CELL BIOLOGY: 43/187) |
◎ |
Chang YC, Huang JL*, Hsia
SH, Lin KL, Lee EP, Chou IJ, Hsin YC, Lo
FS, Wu CT, Chiu CH, Wu HP*; Prevention,
Protection Against Child Abuse, Neglect
(PCHAN) Study Group. Child protection
medical service demonstration centers in
approaching child abuse and neglect in
Taiwan. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Nov;
95(44):e5218. (contributed equally to
this work) (IF: 2.133 ; Medicine,
General & Internal: 40/155) |
◎ |
Lin SJ, Chen JY, Kuo ML,
Hsiao HS, Lee PT, Huang JL*. Effect of
Interleukin-15 on CD11b, CD54, and CD62L
Expression on Natural Killer Cell and
Natural Killer T-Like Cells in Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus. Mediators Inflamm.
CMRPG4A0052 andCMRPG3D1933.) (IF:3.418,
88/187, CELL BIOLOGY; 59/151,
◎ |
Tsai MH, Chiu CY, Shih HJ,
Liao SL, Hua MC, Huang SH, Yao TC, Lai
SH, Huang TS, Yeh KW, Chen LC, Su KW,
Lim WH, Chang YJ, Chiang CH, Huang SY,
Huang JL*. Longitudinal investigation of
nasopharyngeal methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus colonization in
early infancy: The PATCH birth cohort
study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2017
Feb;23(2):121.e1-121.e7. [Epub]
(CMRPG2E0121, CMRPG2E0122) (IF:4.575,
◎ |
Chang YJ, Yan DC, Huang
JL*. Inpatients Disease and Trends. J
Pediatr Neonatal Care 2016, 5(2):
00172.[Epub] |
◎ |
Yao TC, Chang SW, Chang
WC, Tsai MH, Liao SL, Hua MC, Lai SH,
Yeh KW, Tseng YL, Lin WC, Tsai HJ*,
Huang JL*. Exposure to tobacco smoke and
childhood rhinitis: a population-based
study. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 16;7:42836.
(grants NSC 101-2314-B-182A-044, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-048, NSC
101-2314-B-400-009-MY2, MOST
103-2314-B-182-030, MOST
103-2314-B-400-004-MY3, and MOST
CMRPG260291~260293, CMRPG2B0071~2B0073,
CMRPG4B0031~4B0033, CMRPG3E1201~3E1202,
CORPG3F0081, and CMRPG3F1711 )(IF:
5.228, Multidisciplinary Sciences: 7/63) |
◎ |
Lai SH, Liao SL, Tsai MH,
Hua MC, Chiu CY, Yeh KW, Yao TC*, Huang
JL*. Low cord-serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
levels are associated with poor lung
function performance and increased
respiratory infection in infancy. PLoS
One. 2017 Mar 7;12(3):e0173268. (IF:
3.057, Multidisciplinary Sciences:
11/63) |
◎ |
Yao TC*, Tsai HJ*, Chang
SW, Chung RH, Hsu JY, Tsai MH, Liao SL,
Hua MC, Lai SH, Chen LC, Yeh KW, Tseng
YL, Lin WC, Chang SC, Huang JL;
Prediction of Allergies in Taiwanese
Children (PATCH) Study Group. Obesity
disproportionately impacts lung volumes,
airflow and exhaled nitric oxide in
children. PLoS One. 2017 Apr
4;12(4):e0174691. (grants NSC
101-2314-B-182A-044, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-048, NSC
101-2314-B-400-009-MY2, MOST
103-2314-B-182-030, MOST
103-2314-B-400-004-MY3, and MOST
104-2314-B-182-046-MY2) and by Chang
Gung Memorial Hospital (grants
CMRPG260291~260293, CMRPG4B0031~4B0033,
CMRPG3E1201~3E1202, CORPG3F0081, and
CMRPG3F1711). (IF: 3.057,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 11/63) |
◎ |
Lee EP, Hsia SH, Huang JL,
Lin JJ, Chan OW, Lin CY, Lin KL, Chang
YC, Chou IJ, Lo FS, Lee J, Hsin YC, Chan
PC, Hu MH, Chiu CH, Wu HP. Epidemiology
and clinical analysis of critical
patients with child maltreatment
admitted to the intensive care units.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2017
equally)(IF: 2.133 ; Medicine, General &
Internal: 40/155) |
◎ |
Lee WI*, Chen CC*, Jaing
TH, Ou LS, Hsueh C, Huang JL*. A
Nationwide Study of Severe and
Protracted Diarrhoea in Patients with
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Sci
Rep. 2017 Jun 16;7(1):3669. (Grant
CORPG3F0051-53 and CMRPG 4B0051-53, NSC
99-2314-B-182A-096-MY3, NSC
102-2314-B-182A-039-MY3, MOST
104-2663-B-182A-005 and NMRPG3C6071) and
Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders (TFRD)
(IF: 5.228, Multidisciplinary Sciences:
7/63) |
◎ |
Lai SH, Liao SL, Yao TC,
Tsai MH, Hua MC, Chiu CY, Yeh KW, Huang
JL*. Raised-Volume Forced Expiratory
Flow-Volume Curve in Healthy Taiwanese
Infants. Scientific Reports. July 2017 (epub)
(CMRPG2B0061, CMRPG2B0062, CMRPG3E1211
and CMRPG3E1212) (IF: 5.228,
Multidisciplinary Sciences: 7/63) |
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