Page 61 - @林口醫研部201909電子報
P. 61

Utilization of optically induced dielectrophoresis in a
                                         microfluidic system for sorting and isolation of cells
                                         with varied degree of viability: Demonstration of the
                                         sorting and isolation of drug-treated cancer cells
                                         with various degrees of anti-cancer drug resistance
                                         gene expression.

                                         IF=5.667 (領域百分⽐:3.28%)

                                         SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2019 Mar.

                                         指導作者:⾎液腫瘤科 謝佳訓醫師

                                                 ★頂尖論⽂                     (‣點擊查看)

                                         Temporal Trends of Severe Hypoglycemia and
                                         Subsequent Mortality in Patients with Advanced
                                         Diabetic Kidney Diseases Transitioning to Dialysis.

                                         IF=5.583 (領域百分⽐:9.62%)

                                         JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2019Mar.
                                         第⼀作者:腎臟科 蕭景中醫師

                                         CO-Releasing Molecule-2 Induces Nrf2 / ARE-
                                         Dependent Heme Oxygenase-1 Expression Suppressing
                                         TNF--Induced Pulmonary Inflammation.

                                         IF=5.583 (領域百分⽐:9.62%)

                                         JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2019Mar.
                                         第⼀作者:⿇醉科 林志中醫師

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