Page 63 - @林口醫研部201909電子報
P. 63

PARK14 (D331Y) PLA2G6 Causes Early-Onset
                                         Degeneration of Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic
                                         Neurons by Inducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction,  ER
                                         Stress,  Mitophagy Impairment and Transcriptional
                                         Dysregulation in a Knockin Mouse Model.

                                         IF=5.076 (領域百分⽐:16.86%)

                                         MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2019 Jun.
                                         第⼀作者:神經科學研究中⼼ 邱清旗助理研究員

                                                 ★頂尖論⽂                     (‣點擊查看)

                                         Modeling Alzheimer's Disease by Induced Pluripotent
                                         Stem Cells Carrying APP D678H Mutation.

                                         IF=5.076 (領域百分⽐:16.86%)

                                         MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2019 Jun.
                                         第⼀ / 指導作者:神經內科 張國軒醫師

                                         指導作者:神經內科 陳瓊美醫師

                                         Preoperative Carcinoembryonic Antigen as a Poor
                                         Prognostic Factor in Stage I-III Colorectal Cancer
                                         After Curative-Intent Resection: A Propensity Score
                                         Matching Analysis.

                                         IF=3.857 (領域百分⽐:10.00% )

                                         ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 2019 Jun.


                                         Developmental trajectory of self-care in children
                                         with cerebral palsy with different manual abilities.

                                         IF=3.289 (領域百分⽐:8.87% )

                                         DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY, 2019 May.
                                         第⼀ / 指導作者:復健科陳嘉玲醫師

          Department of Medical Research & Development,  Linkou Newsletter                                             63
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