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108 年 7 ⽉優質研究國際期刊發表 - 2

                                         Diffusion-weighted MRI and F-18-FDG PET correlation
                                         with immunity in early radiotherapy response in BNL
                                         hepatocellular carcinoma mouse model: timeline

                                         IF=7.182 (領域百分⽐:4.65%)

                                         EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND
                                         MOLECULAR IMAGING, 2019 Jul.

                                         第⼀作者:分⼦轉譯影像中⼼ 鍾宜秀博⼠

                                         指導作者:核⼦醫學科 閻紫宸醫師

                                         Host characteristics and dynamics of Staphylococcus
                                         aureus colonization in patients with moderate-to-
                                         severe psoriasis before and after treatment: A
                                         prospective cohort study.

                                         IF=7.102 (領域百分⽐:3.03% )

                                         JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
                                         DERMATOLOGY, 2019 Aug.

                                         指導作者:⽪膚科 ⿈毓惠醫師

                                         Image Gallery: Trigeminal trophic syndrome:
                                         nonhealing facial ulcer with corneal ulceration.
                                         IF= 6.714 (領域百分⽐:4.55%)

                                         BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, 2019 Jul.

                                         第⼀作者:⽪膚科 吳明穎醫師
                                         指導作者:⽪膚科 張曜宇醫師

                                         Dynamic bioenergetic alterations in colorectal
                                         adenomatous polyps and adenocarcinomas.
                                         IF=6.68 (領域百分⽐:8.09%)

                                         EBIOMEDICINE, 2019 Jun.

                                         第⼀ / 指導作者:胃腸肝膽科 林蔚然醫師

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