Page 71 - @林口醫研部201909電子報
P. 71

Comparative Analysis of Two Methods for the
                                         Detection of EGFR Mutations in Plasma Circulating
                                         Tumor DNA from Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients.
                                         IF= 6.162 (領域百分⽐:13.54%)

                                         CANCERS, 2019 Jun.
                                         指導作者:胸腔內科 蔡熒煌醫師

                                         H-1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-Based
                                         Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Metabolomic Analysis
                                         in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Risk Prediction for
                                         Diabetic Microangiopathy.

                                         IF=5.688 (領域百分⽐:9.38%)
                                         JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2019 Jun.

                                         第⼀作者:⿇醉科 林煥堂醫師
                                         指導作者:⿇醉科 柳復兆醫師

                                         Facial Appearance and Psychosocial Features in
                                         Orthognathic Surgery: A FACE-Q- and 3D Facial Image-
                                         Based Comparative Study of Patient-,  Clinician-,  and
                                         Lay-Observer-Reported Outcomes.

                                         IF=5.688 (領域百分⽐:9.38%)
                                         JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2019 Jun.

                                         指導作者:整形外科 羅綸洲醫師

                                         Routine chest CT for staging of gastric cancer.

                                         IF=5.586 (領域百分⽐:3.94%)

                                         BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 2019 Aug.
                                         第⼀作者:影像診療科 陳安欣醫師

                                         指導作者:影像診療科 陳建銘醫師

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