Page 46 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年6月刊
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NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹                                   NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹

                                                                            IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%                                                                                                       IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%

                                                                                                                                                        Stomatin-like  protein  2  regulates  survivin
                                 Favorable versus unfavorable prognostic                                                                                expression in  non-small cell lung  cancer
                                 groups by post-chemoradiation FDG-PET imaging                                                                          cells through beta-catenin signaling pathway
                                 in node-positive esophageal squamous cell                                                                              CELL DEATH & DISEASE, MAR. 2018
                                 carcinoma  patients  treated  with  definitive                                                                         IF= 5.965 (20.53%)

                                 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND                                                                               第一 / 指導作者:胸腔內科楊政達醫師
                                 MOLECULAR IMAGING, MAY. 2018

                                 IF= 7.277 (2.38%)                                                                                                      Hyperglycemia and risk of adverse outcomes
                                 第一作者:放射腫瘤科葉永堅醫師                                                                                                        following microvascular reconstruction of
                                 指導作者:放射腫瘤科洪宗民醫師 葉永堅醫師                                                                                                  oncologic head and neck defects

                                                                                                                                                        ORAL ONCOLOGY, APR. 2018
                                 Serum irisin levels are associated with                                                                                IF= 4.794 (1.11%)
                                 adverse  cardiovascular  outcomes  in  patients                                                                        第一作者:整形外科高煌凱醫師

                                 with acute myocardial infarction
                                 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, JUN.
                                 IF= 6.189 (12.7%)                                                                                                      A Comparative  Assessment of Implant Site

                                 第一作者:心臟內科謝宜璋醫師                                                                                                         Viability in Humans and Rats
                                 指導作者:心臟內科王朝永醫師                                                                                                         JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, APR. 2018
                                                                                                                                                        IF= 4.755 (2.22%)

                                 The effectiveness  and  safety of low-dose
                                 rivaroxaban in Asians with non-valvular                                                                                Pretreatment clinical stage predicts

                                 atrial fibrillation                                                                                                    locoregional recurrence in patients with
                                 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, JUN.                                                                              esophageal cancer who achieved a complete
                                 2018                                                                                                                   clinical response to chemoradiotherapy
                                 IF= 6.189 (12.7%)                                                                                                      JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR

                                 第一作者:心臟內科李信賦醫師 詹益欣醫師                                                                                                   SURGERY, MAY. 2018
                                                                                                                                                        IF= 4.446(6.09%)


                                 Downregulation  of  lumican  accelerates  lung                                                                         The effectiveness of a saline mouth rinse

                                 cancer cell invasion through p120 catenin                                                                              regimen and education programme on radiation-
                                 CELL DEATH & DISEASE, MAR. 2018                                                                                        induced oral mucositis and quality of life
                                 IF= 5.965 (20.53%)                                                                                                     in oral cavity cancer patients: A randomised

                                 第一作者:胸腔內科楊政達醫師                                                                                                         controlled trial
                                                                                                                                                        EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE, MAR. 2018
                                                                                                                                                        IF= 2.104 (8.62%)


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