Page 42 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年6月刊
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NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹                                   NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹

                                                                            IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%                                                                                                       IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%

                                  Unique immune gene expression Patterns in                                                                             Development  of  a  Localized  Community-Based
                                  Bronchoalveolar lavage and Tumor adjacent                                                                             Integrated Home Care System: Model Swapping
                                  non-neoplastic lung Tissue in non-small cell                                                                          through an International Symposium

                                  lung cancer                                                                                                           JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS
                                  FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, FEB. 2018                                                                                    ASSOCIATION, MAR. 2018
                                  IF=6.429 (13.91%)                                                                                                     IF= 5.775 (8.16%)

                                  第一 / 指導作者:胸腔內科郭志熙醫師                                                                                                   第一 / 指導作者:一般內科林宗豪醫師

                                  A composite of exhaled LTB4, LXA(4), FeNO,                                                                            Targeting negative regulation of p53 by

                                  and FEV1 as an "asthma classification ratio"                                                                          MDM2 and WIP1 as a therapeutic strategy in
                                  characterizes childhood asthma                                                                                        cutaneous melanoma
                                  ALLERGY, MAR. 2018                                                                                                    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, FEB. 2018
                                  IF= 7.361 (7.69%)                                                                                                     IF= 6.176 (15.14%)

                                  第一作者:兒童內科部陳力振醫師                                                                                                       第一作者:血液腫瘤科吳教恩醫師

                                  Cognitive Style and Mobile E-Learning  in

                                  Emergent Otorhinolaryngology-Head and                                                                                  Up-regulation of PYK2/PKC alpha-dependent
                                  Neck Surgery Disorders for Millennial                                                                                  haem  oxygenase-1  by  CO-releasing molecule-2
                                  Undergraduate Medical Students: Randomized                                                                             attenuates TNF-alpha-induced lung
                                  Controlled Trial                                                                                                       inflammation

                                  JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, FEB.                                                                             BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, FEB. 2018
                                  2018                                                                                                                   IF= 5.491(7.39%)
                                  IF= 5.175 (4.35%)                                                                                                      第一作者:麻醉科林志中醫師

                                  第一 / 指導作者:耳鼻喉科李立昂醫師

                                 Nail braces for severe paronychia induced by                                                                           DLG2,  but  not  TMEM229B,  GPNMB,  and  ITGA8
                                 epidermal growth  factor receptor inhibitors:                                                                          polymorphism,  is associated  with Parkinson's
                                 An alternative to nail extraction                                                                                      disease in a Taiwanese population
                                 JOU RNAL OF  THE A MERICA N ACAD EMY OF                                                                                NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, APR. 2018
                                 DERMATOLOGY, APR. 2018                                                                                                 IF= 5.117 (10.2%)

                                 IF= 7.002 (1.61%)                                                                                                      第一作者:神經內科吳秀娟醫師

                                 第一作者:皮膚科嚴啟峰醫師                                                                                                          指導作者:神經內科吳逸如醫師

   41                                                                                        非經本刊及作者同意,請勿做任何形式之轉載                                                                                                                         42
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