Page 44 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年6月刊
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NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹                                   NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                           要做就要做到最好 - 頂尖暨優秀論文介紹

                                                                            IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%                                                                                                       IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%

                                 The survey of tinea capitis and scalp                                                                                  Arachidonic Acid Induces ARE/Nrf2-Dependent
                                 dermatophyte carriage in nursing home                                                                                  Heme Oxygenase-1 Transcription in Rat Brain

                                 residents                                                                                                              Astrocytes
                                 MEDICAL MYCOLOGY, FEB. 2018                                                                                            MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, APR. 2018
                                 IF= 2.377(5.88%)                                                                                                       IF= 6.19 (9.65%)

                                 第一作者:皮膚科林千又醫師                                                                                                          第一作者:麻醉科林志中醫師

                                 Heterogeneity and irregularity of                                                                                      Learning curve of image-guided video-assisted
                                 pretreatment F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron                                                                          thoracoscopic surgery for small pulmonary
                                 emission tomography improved prognostic                                                                                nodules: A prospective analysis of 30 initial
                                 stratification of p16-negative high-risk                                                                               patients

                                 squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx                                                                              JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR
                                 ORAL ONCOLOGY, MAR. 2018                                                                                               SURGERY, APR. 2018
                                 IF= 4.794 (1.11%)                                                                                                      IF= 4.446 (6.09%)

                                 指導作者:核子醫學科閻紫宸醫師                                                                                                        第一作者:胸腔外科謝明儒醫師

                                  Radiosensitization of ultrasmall GNP-PEG-                                                                              Responses are durable for up to 5years after

                                  cRGDfK in ALTS1C1 exposed  to therapeutic                                                                              completion of peginterferon alfa-2a treatment
                                  protons and kilovoltage and megavoltage                                                                                in hepatitis B e antigen-positive patients
                                  photons                                                                                                                ALIMENTARY  PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, MAY.
                                  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION  BIOLOGY,                                                                           2018

                                  MAR. 2018                                                                                                              IF= 7.286(4.28%)
                                  IF= 1.992(9.09%)                                                                                                       指導作者:胃腸肝膽科系廖運範院士


                                 In  Utero  Exposure  to  Exosomal  and  B-Cell                                                                          Comparison  of positron  emission  tomography/
                                 Alloantigens Lessens Alloreactivity of                                                                                  computed  tomography  and  magnetic  resonance
                                 Recipients'  Lymphocytes  Rather  than Confers                                                                          im agin g fo r po stth erap y ev aluat ion

                                 Allograft Tolerance                                                                                                     in pa tients  with adv anced c ervical
                                 FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, MAR. 2018                                                                                      cancer receiving definitive concurrent
                                 IF= 6.429 (13.91%)                                                                                                      chemoradiotherapy

                                 第一 / 指導作者:小兒外科陳正昌醫師                                                                                                     EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND
                                                                                                                                                         MOLECULAR IMAGING, MAY. 2018
                                                                                                                                                         IF= 7.277 (2.38%)


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