Page 14 - 103年度醫學倫理暨人文醫學讀書心得精選集
P. 14

into human eggs that make kids smarter, stronger, faster,
   healthier or happier than their parents. In the world dominated
   by competition, parents understandably want to give their kids
   every advantage. And there is hardly a religion on the planet
   that does not exhort its believers to enhance the welfare of their
   children. The antidote to the blind application of genetic
   engineering is to start talking about what should and should not
   be allowed, who will pay and what standards ought to apply to
   those who want to advertise and sell utopian children. The right
   response to ANDi is not legislation to stop nuts but
   conversation that will teach us how best to control our selves.

         In the part VII of the book, the author talked about the
   issue of “Unethical policies undermine value of genetic
   testing”. Scientists have now found a gene that’s responsible
   for the most deadly form of breast cancer: inflammatory breast
   cancer (IBC). IBC accounts for just 6 percent of the breast
   cancer diagnoses in the United States each year, the this form
   of cancer is much deadlier than other types of breast tumors.
   Only 45 percent of women with IBC survive more than five
   years, The bit of DNA responsible for this virulent form of
   breast cancer is called the RhoC GTPase gene, All women have
   this gene, but those with IBC have too many copies. This
   causes the body to overproduce a chemical that lets cancer cells
   grow rapidly and spread quickly. With this discovery, it will
   soon be possible to test women at risk for breast cancer to see

4 103 醫學倫理、人文醫學、心得
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