Consequences of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss   : An Introduction to Categories 1 - 5 Immune Problems


  There are five categories of immune problems that can cause pregnancy loss, IVF failures and infertility. Category 1 is the least severe, while Category 5 is the most severe. Without treatment, a woman with Category 1 problems can experience recurrent pregnancy loss, which may activate other categories of immune problems from Category 2, 3, 4 or 5.

The following documents, tables and figures explain the immune problems of categories 1 - 5, and are an introduction to the treatments involved and the success rates of parenthood. They will be refered to during your phone or person-to-person consultation with Dr. Beer. Every couple is screened for all five categories of immune problems. Please have these documents available to you during your consultation so that your specific problem may be more clearly explained to you.

The information contained in this article is not intended to be a medical diagnosis, treatment or medical advice in any way, as it is general information and cannot be relied on without consultation with your physician. It is not intended nor is it implied to be a substitute for profession medical advice. As medical information can change rapidly, we strongly encourage you to discuss all health matters and concerns with your physician before embarking on new diagnostic or treatment strategies.

 Consequences of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss   : An Introduction to Categories 1 - 5 Immune Problems


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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology  ,   Chia-Yi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital