光子放射治療是利用高能量的放射線(X光)來對腫瘤細胞造成傷害,我們主要是利用直線加速器(linear accelerator, LINAC) 來產生X 光從體外照射腫瘤病灶。因為是從體外照射,所以如果想要準確的照射到腫瘤並且不傷害到太多旁邊的正常組織,精準的定位、身體內器官的位移 (例如呼吸時胸腔及腹腔的器官會因此移動)、及機器對於 X 光射線的控制能力都是影響到品質及治療成效的關鍵,甚至在某些情境之下會需要利用特殊的治療技術:如立體定位放射手術(Stereotactic radiosurgery, SRS) 或立體定位身體放射治療(Stereotactic body radiation therapy, SBRT) 來達成治療的目標。
高雄長庚的直線加速器配有影像導引系統 (涵蓋二維 X光及三維電腦斷層),能針對治療的範圍,每天在治療之前先用影像系統定位,確保治療的範圍能精準包覆腫瘤,提升治療的精準度,同時降低不必要的副作用。
呼吸所導致的器官位移一直是放射治療的一大挑戰,本院備有四度空間電腦斷層模擬攝影機(4DCT) 能在放射治療計畫準備(定位掃描時) 準確的評估呼吸的位移量,並且能依據病人的情況提供腹部壓腹帶(Abdominal compression)、深呼吸閉氣放射治療(Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Radiotherapy)、呼吸調控放射治療(Respiratory Gating Radiotherapy) 或是即時腫瘤追蹤放射治療 (Real-Time Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy)。
係指在精準定位的前提之下,針對腦部腫瘤給予少次數(一到三次) 高強度集中的放射治療,市面上能完成這個技術的機器有許多選擇,在高雄長庚我們是使用新一代的電腦刀(CyberKnife M6) ,可以免釘頭架,靠著先進的影像導引系統達成治療的目標。
是立體定位放射手術進階技術,針對身體的病灶給予精準並且少次數(一到五次) 高強度集中的放射治療。在高雄長庚我們使用新一代的電腦刀(CyberKnife M6),配有業界獨有的即時腫瘤追蹤放射治療(Real-Time Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy),能在呼吸的過程中利用機械手臂跟著呼吸的移動來”追著腫瘤打”,達到優異的放射治療品質。
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CMSMasters Studio is a team of professionals. Every member of our team has spent many hours polishing professional skills and earning a unique experience in the spheres of website design, wordpress development, technical support etc.
We enjoy the process of creating a theme from its start to its end - from a sparkling design idea, all the way through coding, programming, testing, to the very release, and then still on and on, providing our customers with superior support and guidance.
CMSMasters Studio is a team of professionals. Every member of our team has spent many hours polishing professional skills and earning a unique experience in the spheres of website design, wordpress development, technical support etc. We enjoy the process of creating a theme from its start to its end - from a sparkling design idea, all the way through coding, programming, testing, to the very release, and then still on and on, providing our customers with superior support and guidance.