Page 37 - @林口醫研部201909電子報
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                                                (先依⽉份.再依作者姓名筆畫順序排列 可直接點擊查看)

                  Regulation of miRNA Biogenesis and Histone Modification by K63-
                Polyubiquitinated DDX17 Controls Cancer Stem-like Features.
                ‣ 指導作者:吳國瑞醫師

                  Emergence of Oncogenic-Enhancing Hepatitis B Virus X Gene
                Mutants in Patients Receiving Suboptimal Entecavir Treatment.
                ‣ 指導作者:葉昭廷醫師

                  Temporal Trends of Severe Hypoglycemia and Subsequent Mortality in
                Patients with Advanced Diabetic Kidney Diseases Transitioning to Dialysis.
                ‣ 第⼀作者:蕭景中醫師

                 Modeling Alzheimer's Disease by Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
                Carrying APP D678H Mutation.
                ‣ 第⼀ / 指導作者:張國軒醫師

                         ★108年優秀論⽂                          5⽉                6⽉                7⽉



                        ‣ 專科論⽂:IF≧5, 或 該領域排名前10%之論⽂

                        ‣ ⾮專科論⽂:IF≧5, 且 該領域排名前10%之論⽂

                        ‣ 爾後Scientific reports不予張貼

          Department of Medical Research & Development,  Linkou Newsletter                                             37
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