Page 14 - 2020年醫學倫理暨人文醫學圖書心得精選集
P. 14


第一名 Me Before You=我就要你好好的


  Jojo Moyes 編劇.原著/Thea Sharrock 導演/華納兄弟影業/2016

撰寫人:8B 黃雅蘭護理師


      This film is about love and the courage of living or dying
with dignity. The main actor Will who suffered from a traffic
accident which led to paralysis and depression. When the main
actress, Louisa met him and brought him happiness, they fell in
love with each other. While even in love, the impact of
morbidity and recurrent inflammation on Will, he decided to
choose Euthanasia. The process of facing and choosing to live
or die is truly a dilemma for both and family members.


      To set our love free is the most struggle decision making
in the world and this made me flooded with tears and deeply
touched after watching this movie. It also shocked me when
Will, the main actor chose to die with dignity, a famous quote
came to my mind: to be or not to be, that is a question. “You

2020 年.醫學倫理.人文醫學.心得  1
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