Journal Publication
- Title
- Chen, W. F., Ou, H. Y., Lin, H. Y., Wei, C. P., Liao, C. C., Cheng, Y. F., & Pan, C. T. (2022). Development of Novel Residual-Dense-Attention (RDA) U-Net Network Architecture for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Segmentation. Diagnostics (Basel), 12(8).
- Chen, W. F., Ou, H. Y., Liu, K. H., Li, Z. Y., Liao, C. C., Wang, S. Y., Huang, W., Cheng, Y. F., & Pan, C. T. (2020). In-Series U-Net Network to 3D Tumor Image Reconstruction for Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recognition. Diagnostics (Basel), 11(1).
- Chen, W. F., Ou, H. Y., Pan, C. T., Liao, C. C., Huang, W., Lin, H. Y., Cheng, Y. F., & Wei, C. P. (2021). Recognition Rate Advancement and Data Error Improvement of Pathology Cutting with H-DenseUNet for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Image. Diagnostics (Basel), 11(9).