專業人才 > 免疫

林俊彥 , M.D., Ph.D.
單位: 林口長庚紀念醫院 / 長庚大學
現職: 胃腸肝膽科主治醫師 / 醫學系助理教授
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區復興街五號
電話: 03-3281200 分機:8107
E-mail: chunyenlin@gmail.com

  • Cellular Immunology 細胞免疫學
  • Tumor Immunology 腫瘤免疫學
  • Viral immunology 病毒免疫學
  • Liver immunology 肝臟免疫學

Main interest is to bridge the basic study, translational study and clinical study based on an immunological foundation. The main research fields are listed below:

  1. Basic Studies: Immune mechanisms of immune regulation: using mice model to explore the suppression mechanisms of different regulatory immune cells, including regulatory T cells, tolerogenic dendritic cells; tumor-associated macrophage and MDSC
  2. A. Immune regulation in tumor immunotherapy: using mice model to develop strategies of tumor immunotherapy, especially to block the inhibition effect of immune regulation.
    B. Immune regulation in acute liver injury: using mice model to explore the immune derangement in acute liver injury and to develop possible treatment strategies
  • Translational Studies: Immune regulation in chronic viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, acute liver failure and cancer: using human studies to understand the impact of immune regulation on the disease progression and treatment outcome. The aim is to develop effective immune therapy and to develop useful immunometer for predict the disease progression.
  • Clinical studies: Disease characteristics and treatment responses for chronic hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis and hepatoma. An immunological concept is the main underlying reasoning to approach these diseases.

  • 工作經歷:
    1994—Attending Physician, Division of Gastroenterology/Department of Medicine/Chang Gung Memorial Hospital; Taoyuan, Taiwan
    2011-Associate Chairperson, School of Medicine, College of Medicine;Chang Gung University; Taoyuan, Taiwan
    1980-1987 Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
    Taipei Medical University Taipei, Taiwan

    1997-2002 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    Sir William Dunn School of Pathology/Oxford University/Oxford, England
    1. Lin YC, Mahalingam J, Chiang JM, Su PJ, Chu YY, Lai HY, Fang JH, Huang CT, Chiu CT, Lin CY*. Activated but not resting regulatory T cells accumulated in tumor microenvironment and correlated with tumor progression in patients with colorectal cancer.
    2. Mahalingam J, Lin YC, Chiang JM, Su PJ, Chu YY, Lai HY, Fang JH, Huang CT, Chiu CT, Lin CY*. LAP+CD4+ T cells are suppressors accumulated in the tumor sites and associated with the progression of colorectal cancer.
    3. Chang LY, Lin YC, Kan CW, Hsu CY, Chu YY, Huang CT, Day YJ, Chen TC, Yeh CT, Lin CY*. The indispensable role of CCR5 for in vivo suppressor function of CD103+ effector/memory regulatory T cells.
    4. Chang LY, Lin YC, Mahalingam J, Huang CT, Chen TW, Kang CW, Peng WM, Chu YY, Chiang JM, Dutta A, Day YJ, Chen TC, Yeh CT, Lin CY*. Tumor-derived chemokine CCL5 enhances TGF-β mediated killing of CD8+ T cells in colon cancer by T regulatory cells.
    5. Liu HL, Hsieh HY, Lu LA, Kang CW, Wu MF, Lin CY*. Low-Pressure Pulsed Focused Ultrasound with Microbubbles Promotes an Anticancer Immunological Response.