專業人才 > 皮膚學 | 免疫

黃毓惠 , M.D.
單位:台北 / 林口長庚紀念醫院
現職: 皮膚科助理教授級主治醫師
聯絡地址: 台北市敦化北路199號長庚醫院 皮膚科
電話: (02)27135211 轉3400
E-mail: huangyh@adm.cgmh.org.tw

  • Psoriasis 乾癬
  • Epidemiologic study 流行病學研究
  • Dermatologic 皮膚學
  • Cosmetic surgery 美容手術
1999/7 ~2002/6 林口長庚皮膚科住院醫師
2002/7~2003/6 林口長庚皮膚科總醫師
2003/7~迄今 台北林口長庚皮膚科主治醫師

1992~1999 台灣大學醫學系 學士
2005~2006 日本東京虎之門醫院皮膚外科研究員/日本國際醫療中心皮膚幹細胞研究員
2009/9~2011/6 台灣大學預防醫學研究所 碩士

1. Yu-Huei Huang, Chang-Fu Kuo, Yi-Hua Chen, Ya-Wen Yang. Incidence, mortality, and causes of death of patients with pemphigus in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2012;132:92-7.
2. Yu-Huei Huang, Li-Cheng Yang, Royce C-Y Hui, Ya-Ching Chang, Ya Wen Yang, Chih-Hsun Yang, Yi-Hua Chen, Wen-Hong Chung, Yu-Zong Kuan, Chen-Shen Chiu. Relationships between obesity and the clinical severity of psoriasis in Taiwan Journal of European Academy Dermatology Venereology 2010;24:1035-9.
3. Yu-Huei Huang, Chih-Hsun Yang, Yi-Hua Chen, Chien-Hsun Chen, Shih-Hung Lee. Reduction in osmidrosis using a suction-assisted cartilage shaver improves the quality of life. Dermatologic Surgery 2010;36:1573-1577.
4. Yu-Huei Huang, Ya-Hui Chuang, Tseng-tong Kuo, MD, Li-Cheng Yang, Hong-Shang Hong.Vulvar syringoma: A clinicopathologic and immunohistologic study of 18 patients and results of treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2003;48:735-9.
5. Jui-Hung Ko, Yu-Huei Huang*, Tseng-tong Kuo. Hair counts from normal scalp biopsy in Taiwan. Dermatologic Surgery. 2012;38:1516-20.
6. Chih-Hsun Yang, Su-Chin Shen, Rosaline Chung-Yee Hui, Yu-Huei Huang, Pao-Hsien Chu, Wan-Jing Ho. Association between peripheral vascular endothelial dysfunction and livedoid vasculopathy. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2012;67:107-12.
7. Yin-Ku Lin, Lai-Chu See, Yu-Huei Huang, Ya-Ching Chang, Teng-Cheng Tsou, Yann-Lii Leu, Yu-Ming Shen. Comparison of Refined and Crude Indigo Naturalis Ointment in Treating Psoriasis: Randomized, Observer-Blind, Controlled, Intrapatient Trial. Archives of Dermatology 2012;148:397-400.
8. Ya-Wen Yang, Yi-Hua Chen, Yu-Huei Huang*. Cigarette smoking may modify the risk of depression in eczema among adults: a preliminary study using NHANES 2005-2006. Journal of European Academy Dermatology Venereology 2011;25:1048-53.
9. Yin-Ku Lin, Lai-Chu See, Ya-Ching Chang, Yu-Huei Huang, Jiun-Liang Chen, Teng-Cheng Tsou, Yann-Lii Leu, Yu-Ming Shen. Treatment of psoriatic nails with indigo naturalis oil extract: a non-controlled pilot study. Dermatology 2011;223:239-43.
10. Shyue-Luen Chang, Yu-Huei Huang*, Chih-Hsun Yang, Sindy Hu, Hong-Shang Hong. Clinical manifestations and characteristics of patients with acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis in Asia. Acta Dermato- Venereologica 2008; 88: 363-365.
11. I-Hsin Shih, Yu-Huei Huang*, Chih-Hsun Yang, Li-Cheng Yang, Hong-Shang Hong. Childhood neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 10 patients. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2005;52:963-6.
12. Jui-Hung Ko, Yi-Chin Shih, Yu-Huei Huang*, Chih-Hsun Yang. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Lancet 2012;S0140-6736:61130-1.
13. Jui-Hung Ko, Yu-Huei Huang*, Ming-Jui Hung. Dry gangrene after aortic dissection. Circulation 2012;125:1446.
14. Jui-Hung Ko, Yu-Huei Huang*. Tinea Corporis. British Medical Journal 2011;343:d4863.
15. Po-Yu Shih, Meng-Yun Hsieh, Yu-Huei Huang*, MD, Tseng-tong Kuo. Multiple Pruritic Erythematous Papules on the Trunk After a Trip to Thailand. Archives of Dermatology 2010;146:557-f-562.
16. Chia-Hung Wei, Yu-Huei Huang*, Yi-Chin Shih, Fang-Wen Tseng, Chi-Hsun Yang. Sarcoidosis with cutaneous granulomatous vasculitis. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 2010;51:198-201.
17. Yi-Chin Shih, Chien-Ming Chen, Yu-Huei Huang, Chein-Wei Liao, Chia-Kwung Fan, Chih-Hsun Yang. Subcutaneous cysticercosis diagnosed by mitochondrial DNA analysis. International Journal of Dermatology 2010;49:672-675.
18. Shyue-Luen Chang, Wen-Hung Chung, Yu-Huei Huang*, Hong-Shang Hong. Bilateral sporotrichoid lymphocutaneous dermatosis in a drug abuser: case report and review of the literature. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 2008;9:393-395.
19. Yue-Zon Kuan, Hsiu-cheng Hsu, Tseng-tong Kuo, Yu-Huei Huang*, Hsin-Chun Ho. Multiple verrucous carcinomas treated with acitretin. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2007;56:S29-32.
20. Yu-Huei Huang, Kuniaki Ohara. Medical pearl: subungual hematoma: a simple and quick method for diagsnosis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2006;54:877-8.
21. Yu-Huei Huang, Sui-Huei Wang, Tseng-tong Kuo, Chin-Chi Chi. Pemphigus vegetans occurring in a split-thickness skin graft. Dermatologic Surgery 2005;31:240-3.
22. Ya-Wen Yang, I-Hsin Shih, Yu-Huei Huang*, Tseng-tong Kuo, Hong-Shang Hong. Mixed-type neurothekeoma presenting with an unusual clinical appearance of multiple satellite lesions on the back. Dermatologic Surgery 2005;31:720-2. * corresponding author


台灣皮膚科醫學會 專科醫師

1. Predictor of Life Quality in Patients with Psoriasis
2. 中藥青黛外用治療乾癬的療效機制探討:短期改善發炎或長期免疫調控
3. 幹細胞標記在肢端型惡性黑色瘤的表現及其與腫瘤轉移和臨床結果