專業人才 > 醫學之生化及分子生物

曲 桐 (Scott C. Schuyler) ,Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
現職: 生物醫學系 助理教授
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 轉 3596 傳真: 03-2118700
E-mail: schuyler@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 醫學之生化及分子生物

Assistant Professor, 2010-present, Chang Gung University, College of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Adjunct Professor, 2013-present, Xiamen University, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen, China
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2002-2009, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA
Instructor, 2004-2005, Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge, MA USA
Research Associate, 2001-2002, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA USA

Ph.D. Harvard University 2001
B.A. University of Colorado at Boulder 1993


1. Gopinath RK*, You ST*, Chien KY*, Swamy KBS, Yu JS, Schuyler SC# and Leu JY#. (2014) The Hsp90-dependent proteome is conserved and enriched for hub proteins with high levels of protein-protein connectivity. Genome Biology and Evolution. Oct 13;6(10):2851-65.  *equal contribution, #co-corresponding authors

2. Schuyler SC, Wu Y-F*, Kuan VJ-W*. (2012) The Mad1-Mad2 balancing act - a damaged spindle checkpoint in chromosome instability and cancer.  J Cell Sci. Sep 15;125(Pt 18):4197-4206 *equal contribution.

3. Tzeng Y-W, Huang JN, Schuyler SC, Wu C-H, Juang Y-L. (2011) Functions of the mitotic B-type cyclins CLB1, CLB2, and CLB3 at mitotic exit antagonized by the CDC14 phosphatase.  Fungal Genet Biol. Oct;48(10):966-78.

4. Barnhart EL, Dorer RK, Murray AW, Schuyler SC. (2011) Reduced Mad2 expression keeps relaxed kinetochores from arresting budding yeast in mitosis.  Mol Biol Cell, Jul;22(14):2448-2457.

5. Schuyler SC, Murray AW. (2009) An in vitro assay for Cdc20-dependent mitotic anaphase-promoting complex activity from budding yeast. Methods Mol Biol. 545:271-85.
