Page 16 - 林口醫研部2021年6月電子報
P. 16

•Figure 2. Central Illustration: Summary of the study.

        Two study designs were used in this study in which the Taiwan National

        Health Insurance Research Database was used as the data source. The risk of
        outcomes was compared between the exposure period (i.e., exposure to FQs

        or amoxicillin) and control period (no exposure to FQs) for the same patient

        (A). Furthermore, an active-comparator design was used to compare the risk
        of outcomes between the FQ exposure period and the amoxicillin exposure

        period for the same patient (B). The results revealed that FQs use was

        associated with a higher risk of aortic outcomes (A). The risks of all outcomes

        in the FQ exposure period were higher than those in the amoxicillin exposure
        period (B). AA, aortic aneurysm; AD, aortic dissection; FQs, fluoroquinolones.

                     Department  of Medical  Research &  Development ,  Linkou Newsletter                                 16
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