Page 64 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年9月刊
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NEWSLETTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEWSLETTER
  SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SEPTEMBER

  2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2018
                                                                             IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%

                                 Familial aggregation of Parkinson's disease and coaggregation                                                            The risk of acute kidney injury in Asians treated with apixaban,

                                 with neuropsychiatric diseases: a population-based cohort                                                                rivaroxaban, dabigatran, or warfarin for non-valvular atrial

                                 study                                                                                                                    fibrillation: A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan
                                 CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, MAY. 2018                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, AUG. 2018

                                 IF =7.056(4.57%)                                                                                                         IF= 6.189 (12.7%)

                                 第一作者:麻醉科柳復兆醫師、林煥堂醫師                                                                                                      第一作者:心臟內科詹益欣醫師
                                 指導作者:麻醉科余黃平醫師                                                                                                            指導作者:風濕免疫科郭昶甫醫師、心臟內科郭啟泰


                                 Clinical utility of simultaneous whole-body F-18-FDG PET/
                                 MRI as a single-step imaging modality in the staging of primary                                                          Effect of physical and chemical characteristics on the washout

                                 nasopharyngeal carcinoma                                                                                                 resistance of calcium sulfate pellets

                                 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND                                                                                 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , JUN. 2018

                                 MOLECULAR IMAGING, JUL. 2018                                                                                             IF= 2.986(7.69%)

                                 IF 7.277(2.38%)                                                                                                          指導作者:骨科部賴伯亮醫師


                                 Topical betaxolol for treating relapsing paronychia with                                                                 Red meat and processed meat intake and risk for cutaneous

                                 pyogenic granuloma-like lesions induced by epidermal growth                                                              melanoma in white women and men: Two prospective cohort

                                 factor receptor inhibitors                                                                                               studies

                                 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY,                                                                          JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY,

                                 JUN. 2018                                                                                                                AUG. 2018
                                 IF= 7.002(1.61%)                                                                                                         IF= 6.898 (3.23%)

                                 第一作者:皮膚科嚴啟峰醫師                                                                                                            第一作者:皮膚科顏璽醫師

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