Page 16 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年6月刊
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NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                       顱顏醫學研究中心 - 2017 年代表性研究成果                                   NEWSLETTER  JUNE 2018                                       顱顏醫學研究中心 - 2017 代表性研究成果年

            02-5.                     顱顏醫學研究中心                                                                               There are several advantage of fat transfer: Figures:

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. 3-D simulated results of
                                                                                                                               1.The graft volume that take is long
                                                                                                                               lasting                                                     orthognathic surgery. Left, Pre-

                                                                                                                                                                                             Simulation 3-D photo; Right,
    Orthognathic Surgery with Simultaneous Autologous                                                                          2.Large volumes are graftable,                           Simulation result after orthognathic
                                                                                                                               including in The graft volume that
         Fat Transfer for Correction of Facial Asymmetry                                                                       takes is long lasting. Large.                               surgery, notice that patient will

        (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 139(3): 693-700)                                                                   3.T h e s ur g i c al w o un d s ar e                            have some discrepancies
                                                                                                                                                                                                        after surgery.
                                             撰稿者:張呈欣醫師                                                                         insignificant in size, being punctures,

                                             校稿者:羅綸洲主任                                                                         and can be strategically hidden.

                                                                                                                               4.Minimal complication rates and

             說明:                                                                                                               minimal donor site morbidity. Fat
                                                                                                                               grafts are entirely biocompatible.
        The face is composed with bone and soft tissue. Facial asymmetry is

        a challenge for craniofacial surgeons to correct. Our center currently                                                 5.The volumisation effect of fat
        uses three dimensional (3-D) surgical designs by combining cone-beam                                                   grafting can improve the overlying                                   2. Patient’s picture

        computed tomography scans and 3-D photographs (3dMD, Atlanta,                                                          skin texture.                                                           before surgery

        Ga). Computer assisted surgical designs can help the surgeon achieve                                                   6.Relatively short operation time.

        facial skeletal symmetry. However, even if skeletal symmetrisation can                                                 7.The materials used during the

        be achieved, such patients almost invariably demonstrate some soft                                                     procedure are relatively inexpensive.

        tissue discrepancy that persists after surgery. Autologous fat grafting is                                             8.Donor sites are readily available.

        a minimally invasive procedure that is useful for correcting soft tissue
        deficiencies.                                                                                                         Clinical application:

                                                                                                                              Fat transfer currently is used for all

                                                                                                                              my case of facial asymmetry. It could
              研究發現與應用:                                                                                                        be used also for class II or class III

                                                                                                                              malocclusion patients with facial soft
      With this study, we found that patient will benefit with both primary and                                               tissue depression.

      secondary soft tissue correction with autologous fat transfer. The lower facial
      index is much improved with combination of orthognathic surgery and fat                                                    3. After combination of fat injection

      injection. In the past, we perform fat transfer 6 months after orthognathic                                               and orthognathic surgery: left upper,

      surgery. With advances of techniques, we perform fat transfer together with                                                   one week postoperatively; right

      orthognathic surgery.                                                                                                       upper, one month postoperatively;
                                                                                                                                left lower, frontal view seven months

                                                                                                                              postoperatively; right lower, lateral view
                                                                                                                                     seven months postoperatively.

   15                                                                                        非經本刊及作者同意,請勿做任何形式之轉載                                                                                                                         16
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