  包括心臟外科, 胸腔外科, 耳鼻喉科, 整形外科, 外圍支援, 手術中經食道超心臟
病人自控式止痛 (PCA: Patient-Controlled Analgesia)
  1.胸腔硬膜外病人自控式止痛(Thoracic Epidural PCA)適應症:
    (1). 開胸肺切除手術(2). 胃切除手術(3). 肝葉切除
  2.腰椎硬膜外病人自控式止痛(Lumbar Epidural PCA)適應症: 1. 腹主動脈血管瘤切
  3.全靜脈式病人自控式止痛(Intravenous PCA)適應症:
   (1). 頭頸部腫瘤手術(2). 冠狀動脈及心辦膜手術
2001年 麻醉醫學年會 成果報告:
  1.Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiographic Diagnosis for Progressive Compression
    of The True Lumen during Femorofemoral Bypass in Thoracic Aortic Dissection 洪健朗,
   黃世仁,何綺月,劉宏濱,左 安順,楊敏文
  2.Epinephrine Administration Through Endo-tracheal Tube to Abolish Bronchospasm in
   Patients with Endocardial Cushion Defect 陳介絢,楊敏文,鍾涵濡,何綺月,鄭嘉遜,劉宏濱,
   洪健朗,毛志傑,左安 順,莊岳勳
  3.Low Sensitivity to Methohexital in Pediatric Brain MRI Sedation 陸翔寧,劉錦棠,廖文瑋
  4.Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in an Elderly Patient with Huge Pulmonary Artery by
   the Use of Cardiopulmonary Bypass 劉宏濱, 陳介絢, 何綺月, 洪健朗, 楊敏文, 余志倫
  5.Post-operative Dynamic Airway Collapse After Tracheostomy in a Patient With Relapsing
   Polychondritis 左安順, 鍾涵濡, 吳崇源, 李俊毅, 洪健朗, 楊敏文
  6.Verapmil Increased the Succeed Rate of Cardio-version for Ventricular Fibrillation 楊敏文,
   鍾涵濡,何 綺月,鄭嘉遜,陳介絢,劉宏濱,洪健朗,毛志傑,左安順, 莊岳勳
  7.Attack of Stroke after Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation associated with Mobile
   Atherosclerotic Debris in the Thoracic Aorta by Intraoperative Transesophageal
   Echocardiography 何綺月, 楊敏文, 洪健 朗, 沈青華
  2001 ~ 2002年 進行中研究
  1. 胸腔主動脈血管瘤手術之大腦保護: Brain Protection during Total Circulatory Arrest in
   Thoracic Aortic Surgery. 楊敏文
  2. 基礎麻醉學研究: 麻醉劑對心臟, 神經, 肝臟等細胞的藥理作用. 陸翔寧.
  3. 胸腔麻醉: 以適度的潮氣容積, 降低單肺通氣的肺傷害; 以新式Bronchial Blocker增加
   單肺通氣的成功率; 胸椎硬腦膜外止痛;肺移植麻醉小組. 劉宏濱
  4. 分子生物研究: Adhesion Molecules and Hepato-carcinogenesis. 毛志傑, 葉昭廷
  5. 肺移植, 呼吸道手術之麻醉與術後照顧. 鄭嘉遜
  6. 心臟麻醉及食道超音波之最新研究法. 何綺月, 左安順, 洪健朗
  7. 分子生理學及生物物理學. 戴元基
  8. 冠狀動脈手術之肝素與魚精: Adequacy of Heparin-Protamine Dosage in Cases of Off-Pump
   CABG .莊岳勳
  9. 緊急氣道建立術; 鼻竇手術麻醉: Emergent Airway; Anesthesia for Paranasal Sinusitis.陳介絢
  10. 門診手術麻醉: Ambulatory Surgery and Anesthesia. 鍾涵濡