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 李文益 (Wen-I Lee) 原發性免疫缺陷病照護及研究中心

Primary Immunodeficiency Care And Research (PICAR) Institute

自從21世紀基因體計畫完成後,由於分子診斷技術以及免疫知識的常足進步,可辨識的”原發性免疫缺陷病”(Primary ImmunoDeficiency Diseases, PIDD),亦漸漸增多。至今,已辨識有206種PIDD,當中110種已找到其缺陷的基因。世界衛生組織(WHO),每2~3年更新PIDD的分類。

(一)合併T及B細胞缺陷(Combined T- and B-cell immunodeficiencies),(二)主要B細胞缺陷 (Predominantly antibody deficiencies),(三)其他易辨識免疫缺陷症候群(Other well-defined immunodefieicncy syndromes),(四)免疫失調(Diseases of immune dysregulation),(五)先天吞噬細胞數目或功能缺陷(Congenital defects of phagocyte number, function or both),(六)先天免疫缺損(Defects in innate immunity),(七)自體發炎疾病(Autoinflammatory disorders),(八)補體缺陷(Complement deficiencies)。


 第一,約有50~60%易被分枝桿菌感染的患者,mendelian susceptibility to mycobacteria disease (MSMD; MIM 209950)。MSMD是IIN-gamma IL-12 circle缺損,被劃歸為”先天吞噬細胞數目或功能缺陷”。MSMD是易被毒性較弱的分枝桿菌反覆性嚴重感染。
 第二,原發性巨噬血球症候群 (hereditary hemophagocytic syndromes),包括Chediak-Higashi syndrome、hemophagocytic lymphohisticytosis (FHL) syndromes、X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP)。是緣自於LYST, perforin, Mun 13-D, Syntaxin 11及SAP/SH2A1基因突變。這些被劃歸為”免疫失調”。一旦,這些病童對一般化療效果不佳時,應審慎考慮幹細胞移植。  
第三,在”先天免疫缺損”中的hyper IgM syndrome (HIGM)”,常併有外胚層缺損(毛髮稀疏、無汗腺及尖門牙)。

 第四,”週期熱症候群” (periodic fever syndromes)包含familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)、 TNF receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)、hyper IgD syndrome (HIGD),被歸類為”自體發炎疾病”。



計  劃  名  稱


The Genetic and Molecular Approach to Hypogammaglobulinemia Syndromes.

The Molecular Bases of Patients with Hypogammaglobulinemia.

The Molecular Bases of Patients with Hypogammaglobulinemia.

分析嚴重EBV感染, B細胞淋巴癌, 以及吞噬性淋巴組織球增殖病患, SH2D1A和Perforin 的基因

Analysis of SH2D1A/DSHP/SAP and Perforin (PRF1) mutations in patients with severe Epstein-Barr virus infections, B cell lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin), and hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (or infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome, IAHS)


The immunologic function and molecular genetic analysis in patients with susceptibility to infection  


The immunological assessment in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia and severe thalassemic patients receiving umbilical cord transplantation

Clinical aspects and molecular analysis in patients with increased suspecibility of the genotype and phenotype in hypogammaglobulinemia patients with predominate B cell deficiencies
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP)基因突變病患的分子學及功能評估(1/2)

Molecular and immunological analysis in patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome


長庚兒童過敏氣喘中心 地址: 桃園市龜山區復興街 5 號 L棟地下1樓  TEL (03)328-1200 分機:8770  
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