Page 95 - 2020年醫學倫理暨人文醫學圖書心得精選集
P. 95
The Danish Girl=丹麥女孩 (電影)
David Ebershoff/維京出版社/2000
撰寫人:核子醫學科 黃淳邦 R1
This book is telling a story that a man who is a painter
discovering he is a transsexual and the mind course he had
been through and the relationship with his wife.
I think Eddie Redmayne is a great actor. He well
performed the transsexual’s mind course. To be the different,
especially in the ancient, you must be under a lot of pressure.
Most of the people will see them as a freak, or a psychiatric
patient need to be treated, just like Einar. The doctor see his
feminine one as a disease, and use radiation-it was discovered
in that day and people believed that exposed in radiation for
hours can cure disease, to treat him. Einar’s feminine side,
called Lily, was appeared when he was a child, but Lily was
buried deep in his mind because his father witness he kissed a
boy and hit the boy hardly that make him feel it is a wrong
thing to be Lily. However, after he grew up, Lily was aroused
by his wife accidentally as she told Einar to be her female
2020 年.醫學倫理.人文醫學.心得 82