Page 43 - 2018EthBKM-Mobile
P. 43

The number one principle in organ donation and
transplantation is that no action or intention of organ donation
should be taken before the true death of donors. Saving a
patient’s life is no justification for doctors to harm or even kill
another patient, however weak and sick they are.

      Life is a mystery. Medical doctors are only legally
authorized to determine “death” by human definition. In fact,
we, medical doctors cannot create life. “Terminal and
Non-Terminal” issues are God’s business.

      Medical doctors are capable of saving patients from dying.
Even with such immense ability, we, the medical doctors, are
only human. The determination between life and death is in the
hands of God. Thus, we always need to remember that it’s not
within our power to make such decision (whether someone
lives or die).

      We, the medical doctors, are still just human beings, no
matter how super we are. It is important to remind ourselves
that medical doctors are never the God. Please always be aware
of this point and be humble.

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