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P. 36

cardiovascular outpatient service.


      Heart transplantation is a gold standard in treating patients
with end-stage heart disease, who respond poorly to
medications, and are not suitable for conventional therapies,
such as coronary artery bypass surgery, percutaneous coronary
intervention, and heart valve replacement or repair.

      Organ transplantation has saved countless critical patients
and significantly helped his/her family. After heart
transplantation, most patients can live normally, and continue
to work and contribute to the family and society for many years.
However, organ shortage is always a difficult issue to
overcome, resulting in the number of organ transplantation
performed reaching a plateau in recent years. In addition, heart
transplantation has some unresolved issues that are not easy to
overcome, such as recurrent acute rejection, and chronic
rejection with occurrence of diffuse coronary artery disease.

      Mr. X underwent heart transplantation more than 10 years
ago, and had been living well until several months ago, when
he started to suffer from recurrent heart attacks in spite of
percutaneous intervention, ballooning and placement of
coronary artery stents in the obstructed coronary arteries in the

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