Page 35 - 2018EthBKM-Mobile
P. 35

Hospice care of a heart transplantation


- The Boundary between Medical Dr. and

The God

                                       發生地點:6B 病房/時間: 2018.2.6

撰寫人:胸腔及心臟血管外科 李芳艷 主治醫師


      A heart transplantation patient had been living well until
several months ago, when he started to suffer from acute
myocardial infarction. The heart attacks have recurred for
several times since then. Recently, after a new episode of acute
myocardial infarction, severe heart failure with rest dyspnea
and poor heart function developed. The medical team decided
to communicate with the patient and his family (wife, son and
daughter) about his end-of-life care and completed the family
meeting according to the regulatory SOP of end-of-life care.

      However, after aggressive medical care, the patient was
eventually discharged from the hospital in stable condition. He
has still been stable and being followed up at the

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