Page 77 - 醫研部6月份電子報
P. 77


         •Figure  1.  RSV  significantly  inhibits  superoxide  anion  release,  elastase

         release,  intracellular  superoxide  formation,  CD11b  expression,  and  cell

         adhesion  in  activated  human  neutrophils.  Human  neutrophils  were
         incubated with DMSO (0.1%, as a control) or RSV (3–50 μM) for 5 min prior

         to cell activation. (A, B) The release of superoxide anion and elastase were

         respectively detected spectrophotometrically by using ferricytochrome c and
         elastase  substrate.  (C)  Hydroethidine-labeled  neutrophils  were  stimulated

         using  fMLF/CB  for  another  5  min.  Intracellular  superoxide  levels  were

         determined according to intracellular fluorescence intensity, as measured by

         flow cytometry. (D) CD11b expression was induced  by fMLF/CB for 5 min.
         The  fluorescence  intensity  of  FITC-labeledanti-CD11b  was  monitored  using

         flow  cytometry.  (E,  F)  Hoechst  33342  (1  ng/mL)-stained  neutrophils  were

         incubated  with  RSV  (3–50  μM)  for  5  min,  followed  by  activation  with
         fMLF/CB for 15 min. The LPS-treated endothelial cells were coincubated with

         previously  labeled  neutrophils  for  15  min.  The  adherent  neutrophils  on

         endothelial cells were calculated by a motorized inverted microscope.

                  Department of Medical Research & Development,  Linkou Newsletter                                        77
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