Page 26 - 林口長庚醫研部電子報-2018年3月刊(第2期)
P. 26

要做就要做到最好 - 優秀論文介紹                                                                                                     要做就要做到最好 - 優秀論文介紹

                                                                              IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%                                                                                                       IF ≧ 5 或該領域前 10%

                                                                                                                                                      Delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions
                                   Vocational rehabilitation for enhancing                                                                            induced by proton pump inhibitors: A

                                   return-to-work in workers with traumatic                                                                           clinical and in vitro T-cell reactivity
                                   upper limb injuries                                                                                                study

                                   COCHRANE  DATABASE  OF  SYSTEMATIC  REVIEWS,DEC.                                                                   ALLERGY, Jan.  2018
                                   2017                                                                                                               IF= 7.361(7.69%)

                                   IF= 6.264(8.97%)                                                                                                   第一作者:皮膚科 林千又醫師
                                   指導作者:皮膚科 紀景琪醫師                                                                                                     指導作者:皮膚科 鐘文宏醫師

                                   Synthesis and evaluation of dual crosslinked                                                                       Development of gelatin/ascorbic acid
                                   alginate microbeads.                                                                                               cryogels for potential use in corneal

                                   ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, Jan.  2018                                                                                     stromal tissue engineering
                                   IF= 6.319(3.89%)                                                                                                   ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, Jan.  2018
                                   指導作者:整形外科 鄭明輝醫師                                                                                                    IF= 6.319(3.9%)

                                                                                                                                                      指導作者:眼科部 馬惠康醫師

                                   Clinical and molecular features of MDR
                                   livestock-associated MRSA ST9 with

                                   staphylococcal cassette chromosome mecXII in                                                                       Structure-based design for binding peptides
                                   humans                                                                                                             in anti-cancer therapy
                                   JOURNAL  OF ANTIMICROBIAL  CHEMOTHERAPY, Jan.                                                                      BIOMATERIALS, Feb.  2018
                                   2018                                                                                                               IF= 8.402(2.6%)
                                   IF= 5.071(8.95%)                                                                                                   指導作者:幹細胞與轉譯癌症研究所 游正博教授

                                   第一作者:兒童感染科 陳志榮醫師
                                   指導作者:兒童感染科 黃玉成醫師

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