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Cultivating independent researchers and future perspective

  1. Providing an independent, balanced, sharing, and collaborative research environment and atmosphere so as to inspire doctorsˇ¦ interest and new idea on hepatocellular carcinoma research. All subgroups were allowed for pursuing independent research fields but sharing the same research logic and goals in studying hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Collaboration was strongly encouraged.
  2. Teaching various experimental techniques to young doctors to establish their capability on independent research. In addition, giving them opportunity to acquire national funding on the area of their research interests.
  3. Assisting members to publish their work on prestigious journals.
  4. Arranging regular research meetings for the opportunity of conversion between junior and senior researchers. Currently, basic research communication meeting and clinical research communication meeting were both held monthly.
  5. Assisting members to acquire intellectual properties of their research results.
  6. Collaborating closely with renowned international research centers so as to elevate the research quality and enhance experimental technology.
  7. Participating in international clinical trials.