Dr.Kuan-Hsing Chen


MD, Associate Professor






Diabetic nephropathy, Metabolomics, treatments for renal fibrosis, toxicology, peritoneal dialysis


Professional ACTIVITIES

Newly emerging fields and platform technology are expected to generate great impact in prediction, diagnosis, evaluation of disease treatment, and new drug development for major human diseases. As an emerging field in the post-genomic era, the advances of metabolomics have made great contribution in basic and clinical researches of degenerative diseases. It is time to incorporate this platform technology in a systematic manner into DM research by critically exploring the correlation between the observations in clinical setting and animal models. My research interest is using metabolomics to investigate the pathogenesis of DM, diabetic nephropathy and the mechanisms of new treatments. In addition to Kidney Research Center, parts of my work about metabolomics are supported by the Metabolomics Core Laboratory, Chang Gung University.



1. Chen KH, Lin JL*, Lin-Tan DT, Hsu HH, Hsu CW, Hsu KH, Yen TH. Effect of chelation therapy on progressive diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes and high-normal body lead burdens. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Oct;60(4):530-8.

2. Chen KH, Cheng ML, Jing YH, Chiu DT, Shiao MS*, Chen JK*. Resveratrol ameliorates metabolic disorders and muscle wasting in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Nov;301(5):E853-63.

3. Chen KH, Hung CC, Hsu HH, Jing YH, Yang CW, Chen JK*. Resveratrol ameliorates early diabetic nephropathy associated with suppression of augmented TGF-β/smad and ERK1/2 signaling in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Chem Biol Interact. 2011;190(1):45-53.

4. Chen KH, Lin JL*, Lin-Tan DT, Hsu CW, Huang WH, Yen TH, Weng SM, Hung CC Glycated hemoglobin predicts mortality in nondiabetic patients receiving chronic peritoneal dialysis. Am J Nephrol. 2010;32(6):567-74.

5. Jing YH, Chen KH, Yang SH, Kuo PC, Chen JK*. Resveratrol ameliorates vasculopathy in STZ-induced diabetic rats: role of AGE-RAGE signalling. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2010 Mar;26(3):212-22.






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