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書名:Clinical evidence made easy : the basics of evidence-based medicine
M. Harris、G. Taylor、D. Jackson

Clinical Evidence Made Easy scores maximum 100 and 5 stars on Doody's (Sept 2014)!
Here's what the reviewer said: "This is one of a number of basic science books on evidence-based medicine and a very good addition to the library. The authors present the concepts in a unique and simple way that is easy to read and understand."
Clinical Evidence Made Easy is a concise and accessible introduction for any healthcare professional looking to understand clinical data sources. As clinical evidence becomes increasingly important in healthcare it is vital that healthcare professionals can read, analyze and understand the clinical data being presented. This book will equip the reader with the core skills and knowledge to make sense of the clinical evidence, without over-burdening them with information and jargon. Building on the success of the other Made Easy’ books (Medical StatisticsMade Easy, Healthcare Economics Made Easy, PracticeAccounts Made Easy), this is a book for non-specialists who need knowledge of the key tools and techniques so they can understand the clinical data, but who have no need to become experts in the subject.

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