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書名:Conflict of interest in medical research, education, and practice
作者:Bernard Lo
Marilyn J. Field

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Through an engaging, deeply researched, and eloquent narrative laced with rich and riveting case studies, Dr. Newman cuts to the heart of what really works--and doesn't--in medicine, and rebuilds a bridge between physicians and their patients.Everyone knows of the Hippocratic Oath, the famous invocation sworn by all neophyte physicians. But most don't realize that the father of modern medicine was an avid listener and a constant bedside presence. Hippocrates believed in the doctor-patient connection and gained worldwide renown for championing science over mysticism while respecting and advocating the potency of human healing. Today, argues Dr. David H. Newman, medicine focuses narrowly on the rewards of technology and science, exaggerating their benefits and ignoring or minimizing their perils. Dr. Newman sees a disconnect between doctor and patient, a disregard for the healing power of the bond, and, ultimately, a disconnect between doctors and their Oath.

書名:Ethical issues in modern medicine
作者:Bonnie Steinbock
John D. Arras

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內容:For nearly fifteen years "Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics" has offered scholars and students a highly accessible and teachable alternative to the dominant principle-based theories in the field. Devettere's approach is not based on an ethics of abstract obligations and duties, but, following Aristotle, on how to live a fulfilled and happy life-in short, an ethics of personal well-being grounded in prudence, the virtue of ethical decision making. This third edition is revised and updated and includes discussions of several landmark cases, including the tragic stories of Terri Schiavo and Jesse Gelsinger (the first death caused by genetic research). Devettere addresses new topics such as partial-birth abortion law, embryonic stem cell research, infant euthanasia in The Netherlands, recent Vatican statements on feeding tubes, organ donation after cardiac death, new developments in artificial hearts, clinical trials developed by pharmaceutical companies to market new drugs, ghostwritten scientific articles published in major medical journals, and controversial HIV/AIDS research in Africa.


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