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or just abort it. It seems there is no correct choice.
As mentioned above, the societal and ethic issues caused
by the innovative technologies go beyond safety and traditional
risks, and are dealing with not only public health threats and
environmental damage, but also privacy, fairness, security, and
the acceptability of various forms of human enhancement.
For instance, medical research that mines large databases
(big data), such as people genomic information, may infringe
on citizen’s privacy right. We may understand the importance
of privacy right by looking into the recent breaking news about
Cambridge Analytica on-line survey.
Cambridge Analytica (SCL USA) was incorporated in
January 2015 with its registered office in Westferry Circus,
London and just one staff member, its director and CEO
Alexander James Ashburner Nix (also appointed in January
2015). He declared, “the Ocean five-factor personality model
define different traits in personality across demographics and
all methods of observations”. This is how Cambridge
Analytica’s Facebook targeting model really worked —
according to the person who built it.
A whistleblower just revealed that Cambridge Analytica
secretly took personal information from more than 50 million
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