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發報日期:2008/6/5│發行期數:97年第11期│訂閱/取消電子報 |
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MedlinePlus 您值得信賴的健康資訊網站 評分: 內容: ***** 使用介面: ***** 網頁設計: ***** |
Library of Medicine (NLM)和其他政府單位以及健康相關等組織所提供。根據此網站上的訊息,其中大約包含750種疾病與症狀。 您可以點選網頁下方任一個標題來瀏覽此網站,標題有: Health Topics(健康主題), Drugs & Supplements(藥物索引),
Encyclopedia(線上醫學百科全書), Dictionary(線上醫學字典), News(醫學新聞報導), Directories(名錄),或 Other Resources(其他資源)。另一個幫助你找到正在尋找的資源之簡單方法是,可直接將關鍵字輸入搜尋欄位中搜尋。
重要特色如下: 1.
Health Topics(健康主題):分五大群組(
body location/system, disorders and conditions, diagnosis and therapy,
health and wellness, and demographic group)並依字母順序來排列的健康主題清單。 2.
Drugs & Supplements(藥物索引):藥物索引及藥草資訊的清單。 3.
其中包含超過4,000篇有關疾病、測試、症狀、傷害及手術等文章。 4.
Dictionary(線上醫學字典):可線上查詢Merriam-Webster醫學字典。 5.
Health Information與HealthDay的健康相關新聞文章,以及來自重要醫學組織的最新新聞發佈。 6.
Directories(名錄):提供健康相關專業人員、醫院與臨床中心、健康照護服務之場所等的名錄。 7.
Other Resources(其他資源):一個可供參考的其他資源清單,如圖書館、組織、政府健康網站及資料庫。 獨到之處: MedlinePlus內含一些很棒的互動教學課程,是為有聲音與圖像的幻燈片播映,製作之時皆已做好審核,共有超過165筆。您可以搜尋這些以iseases
and conditions, tests and diagnostic procedures, surgery and treatment
procedures, and prevention and wellness作群組分類的線上教學課程。 附註:此網站含有西班牙文之健康資訊。 費用:免費 RSS XML連結:無 *資料來源: 翻譯自Medicine on the Net, March 2008, Page 15 |
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題名: Medicine & surgery : an integrated textbook 作者: Eric Kian Saik Lim WB102 M4895 2007 iPAC書目連結 |
This is a stunning new hybrid textbook that has evolved as a direct response to the increasing integration of the two disciplines of medicine and surgery in today's medical curricula. The advantage of this combined approach is it reduces the amount of reading by the elimination of repetition (and inconsistencies) to provide an integrated explanation of the common problems faced both by students during exams and clinicians in daily practice. This book's greatest asset is the ability to illustrate that medical and surgical treatment options are actually part of a continuum in the management of
disease. |
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題名: Anaesthesia for the elderly patient 作者: Chris Dodds WO231 D642 2007 |
As the population of the developed world gets proportionally older, elderly patients will continue to present more and more frequently to hospital for surgery and anesthesia. Elderly patients pose a clinical challenge to the anesthestist, who must take into account their special
physiological, pharmacological and psychological requirements. This book offers a concise introduction to the basic science and major clinical issues facing the anesthetist when dealing with the elderly patient. | |||
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題名: Obstetric anesthesia 作者: May C.M. Pian-Smith WO231 O14 2007 |
Anesthesia is a definitive, comprehensive and yet easily navigated reference for all anesthesia practitioners caring for parturients. Designed to offer rapid access to information, it is suited as a convenient reference on the Labor Floor. Over 400 topics are covered in detail, including pharmacology, physiology, delivery of anesthesia, and management of co-existing diseases as they relate to pregnancy. A detailed formulary of common medications, emphasizing indications, contraindications, and maternal and fetal effects of the drugs is also included. |
題名: Principles and practice of clinical electrophysiology of vision 作者: Heckenlively , John R. WW143 P957 2006 |
This authoritative text is the only comprehensive reference available on electrophysiologic vision testing, offering both practical information on techniques and problems as well as basic physiology and anatomy, theoretical concepts, and clinical correlations. The second edition, of the widely used text, offers extensive new material and updated information: 65 of the 84 chapters are completely new, with the changes reflecting recent advances in the field. The book will continue to be an essential resource for practitioners and scholars from a range of disciplines within vision science. |
版權所有 2007 長庚紀念醫院林口圖書館 |