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盧心玉 醫師 |
國立台灣大學牙醫學士 |
高雄長庚口腔病理及家庭牙科主任級主治醫師 |
台北長庚醫院牙科住院醫師及總住院醫師 高雄長庚醫院牙科主治醫師 高雄長庚醫院牙科系主任 高雄長庚醫院口腔病理暨家庭牙科主任 長庚醫院副教授 教育部定副教授 中山醫學大學牙醫系兼任副教授 中華民國口腔病理學會專科醫師、常務理事、第11 屆理事長 中華民國家庭牙醫學會專科醫師常務理事暨副理事長 中華民國口腔植體學會專科醫師 中華民國口腔顏面放射線學會專科醫師 |
A.論文: 1.Shin-Yu Lu*. Osteoblastoma of the jaw bone simulating plasmacytoma- case report with immunohistochemical study. The Chang Gung Med J 1987, 10 (3):263-269. 2.Chyuang-Hwa Yang, Ting-Kuo Liu, Shin-Yu Lu, Hock-Liew Eng. Bilateral warthin’stumors in a Chinese-Literature review and case report. The Chang Gung Med J 1990, 13(4):322-335. 3.Shin-Yu Lu, Leung Chen. Mandible metastasis as the initial manifestation of breast carcinoma- report of a case. Chin Dent J 1991, 10(3):98-103. 4.Shin-Yu Lu*, Pei-Wen Wang. Dental and systemic manifestations in pseudohypoparathyroidism-report of a case. Chin Dent J 1993, 12 (2): 77-83. 5.Suh-JiauYeh, Yag-Tzer Lin, Shin-Yu Lu. A clinical study of endodontic flare- ups. ThChang Gung Med J 1994, 17(2):138-143. 6.Shin-Yu Lu*, Weu-Jen Chen, Hock-Liew Eng. Dramatic response to levamisole and low-dose prednisolone in 23 patients with oral lichen planus, A 6-year prospective follow-up study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 1995, 80: 705-709. 7.ock-LiewEng, Shin-Yu Lu, Wei-Jen Chen. Oral Tuberculosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 1996, 81:415-420. 8. Shin-Yu Lu*, Weu-Jen Chen, Hock-Liew Eng. Response to levamisole and low-dose prednisolone in 41 patients with chronic oral ulcers, A 3-year open clinical trial and follow-up study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 1998, 86:435-445. 9. Yi-Hui Chen, Shin-Yu Lu*. Oral manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism, case report. Chin Dent J 1998, 17(2):96-103. 10. Hui-Ling Chen, Cheng-Chei Wu, Shin-Yu Lu, Ying-Chou Lu. Comparison of the amount ofextruded apical debris between ultrasonic and step-back filing techniques. Chin Dent J 1998, 17(4):235-241. 11. Shun-Ching Kuo, Shin-Yu Lu*. Oral manifestations of Burkitt’s lymphoma, cases report. Chin Dent J 1999, 18(3):217-228. 12. Su-ChiaoYeh, Yng-Tzer Lin, Shin-Yu Lu. Dens invaginatus in the maxillary lateral incisor-Treatment of 3 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 1999, 87:628-631. 13. Shin-Yu Lu*, Wei-Jen Chen. Lethal midline granuloma: report of three cases. The Chang Gung Medical J 2000, 23:99-106. 14. Cheng-Chung Lin, Cheng-Ho Chen, Steven Lai, Yuk-Kwan Chen, Wen-Chen Wan, Shin-Yu Lu,James-Mint Hong, Li-Min Lin. Glandular odontogenic cyst: case report. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2000,16:53-58. 15. Yng-Tzer Lin, Yai-Tin Lin, Shin-Yu Lu. Effects of fluoride chewing gum on stimulated flow rate and fluoride content. The Chang Gung Medical J 2001, 24:44-49. 16. Wei-Hao Lai, Shin-Yu Lu*, Hock-Liew Eng. Levamisole aid in the treatment of refractory oral candidosis in two cases of Myasthenia gravis. The Chang Gung Medical J 2002, 25:606-612. 17. Shin-Yu Lu*, Hock-Liew Eng. Diagnosis of secondary syphilis-related oral ulcers. The ChangGung Medical J 2002, 25: 683-688. 18. Po-Chung An, Yi-Tien Lin, Shin-Yu Lu, Fu-Min Fang, Chonh-Jong Wang, Yeh Tang. Modifiedstepladder lip flap in secondary oral commissure reconstruction.J. P. S. A. R. O. C. 2002; 11:167-175. 19. Shin-Yu Lu*, Hong-Cheng Wu. Initial diagnosis of anemia from soremouth and improved classification of anemias by MCV and RDW in 30 patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 2004, 98:679-685. 20. Shin-Yu Lu*, Shun-Chen Huang, Yng-Tzer Lin. Diagnosis and treatmentof submandibular tuberculous lymphadentitis in children. Taiwan J Pedi Dent 2005, 5(2): 52-60. 21. Shin-Yu Lu*, Shun-Chen Huang, Yaw Sen Chen. Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma on the mandibular gingiva: case report. Chin Dent J 2005, 24 (3):165-170. 22. Shin-Yu Lu*, Ming-Chung Wang, Hock-Liew Eng. Initial diagnosis of B12 deficiency by soremouth and assessment of the red cell distribution width, mean corpuscular volume, and hemoglobin level---a preliminary study. J Dent Sci 2006, 1(1): 23-31. 23. Shin-Yu Lu*. Oral manifestations of metastasis from solid cancers and leukemia: 43 cases in a15-year retrospective study. J Dent Sci 2006, 1(3): 114-125. 24. Shin-Yu Lu*, Shun-Chen Huang, Cheng Hua Huang, Chih-Cheng Huang. Recurrent peripheralameloblastic carcinoma with lung metastasis: case report. J Dent Sci 2006, 1(3):140-145. 25. Shin-Yu Lu*, Chih-Cheng Huang. Resolution of an active peri-implantitis in a chronic steroid user by bone augmentation with PepGen P-15 and a barrier membrane. J Oral Implant 2007, 33(5): 280-287. 26. Shin-Yu Lu*, Liang-Ho Lin, Sheng-Nan Lu, Jing-Houng Wang, Chao-Hung Hung. Increased oral lichen planus in chronic hepatitis patient is associated with elevated transaminase levels before or after interferon/ribavirin therapy. J Dent Sci 2009, 4(4):191-197. 27. Shin-Yu Lu*, Hock-Liew Eng. Dramatic recovery from severe anemia by resolution of severe periodontitis: case report. J Dent Sci 2010, 5(1):41-46. 28. Liang-Ho Lin, Shin-Yu Lu, Sheng-Nan Lu. Seroprevalence of Anti-HCV among patients with oral lichen planus in southern Taiwan. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod 2010, 109: 408-414. 29. Shin-Yu Lu*, Chin-Fan Lin, Shun-Chen Huang. Metastatic oral malignant melanoma transformed from preexisting pigmented lesions in mandibular gingiva: Report of an unusual case. J Dent Sci 2013, 8: 328- 332. 30. Shin-Yu Lu*, Chi-Cheng Liang, Liang-Ho Lin. Retrospective analysis of 27 cases of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treated surgically or non-surgically. J Dent Sci 2014, 9:185-194. 31. Shin-Yu Lu*, Chi-Yu Tsai, Sheng-Nan Lu, Liang-Ho Lin. Is alternation of warfarin regime necessary before dental extractions in Taiwanese patients? Results of a retrospective cohort study. J Dent Sci 2015, 10:352-358. 32. Shin-Yu Lu*, Chi-Yu Tsai, Sheng-Nan Lu, Liang-Ho Lin. Dental extraction without stoppingsingle or dual antiplatelet therapy: Results of a retrospective cohort study. Int J Oral MaxillofacSurg 2016, 45:1293-1298. 33. Shin-Yu Lu*. Perception of iron deficiency from oral mucosa alterations that sho)w a high prevalence of Candida infection. JFMA 2016, 115:619-627. 34. Shin-Yu Lu*, Shu-Hua Huang, Yen-Hao Chen. Numb chin with mandibular pain or masticatory weakness as indicator for systemic malignancy -A case series study. JFMA 2017, 116:897-906. 35. Chun-Pin Chiang, Julia Yu-Fong Chang J, Yi-Ping Wang, Yu-Hsueh Wu, Shin-Yu Lu, Andy Sun. Oral lichen planus - Differential diagnoses, serum autoantibodies, hematinic deficiencies, and management. JFMA 2018, 117:756-765. 36. Shin-Yu Lu*, Liang-Ho Lin, Shui-Sang Hsue. Management of dental extractions in patients on warfarin and antiplatelet therapy. JFMA 2018, 117:979-986. 37. Shin-Yu Lu*, Tzu-Fan Chang, Chih-Jen Lin. Treatment effectiveness of levamisole plus prednisolone on oral lichen planus patients with emphasis on levamisole-induced agranulocytosis or pancytopenia. JFMA 2019, 118:1193- 1201. B.中華牙醫學會訊專論 1.盧心玉科技的發展永遠不能取代牙醫師的細心與良知1999 Sep; 22-23. 2.盧心玉探討口腔黴菌感染之診治 2004 May/Jun; 21-24 3.盧心玉口腔黏膜炎之疼痛控制 2005 Sep/Oct; 26-29. 4.盧心玉口腔病理臨床診斷的三件重要事 2013 No. 230; 17-22. 5.盧心玉口腔病理切片交流觀摩病例報告 (1)Breast carcinoma metastasis to premaxilla. 1996 Sep:39 (2)Burkitt’s lymphoma. 1996Sep: 39-40 (3)Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hard palate. 1996 Oct:36 (4)Osteitis fibrosacystica of primary hyperparathyroidism. 1996 Oct:36-37 (5)Tuberculous lymphadenitis. 1998 Mar:31-32 (6)Syphilitic oral ulcer. 1998 Mar:32-33. (7)Colon cancer metastasis to upper jaw. 1999 Jul:45-46. (8)Colon cancer metastasis to lower jaw. 1999 Jul:46-47. (9)Coinfection of oral tuberculosis and oral candidosis. 2000 Aug: 38-40. (10)Coinfection of syphilis and HIV. 2001 Dec:42-43. (11)Neurilemmoma of tongue. 2002 Jan:34-35. (12)Rapid mission of GVHD is a sign of leukemia relapse. 2008, No 212:44-45. C.臨床家庭牙醫第一卷第一期 (2005年出版) 口腔黏膜炎之疼痛控制 D.當代家庭牙醫學 (2014出版) 第二章:口腔與全身系統性疾病之相關性 E.口腔扁平苔癬病人-口腔保健與照護手冊 (衛福部2017出版,共同撰寫) F. 癌健康口不能傷-癌症病人口腔健康照護指引手冊 (衛福部2018出版,共同撰寫) |