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葉漢根  醫師
Dr. Hon-Kan Yip

詳細資料 論文發表 研究計畫

1.          Yip HK, Chang LT, Sun CK, Chen MC, Yang CH, Hung WC, Hsieh YK, Fang CY, Hang CL, Wu CJ, Chang HW.   Platelet activity is a biomarker of cardiac necrosis and predictive of untoward clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary stenting.  Circ J  2006; 70:31-36  SCI

2.          Wu CJ, Chang HW, Hung WC, Yang CH, Chen YH, Su CY, Yip HK (correspondence).  N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide is a biomarker of congestive heart failure and predictive of 30-day untoward clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  Circ J  2006;70:163-168   SCI

3.          Wu CJ, Cheng CI, Hung WC, Fang CY, Yang CH, Chen CJ, Chen YH, Hang CL, Hsieh YK, Chen SM, Yip HK (correspondence).  Feasibility and safety of transbrachial approach for patients with severe carotid Artery stenosis undergoing stenting.  Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent  2006; 67:967-971  SCI  

4.          Yip HK, Chang LT, Sun CK, Yang CH, Hung WC, Cheng CI, Chua S, Yeh KH, Wu CJ, Fu M.  Impact of clopidogrel on suppression of circulating levels of soluble CD40 ligand in patients with unstable angina undergoing coronary stenting.  Am J Cardiol  2006; 97:192-194  SCI  

5.          Yip HK, Sun CK, Chang LT, Chen MC, Liou CW.  Time course and prognostic value of plasma levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in patients after ischemic stroke.  Circ J  2006;70:447-452  SCI

6.          Yang CH, Guo BF, Yip HK, et al.  Bilateral cardiac catheterizations: the safety and feasibility of a superficial forearm venous and transradial arterial approach.  Int Heart J  2006; 47:21-27  SCI

7.          Chen SM, Hsieh YK, Guo BF, Fang CY, Yip HK et al.  Angiographic and clinical outcome in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients receiving an adjunctive double bolus regimen of tirofiban for primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  Circ J  2006; 70:536-541  SCI

8.          Yip HK, Sun CK, Chang LT, Wu CJ.  Strong correlation between serum levels of inflammatory mediators and their distribution in infarct coronary.  Circ J  2006; 70:838-845  SCI 

9.          Yu TH, Chua S, Cheng CI, Liu WH, Chiu CA, Yang CH, Fang CY, Hsieh YK, Hang CL, Hung WC, Chen YH, Yeh KH, Fu M, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Concentration of soluble P-selectin and white blood cell counts in infarct coronary artery in patients of acute myocardial infarction differ from circulation.  Chang Gung Med J  2006; 29:169-174 

10.      Yip HK, Chang LT, Sun CK, Yang CH, Hung WC, Hang CL, Wu CJ, Chua S, Yeh KH, Chang HW.  Platelet activation in patients with chronically nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.  Int Heart J  2006;47:371-379   SCI

11.      Yip HK, Youssef AA, Wu CJ et al.  Re-elevation of high-sensitivity C-reactive potein but not the von Willebrand factor after a withdrawing atorvastatin therapy in patients with unstable angina undergoing coronary artery stenting: a kinetic study.  Int Heart J  2006; 47:501-509   SCI

12.      Youssef AA, Wu CJ, Hang CL, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Impact of PercuSurge device conjugative with intracoronary administration of nitroprusside on no-reflow phenomenon following primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  Circ J  2006; 70:1538-1542   SCI

13.      Chang LT, Sun CK, Wang CY, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Downregulation of peroxisme proliferator activated receptor gamma co-activator 1α in diabetic rats: role of pharmacomodulation.  Int Heart J  2006; 47:901-910  SCI

14.      Chen MC, Yip HK, Chen CJ, Yang CH, Wu CJ, Cheng CI, Chen YH, Chai HT, Lee CP, Chang HW.  No age-related change in circulating endothelial progenitor cells in healthy subjects.  Int Heart J  2006; 47:95-105  SCI

15.      Sheu JJ, Chang LT, Chiang CH, Yip HK (correspondence).  Impact of diabetic impact on cardiomyocyte apoptosis and connexin43 gap junction integrity: role of pharmacological modulation.  Int Heart J  2007; 48:233-245   SCI

16.      Chang LT, Sun CK, Chiang CH, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Impact of simvastatin and losartan on anti-inflammatory effect: in vitro study.  J Cardiovasc Pharmacol  2007; 49:20-26  SCI  

17.      Tsai TH, Sun CK, Chang LT, Wu CJ, Hang CL, Fang CY, Hsieh YK, Hung WC, Huang SC, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Intensity of immunohistochemical staining of C-reactive protein in macrophage and extra-cellular tissue of atherosclerotic plaque in patients with angina pectoris undergoing directional coronary atherectomy.  Chang Gung Med J  2007; 30:313-320

18.      Yip, HK, Lai SL, Lan MY, Liou, Liou CW, et al.  Time course of platelet activation and von Willebrand Factor in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation after ischemic stroke: evaluation of prognostic determinants.  Circ J  2007; 71: 321-326  SCI  

19.      Youssef AA, Change LT, Hang CL, Wu CJ, Cheng CI, Yang CH, Sheu JJ, Chai HT, Chua S, Yeh KH, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Level and value of interleukin-18 in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary angioplasty.  Circ J  2007; 71:703-708   SCI

20.      Chiu CA, Youssef AA, Wu CJ, Hsieh YK, Yang CH, Chen SM, Chen CJ, Cheng CI, Chen YH, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Impact of PercuSurge GuardWire device on prevention and reduction of recovery time from complete heart block in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  Int Heart J  2007; 48:35-44  SCI 

21.      Yip HK, Wang PW, Chang LT, Youssef AA, Sheu JJ, Lee FY, Wu CJ.  Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 gene polymorphism associated with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction.  Circ J  2007; 71:1213-1218  SCI  

22.      Yip HK, Youssef AA, Chang LT, Yang CH, Sheu JJ, Chua S, Yeh KH, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Hang CL.  Association of interleukin-10 level with increased 30-day mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary intervention.  Circ J  2007; 71:1086-1091  SCI

23.      Cheng CI, Wu CJ, Fang CY, Youssef AA, Chen CJ, Chen SM, Yang CH, Hsueh SK, Yip HK, Chen MC, Fu M, Hsieh YK.  Feasiblity snd safety of transradial stetning for unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis.  Circ J   2007; 71:855-861  SCI

24.      Sun, CK, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Wang CY, Youssef AA, Wu CJ, Chua S, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Losartan preserves integrity of cardiac gap junctions and PGC-1α gene expression and prevents cellular apoptosis in remote area of left ventricular myocardium following acute myocardial infarction.  In Heart J  2007; 48:533-546  SCI

25.      Chen YL, Chen MC, Wu CJ, Yip HK, Fang CY, Hsieh YK, Chen CJ, Yang CH, Chang HW.  Impact of 6-month angiographic restenosis inside baremetal stents on long-term clinical outcome in patients with coronary artery disease.  Int Heart J  2007; 48:443-454   SCI

26.      Yip HK, Youssef AA, Chang WN, Lu CH, Yang CH, Chen SM, Wu CJ.  Feasibility and safety of transradial arterial approach for simultaneous right and left vertebral artery angiographic studies and stenting.  Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol  2007; 30:840-846  SCI

27.      Youssef AA, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Lee FY, Chua S, Yeh KH, Yang CH, Wu CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Association between circulating level of CD40 ligand and angiographic morphologic features that indicate high-burden thrombus formation in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary intervention.  Cir J  2007; 71:1857-1861  SCI 

28.      Yuen CM, MD, Chiu CA, Chang LT, Liou CW, Lu CW, Youssef AA, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Level and value of interleukin-18 in patients after acute ischemic stroke.  Circ J  2007; 71:1691-1696  SCI

29.      Yip HK, Sun CK, Chang LT, Wu CJ, Chua S, Fu M.  Strong suppression of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level and its mediated pro-atherosclerotic effects with simvastatin: in vivo and in vitro studies.  Int J Cardiol  2007; 121:253-260   SCI

30.      Yip HK, Chang LT, Sun CK, Youssef AA, Sheu JJ, Wang CJ.  Shock wave therapy applied to rat bone marrow–derived mononuclear cells enhance formation of cells stained positive for CD31 and vascular endothelial growth factor.  Circ J  2008; 72:150-156  SCI

31.      Yip HK, Chang LT, Chang WN, Lu CH, Liou CW, Lan MY, Liu JS, Youssef AA, Chang HW.  Level and value of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients after acute ischemic stroke.  Stroke  2008; 39:69-74  SCI

32.      Sheu JJ, Chang LT, Chiang CH, Youssef AA, Wu CJ, Lee FY, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Prognostic value of activated Toll-Like Receptor-4 in monocytes following acute myocardial infarction.  Int Heart J   2008; 49:1-11  SCI

33.      Yip HK, Chang LT, Sun CK, Sheu JJ, Chiang CH, Youssef AA, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Fu M.   Autologous transplantation of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats.  Critical Care Medicine  2008;36:873-880  SCI

34.      Chang LT, Sun CK, Sheu JJ, Chiang CH, Youssef AA, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Cilostazol therapy attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rat model.  Circ J  2008; 72:825-831   SCI

35.      Chung SY, Lin FC, Chua S, Fu M, Wu CJ, Yip HK, et al.  Clinical profile and outcome of first acute myocardial infarction with ischemic mitral regurgitation.  Chang Gung Med J  2008; 31:268-275

36.      Sheu JJ, Tsai TH, Chang LT, Chiang CH, Youssef AA, Sun CK, Chang NK, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Diabetes mellitus downregulates expression of connexin43 in rat aortic medial smooth muscle cells can be reversed by simvastatin and losartan therapy.  Chang Gung Med J  2008; 31:136-144

37.      Yip HK, Chang LT, Wu CJ, Sheu JJ, Youssef AA, Pei SN, Lee FY, Sun CK.  Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy prevents the damage of viable myocardium and improves rat heart function following acute anterior myocardial infarction.  Circ J  2008;72:1336-1346   SCI

38.      Cheng CI, Hsueh SK, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Fang CY, Sheu JJ, Chen SM, Yang CH, Hsieh YK, Chen MC, Fu M, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Clinical presentation and prognostic factors of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction following emergent revascularization for left main coronary obstruction.  Circ J  2008; 72:1598-1604  SCI

39.      Chua S, Sheu JJ, Chang LT, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Sun CK, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Comparison of losartan and carvedilol on attenuating inflammatory and oxidative response and preserving energy transcription factors and left ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy rats.  Int Heart J  2008; 49:605-519  SCI  

40.        Hsueh SK, Hsieh YK, Wu CJ, Fang CY, Chen CJ, Chen SM, Yang CH, Yip HK, Chen MC, Fu Morgan, Cheng CI.  Immediate results of Percutaneous coronary intervention For Unprotected left main coronary artery stenoses: Transradial versus Transfemoral approach.  Chang Gung Med J  2008; 31:190-200

41.      Chen YL, Yip HK, Chen CJ, Yang CH, Fang CY, Hsieh YK, Hang CL, Wu CJ.  Predictors of 6 month angiographic restenosis inside bare-metal stent in Chinese patients with coronary artery disease.  Acta Cardiol Sin  2009; 25:1-6

42.      Sheu JJ, Yuen CM, Sun CK, Chang LT, Yen CH, Chiang CH, Ko SF, Pei SN, Chua S, Bhasin A, Wu CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Six-month angiographic study of immediate autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell implantation on acute anterior wall myocardial infarction using a mini-pig model.  Int Heart J  2009; 50:221-234  SCI

43.      Chen YL, Bhasin A, Youssef AA, Wu CJ, Yang CH, Hsieh YK, Fang CY, Hang CL, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Prognostic factors and outcomes in Chinese young patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary angioplasty.  Int Heart J  2009; 50:1-15  SCI

44.      Sun CK, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Chiang CH, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Chua S, Fu M, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell therapy alleviates left ventricular remodeling and improves heart function in rat dilated cardiomyopathy.  Crit Care Med  2009; 37:1197-1205  SCI

45.      Sung PH, Sun SK, Ko SF, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Lee FY, Wu CJ, Chua S, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Impact of hyperglycemic control on left ventricular myocardium: a diabetic rat model of molecular and cellular basic study.  Int Heart J  2009; 50:191-206  SCI

46.      Chang LT, Yuen CM, Sun CK, Wu CJ, Sheu JJ, Chua S, Yeh KH, Yang CH, Youssef AA, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Relationship between circulating level of stromal cell-derived factor-1α and endothelial progenitor cells and their impact on clinical outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary coronary angioplasty.  Circ J  2009; 73:1097-1104  SCI

47.      Chang LT, Chua S, Sheu JJ, Wu CJ, Yeh KH, Yang CH, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Level and prognostic value of serum myeloperoxidase in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.  Circ J  2009; 73:726-731  SCI 

48.      Chua S, Chang LT, Sun CK, Sheu JJ, Lee FY, Youssef AA, Yang CH, Wu CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Time courses of subcellular signal transduction and cellular apoptosis in remote viable myocardium of rat left ventricles following acute myocardial infarction: role of pharmacomodulation.  J Cardiovasc Pharmacol  2009; 14:104-115  SCI

49.      Sun CK, Yuen CM, Kao YH, Chang LT, Chua S, Sheu JJ, Yen CH, Ko SF, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Propylthiouracil attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats.  Circ J  2009; 73:1722-1730  SCI

50.      Cheng CI, Lee FY, Chang JP, Hsueh SK, Hsieh YK, Fang CY, Chen SM, Yang CH, Yip HK, Chen MC, Fu M, Wu CJ.  Long-term outcomes of intervention for unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis: coronary stenting vs coronary artery bypass grafting.  Circ J  2009; 73:705-712   SCI

51.      Sun CK, Lee FY, Sheu JJ, Yuen CM, Chua S, Chung SY, Chai HT, Chen YT, Kao YH, Chang LT, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Early combined therapy with cilostazol and bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells markedly attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther  2009; 330:718-726  SCI

52.      Chua S, Sun CK, Yen CH, Ko SF, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Wu CJ, Fu M, Wang CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Autologous transplantation of shock wave-treated bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells enhances vascularization and connexin43 expression in rat dilated cardiomyopathy.  Acta Cardiol Sin  2009; 25:64-75

53.      Chen SM, Hang CL, Yip HK, Fang CY, Wu CJ, Yang CH, Hsieh YK, Guo GB.  Outcomes of

     interventions via a transradial approach for dysfunctional Brescia-cimino fistulas.  Cardiovasc

Intervent Radiol  2009; 32:952-959  SCI

54.      Yip HK, Chung SY, Chai HT, Youssef AA, Bhasin A, Yang CH, Chen SY, Hang CL, Hsieh YK, Chen CJ, Chang LT, Sun CK, Wu CJ.  Safety and efficacy of transradial versus transfemoral arterial primary coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: single-center experience  Circ J  2009; 73:2050-2055  SCI

55.      Ko SF, Liang CD, Yip HK, Huang CC, Ng SH, Huang CF, Chen MC.  Evaluation of atrial spetal defect for amplatzer spetal occluder closure: comparison between transthoracic echocardiography, cardiac computed tomography, and transesophageal echocardiography.  Am J Roentgenology  2009; 193:1522-1529  SCI

56.      Shao PL, Chiu CC, Yuen CM, Chua S, Chang LT, Sheu JJ, Sun CK, Wu CJ, Wang CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Shock wave therapy effectively attenuates inflammation in rat carotid artery following endothelial denudation by balloon catheter.  Cardiology  2010;115:130-144  SCI

57.      Sheu JJ, Chua S, Sun CK, Chang LT, Yen CM, Wu CJ, Fu M, Yip HK (Correspondence). Intra-coronary administration of cyclosporine limits infarct size, attenuates remodeling and preserves left ventricular function in porcine acute anterior infarction.  In J Cardiol  2010 (in press)  SCI

58.      Fang HY, Chung SY, Sun CK, Youssef AA, Bhasin A, Tsai TH, Yang CH, Chen CJ,  Hussein H, Wu CJ, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Transradial and transbrachial arterial approach for simultaneous carotid angiographic examination and stenting using catheter looping and retrograde engagement technique.  Ann Vasc Surg  2010 (in press)  SCI

59.      Leu S, Chang WN, Chen SF, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Cerebral protection for carotid artery stenting: safety, efficacy and limitations.  Acta Cardiol Sin  2010 (in press)

60.      Chang LT, Yuen CM, Liou CW, Lu CH, Chang WN, Youssef AA, Yip HK (Correspondence).  Link between interleukin-10 level and outcomes after ischemic stroke.  Neuroimmunomodulat  2010 (in press)  SCI

61.      Youssef A, Yip HK(Co- Correspondence), Yang CH, Hang CL, Hsieh YK, Fang CY, Wu CJ.  Cobalt chromium coronary stents and drug-eluting stents in real practice.  Inter Heart J  2010 (in press)  SCI

62.      Yang CH, Guo BF, Chen SM, Yip HK, Hsieh YK, Fang CY, Chen CJ, Cheng CI, Hsueh SK, Hang CL,    Chen MC, Wu CJ.  Transradial angioplasty for chronic total occlusion in the coronary artery.  Chang Gung Med J  2010 (in press)

63.      Gan HW, Yip HK (Co-correspondence), Wu CJ.  Brachial approach for coronary angiogram and intervention: totally obsolete or a feasible alternative when Radial access not possible.  Ann Acad Med  2010 (in press) SCI

64.      Fang HY, Hussein H, Hsueh SK, Yang CH, Chen CJ, Fang CY, Hsieh YK, Hang CL, Yip HK, Wu CJ.

     Can a penetration catheter (Tornus) substitute traditional rotational atherectomy for recanalizing

chronic total occlusions?  Inter Heart J  2010 (in press)  SCI

65.      Sun CK, Yip Hk (Correspondence).  Bone marrow cells reduce fibrogenesis and enhance regeneration in frobrotic rat liver.  J Surg Res  2010 (in press)  SCI 

66.      Yen CH, Leu S, Lin YC, Kao YH, Chang LT, Chua S, Fu M, Wu CJ, Sun CK, Yip HK (correspondence).  Sildenafil limits monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats through suppression of pulmonary vascular remodeling.  J Cardiovasc Pharm  2010 (in press)  SCI

67.          Sheu JJ, Sun CK, Chang LT,  Fang HY, Chung SY, Chua S, Fu M, Lee FY, Kao YH, Ko SF, Wang CJ, Yen CH, Leu S, Yip HK (correspondence).  Shock wave-pretreated bone marrow cells further improve left ventricular function following myocardial infarction in rabbits.  Ann Vas Surg  2010 (in press)  SCI




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