唐曄 主治醫師
1.高雄長庚醫院 血液科主治醫師
高雄長庚醫院 血液腫瘤科主治醫師
1.Tailored Selection of First-Line Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma of Bladder.

2.The use of transdermal fentanyl in cancer pain-a compliance study of outpatients in Taiwan.

3.Intraarterial Cisplatin and intravenous adriamycin in nonmetastatic osteosarcoma of the extremities: a single insitution experience in Taiwan.

4.Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma-Amedical center` experience

5.Incidence of ischemic stroke post-chemotherapy : A retrospective review of 10963 patients

6.Treatment outcomes of patients with AJCC stage IVC nasopharyngeal carcinoma : benefits of primary radiotherapy

7.Retrotracheal thymoma masquerading as esophageal submucosal tumor

8.Concurrent chemoradiltherapy for unresectable thymic carcinoma

9.Quality of life as a survival predictor for predictor for patients with advanced head and neck carcinoma treated with radiotherapy.

10.Syncope in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma