專業人才 > 癌症

沈雯琪, M.D.
單位: 林口長庚醫院
現職: 林口長庚醫院腫瘤科主治醫師
聯絡地址: 桃園市龜山區復興街五號
電話: 03-328-1200 轉2517 傳真: 03-3281200-2364
E-mail: c220273@adm.cgmh.org.tw

  • 癌症


2005/08~迄今 林口長庚紀念醫院 血液腫瘤科 主治醫師


1. Wen-Chyi Sheen, Jen-Shi Chen, Hung-Ming Wang, Tsai-Shen Yang, Chuang-Chi Liaw, and Yung-Chang Lin*.
A Modified Low-dose Regimen of Mitoxantrone and Prednisolone in Patients with  Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol., Jun 2004; 34: 337 - 341.
2. Yung-Chang Lin, Hsien-kun Chang, Wen-Chi Shen, Jen-Shi Chen, Hung-Ming Wang
An open-labeled phase II trial of docetaxel in combination with cisplatin as first-line cytotoxic therapy for anthracycline-naïve patients with metastatic breast cancer. Anti-cancer Drugs 2007,18:1213-1219
3. Hung-Chih Hsu; Hsien-Kun Chang; Yung-Chang Lin; Sheu Hseu1;Jen-Shi Chen; Tsai-Shen Yan; Hung-Ming Wang ; Wen-Chi Shen
The Role of HER2 in Metastatic Breast Cancer Treated with a Combination of Taxanes and Cisplatin. Chang Gung Med J 2009;32:33-41
4. Wen-Chi Shen; Tsai-Sheng Yang; Hung-Chih Hsu; Jen-Shi Chen*.
A Phase II Study of Irinotecan in Combination With Cisplatin as Second-line Chemotherapy in Patients with Metastatic or Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer. Chang Gung Med J. 2011 Nov-Dec;34(6):590-8
5. Chen JS, Chen YY, Huang JS, Yeh KY, Chen PT, Shen WC, Hsu HC, Lin YC, Wang HM.;A multiple-center phase II study of weekly docetaxel and oxaliplatin as first-line treatment in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 2012 Jan;15(1):49-55


2013/09/01-2014/08/31 A study of matrix gla protein in acral lentiginous melanoma.