專業人才 > 幹細胞 | 癌症 | 免疫 | 血液學 | 感染醫學 | 醫學實驗技術 | 醫學之生化及分子生物 | 微生物 | 保健衛生 | 醫事技術及實驗診斷

林素珍 , Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
職稱: 生物技術暨檢驗學系 助理教授 
聯絡地址: 33302 桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 分機:3727 傳真: 03-2118700
E-mail: suejane.lin@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 幹細胞
  • 癌症
  • 免疫
  • 血液學
  • 感染醫學
  • 醫學實驗技術
  • 醫學之生化及分子生物
  • 微生物
  • 保健衛生
  • 醫事技術及實驗診斷

2008/12-2009/07 國衛院免疫醫學研究中心助理研究員
2008/04-2008/11 國立台灣大學醫學院微生物研究所博士後研究員
2004/12-2008/03 美國麻州大學醫學院病毒免疫博士後研究員
2003/11-2004/11 國衛院院長實驗室博士後研究員

2003 國立陽明大學微免所博士
1998 國立陽明大學微免所碩士
1996 國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系學士

-2014 This paper “The pathological effects of CCR2+ inflammatory monocytes are amplified by an IFNAR1-triggered chemokine feedback loop in highly pathogenic influenza infection. Journal of Biomedical Science. 21: 99-116” has been recommended on Pubadvanced by Catalent Pharma Solutions.
-2014 This paper “Epstein-Barr virus lytic Zta protein induces the expression of autocrine interleukin-13 promoting proliferation of Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells. Blood, 2009, Jul 2; 114(1):109-18 has been recommended on Pubadvanced by an Associate Director working at Novo Nordisk.
-2009 The paper was selected by “Faculty 1000 Biology” in 2009. “Epstein-Barr virus lytic Zta protein induces the expression of autocrine interleukin-13 promoting proliferation of Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells. Blood, 2009, Jul 2; 114(1):109-18
-2007 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Scholarship, Keystone Symposium: Immunological Memory, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 2007
-2004 Outstanding Academic Paper Award, Liver Disease Prevention & Treatment Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, 2004
-2003 Travel Award from National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2003. (The American Association of Immunologists 90th Anniversary Meeting, USA, 2003)
-2000 Research Grant, Liver Disease Prevention & Treatment Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, 2000
-1999 Travel Award from National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1999. (Keystone symposia conference on the molecular basis of cancer, Keystone, USA, 1999)

  1. Sue-Jane Lin, Ming Lo, Rei-Lin Kuo, Shin-Ru Shih, David M. Ojcius, Jean Lu, Chien-Kuo Lee, Hui-Chen Chen, Meei Yun Lin, Chuen-Miin Leu, Chia-Ni Lin and Ching-Hwa Tsai. 2014. The pathological effects of CCR2+ inflammatory monocytes are amplified by an IFNAR1-triggered chemokine feedback loop in highly pathogenic influenza infection. Journal of Biomedical Science.21:99-116.
  2. Shu-Chun Tsai*, Sue-Jane Lin*, Cheau-Jye Lin, Ya-Ching Chou, Jiun-Han Lin, Te-Huei Yeh, Mei-Ru Chen, Li-Min Huang, Meng-You Lu, Ya-Chi Huang, Huan-Yun Chen and Ching-Hwa Tsai. 2013. Autocrine CCL3 and CCL4 induced by the oncoprotein LMP1 promote Epstein-Barr virus-triggered B cell proliferation. Journal of Virology. 87:9041-52. *Equally contribution
  3. Erh-Fang Hsieh*, Sue-Jane Lin*, Chee-Keng Mok*, Guang-Wu Chen, Chih-Heng Huang, Yeau-Ching Wang, Tzu-Chun Chen, Chi-Jene Chen, David M Ojcius and Shin-Ru Shih. 2011. Altered pathogenicity for seasonal influenza virus by single reassortment of the RNP genes derived from the 2009 pandemic influenza virus. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 204: 864-872.*Equal contribution
  4. Sue-Jane Lin, Alex T Chen and Raymond M Welsh. 2008. Immune system derived from homeostatic proliferation generates normal CD8 T-cell memory but altered repertoires and diminished heterologous immune responses. Blood. 112: 680-689.
  5. Sue-Jane Lin, Craig D. Peacock, Kapil Bahl and Raymond M. Welsh. 2007. Programmed death-1 (PD-1) defines a transient and dysfunctional oligoclonal T cell population in acute homeostatic proliferation. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 204: 2321-2333.


2014/8/1 - 2017/7/31 探究流感病毒感染誘發之CCR2 及CXCR3 ligands 表現的分子機制及其在致病機轉所扮演的角色