Expertise at Chang Gung System

Shih, Chi-Chung , M.D.
Intitution:Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung
Position: Attending Physician
Department: Department of Emergency Medicine
Address: 222, Maijin Road, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C

Focus of Interest :
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Critical Medicine

Fulltime Employment:
  1. 1996/7-1997/6 Intern, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan.
  2. 1999/8-2000/7 First year Resident, Department of Family medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Keelung.
  3. 2000/8-2001/7 Second year Resident, Department of Family medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Linkou.
  4. 2001/8-2002/7 Third year Resident, Department of Family medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Linkou.
  5. 2002/8-2003/7 First year Fellow, Department of Emergency Medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Linkou.
  6. 2003/8-2004/7 Second year Fellow, Department of Emergency Medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Linkou.
  7. 2004/8- Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine Chang Gang Memorial Hospital, Linkou.

  • 1990 10 -1997.6 Chang Shan Medical University, Taichung

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Board Certification:
 1. 2003.1.9 .Specialist of Family Medicine, Certification No. 004616
 2. 2005.2.26 Specialist of Emergency Medicine, Certification No:000702
Licensers: Chinese License NO: 029807
Professional Affiliations:
 1. Member of The Association of Family Medicine of ROC. No.4338.
 2. Member of The Society of Emergency Medicine, Taiwan, ROC.