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  • About Tissue Bank

Founded in 2006, Tissue Bank of Lin-Kou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital was originated from "tumor bank" of department of surgery. Tissue bank is specialized in collecting and banking high-quality tissue specimen for biomedical research of CGMH. In addition to provide and management resources for research use, Tissue Bank also provide service such as laser capture microdissection, tissue microarray and automatic nucleic acid extraction for investigators who needs.
Tissue Bank pass the authorization and audit of TAF ISO17025 on April, 2011. Until now, more than 50,000 of tissue specimen has been collected.

            TEL:+886-3-3281200 ext. 5409  
            FAX: 886-3-3280147  
            ADD:No.5, Fusing St., Gueishan Township, Taoyuan County 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)