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  • Confocal Microscopy
upright confocal  

Upright Confocal Microscopy

Model: Leica TCS SP2
Microscope: Leica DMRE HC(UV)
 Visible laser
  ◆Ar laser (458, 476, 488 and 514nm)
  ◆He-Ne laser (543nm)
  ◆He-Ne laser (633nm)
 UV laser
  ◆Ar-UV laser
  ◆“k” Scanner with 3-individual fiber-
   coupling laser ports and optics
Detector: Multi-band Spectrophotometer
     (400-850nm) with 4PMT tube
Software: Leica confocal software
Image Forms:
 ◆Bright field
 ◆Phase contrast
 ◆Normaski differential interference contrast

inverted confocal  

Inverted Confocal Microscopy

Model: Leica TCS SP2
Microscope: Leica DM IRBE HC(UV)
 Visible laser
  ◆Ar laser (458, 476, 488 and 514nm)
  ◆He-Ne laser (543nm)
  ◆He-Ne laser (633nm)
 IR laser
  ◆Spectra-physics' Tsunami Solid-State
      Mode-locked Ti: Sapphire laser
  ◆Tenability: 690 ~ 1080 nm
  ◆Laser pulse type: Pico second mirror set
  ◆“k” Scanner with 3-individual fiber-
   coupling laser ports and optics
Detector: Multi-band Spectrophotometer
     (400-850nm) with 3PMT tube
Software: Leica confocal software
Image Forms:
 ◆Bright field
 ◆Phase contrast


            TEL:+886-3-3281200 ext. 8174  
            ADD:No.5, Fusing St., Gueishan Township, Taoyuan County 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)