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頭頸外科 回耳鼻喉部首頁 > 醫療團隊 > 頭頸外科
Head and Neck Surgery


  • 長庚大學醫學系講師
  • 長庚醫院耳鼻喉部頭頸腫瘤科 助理教授級主治醫師
  • 台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會監事
  • 亞洲頭頸部腫瘤醫學會(ASHNO)會員



  • 台灣耳鼻喉專科醫師
  • 長庚醫院林口醫學中心耳鼻喉部總醫師


  • Outstanding College Youth of 2002 by the China Youth Corps (CYC)


著作列表 (Publications)
1. Fang KH, Chen CK, Hao SP*. Acute visual loss in a head and neck cancer patient with ocular metastasis and sphenoid pyocele. Auris Nasus Larynx 2007, 34(4):569-71 (SCI; IF=0.603; Otolaryngology 27/31)
2. Fang KH, Hao SP*, Yang GR. The characteristics and factors associated with the habit of betel quid chewing among Taiwan industrial asphalt association employees. J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007, 42(6):186- 204
3. Hao SP*, Tsang NM, Chang KP, Hsu YS,Chen CK, Fang KH. Nasopharyngectomy for recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a review of 53 patients and prognostic factors. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 2008, 128(4):473-81 (SCI; IF=0.868; Otolaryngology 21/31)
4. Hsin LJ, Fang TJ, Chang KP*, Fang KH, Tsang NM, Chen YL, Jung SM, Yeh Albert RM, Hao SP. Transoral endoscopic CO2 laser microsurgery for early laryngeal cancers. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2009, 32(5):517-25
5. Fang KH, Kao HK, Cheng MH, Chang YL, Tsang NM,Huang YC, Lee LY, Yu JS, Hao SP, Chang KP*. Histological differentiation of primary oral squamous cell carcinoma in betel quid prevalent area. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (in press) (SCI; IF=1.409; Otolaryngology 13/31)