
International Fellowship Training Program
Joint Reconstruction, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Chair and Director
Pang-Hsin Hsieh, M.D
Professor and Chief
Division of Joint Reconstruction, Department of Orthopedic Surgery

Faculty & Co-Directors
1. Steve WN Ueng, M.D., Professor, Musculoskeletal Infection
2. Hsin-Nung Shih, M.D., Professor, Orthopaedic Oncology
3. Mel S. Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Minimally Invasive Surgery,
4. Pang-Hsin Hsieh, M.D., Professor, Septic Arthritis, Hip Resurfacing

The Adult Reconstruction Fellowship Program serves to provide appropriate training to individuals interested in the field of joint reconstruction surgery through the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.

General Information
This fellowship program is designed to help fellows refine skills in the specialized care of joint replacement patients, and in research related to biomechanics and biomaterials. Academic opportunities include journal clubs, scientific conferences, gait, biomechanics, biomaterials, and tissue engineering facilities. The Department of Orthopedic Surgery in the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has 232 orthopedic beds and 14 operation rooms. Primary and complex revision cases are at the daily practice basis. The fellowship also includes significant exposure to minimally invasive surgical techniques, orthopedic oncology, and musculoskeletal infections. After acceptance, process of documentation will be needed to apply for temporary permit from the Medical Councils both in the CGMH and the DOH. Each fellow requires academic achievement that encourages presentation in the orthopedic conference and publication of scientific paper in the peer-reviewed journal.

Requirements for Acceptance to Training Program
M.D. degree, graduate from an approved Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program, Completed Fellowship Application, Letter of reference from the residency program Director. Complete Curriculum Vitae, Copy of Diploma of Medical Education, Copy of License for Medical and Orthopedic Practice, Certificate of clinical experience from practicing institution (at least 1 year), Recommendation letters from Department head or higher-ranked supervisors, Copy of passport.

Fellows will assist attending staff on an assigned basis.

Joint reconstructive surgery, primary and revision joint replacement surgery. Orthopedic oncology and musculoskeletal infection will be included. The fellowship program will stress on patient selection, pre-operative planning, surgical techniques and patient follow-up.

Attendance is required for the following: Orthopedic Grand Rounds/Weekly, Orthopedic Journal Club/Weekly, Adult Reconstruction Case Conference/Weekly, Mortality and Morbidity Conference/Monthly, Annual Conference of TOA

Clinical research project is required. Participation in a basic research project is encouraged.

Surgery Monthly
Approximately 160 joint replacements and other adult reconstructive procedures per month.

The fellow is expected to develop a list of projects, which she or he would like to consider during the fellowship year. The list will be reviewed during the first week of the fellowship, and at least one topic will be selected by the end of the first month of the fellowship. This will ensure that the fellow will have 11 months to initiate and to complete the project planned that can be presented in the annual conference of TOA. 
All fellows are expected to participate in a minimum of one clinical research project and presentation at the national meeting and submission for publication.

Medical Student/Resident Education
The fellows are responsible for lectures to medical students and residents.  Fellows are expected to teach residents and students in the clinical setting.

Patients are frequently admitted to the hospital as a day-of-surgery admission. Preoperative evaluation should be done by the fellows that include indications, medical evaluations, data reviews, and preoperative planning.

The fellow should cooperate with the Department Chief Resident to ensure the preparation of special instruments and personnel for patients.

Daily Rounds and Postoperative Care
In general, Adult Reconstruction patients do remain in the hospital postoperatively. Significant complications can occur in the postoperative period; therefore, fellows are expected to be prompt, courteous, and vigilant with respect to patient related problems and telephone calls from the nursing station and/or residents. When in doubt, any questions regarding patient management should be brought directly to the attention of the staff surgeon or the person on call. The patients in the hospital will be cared for by both the resident on service, working as a team, but it is expected that the fellow will maintain awareness of all patients hospitalized following surgery.

Evening and Weekend Coverage
Hospital patients are seen every day by the resident and fellow together.  Weekend rounds are the responsibility of the fellow and resident. The fellow is expected to be available for calls and surgery on nights and weekends as attending staff surgery schedules demand.

Vacation & Conference Time
Two weeks of vacation and one week of conference time will be allocated each year. Additional time may be requested and approved by the staff if specific arrangements are made in advance. These activities should be coordinated through the fellowship director.