




五、研究論文(含次級資料研究)均需經IRBInstitutional Review Board)或CRBCommunity Review Board)審查,並於文章中註明核准或免審文號




(一)標題頁:包括中、英文題目、中英文簡短題目(running head)約20個宇元以内、所有作者中、英文姓名、學歷、所屬機構、職稱以及通訊作者姓名、機構、地址、電話、傳真及電子郵件帳號。



(四)文獻引用 reference citations):文内引用文獻時,儘量引用近五年之文獻;作者若爲二人,每次引用均需呈現所有作者的姓氏,作者若爲三人以上,只需列第一位作者,其他作者以『等』或etal.”代之,但參考資料部分則須列出所有作者。





十三、圖、表、文獻引用書寫請按照APAAmerican Psychological Association)第七版格式。參考資料(reference list)僅列出正文中已引用者,原著研究30篇為限,文獻回顧以50篇為限,一般稿綜論、專案改善、個案報告)以15篇為限,





Instructions to Authors of Chang Gung Nursing

1.         The editors welcome the submission of articles from all disciplines of nursing (e.g. medical education, mental health, patient guidance, medical ethics and medical management, etc.). The journal accepts Project Reports, Special Articles, Original Articles, and Case Reports that have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.

2.         All right reserved, and shall not be reproduced unless agreed by the editorial board (authorization letter of copyrighter is needed, if there are references or translations of others figures or tables)

3.         Attach a copy of submission statement, indicating the corresponding author, the first author, and autographed consents of all authors when submitting the manuscript.

4.         Manuscripts should be formatted double-spaced for A4 paper, 600 words per page (30 words * 20 lines). Original Articles and Project Reports are limited to 20~23 pages. Project Reports are limited to data collected within recent three years. Case Reports are limited to 17 pages with data collected within recent two years. Special Articles are limited to 17 pages (including figures, tables, photos, and references). 

5.         Format of manuscript:

Original Article: abstracts (in both Chinese and English), foreword, literature review, research methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

Case Reports: abstracts (in both Chinese and English), foreword, literature review, nursing assessment (including brief introduction of case), problem establishments, nursing interventions, result evaluation, discussion and conclusion, and references.

Project Reports: abstracts (in both Chinese and English), Introduction, current situation analysis, problem establishments, objective(s), literature review, proposed solutions and execution process, result evaluation, conclusion, and references.

Special Article or Monograph: No format restrictions, Chinese and English abstracts and keywords, foreword, literature review, and references must be attached.

English translations are needed for all Chinese literatures.

6.         The manuscripts should paginate in order of the following headings (please start the page numbers from abstract page)

(1) Title page: The title page should include the title (in both Chinese and English), authors' names, academic degrees received and affiliations of the authors and an address, mobile number, fax, and email for correspondence.
The title page should include a running title of not more than 20 characters in Chinese and English.
(2) Abstract page (first page): Contains Chinese and English, limited to 600 words, should include background (purpose), methods, results, and conclusion, as well as 3-5 Chinese and English keywords.
(3) Main text (second page): The figure and table in the text should be clearly marked and accompanied by explanations, the sections should be written in the way of "
, (), 1, (1)". The first letter in each text shall be capitalized; If there are English proper nouns or abbreviations, the full English name and the Chinese translation should be added in parentheses when prompted for the first time.

(4) Reference citations: When citing reference in the text, try to cite documents from the past five years; if there are two authors, the last names of all authors must be presented for each citation; if there are three to five authors, the last names of all authors must be presented in the first appearance, and the last names of the first author and "etc." or "et al." should be listed from the second appearance. If the number of authors is greater than or equal to six, only the first author needs to be listed, and other authors should be replaced by "etc" or "et al."
(All authors must be listed in the reference section.)

7.         The articles will enter the review process if it conforms to the submission format. There will be maximum 3 times of revision, each with a deadline of 3 months.
Authors who fail to return or notify the editorial board within the deadline shall be deemed to have given up the submission.

8.         Authors of accepted article are responsible for proofreading twice.

9.         No fee will be paid to authors of an accepted article.

10.     The reference list should be written in accordance with the format of the seventh edition of APA (American Psychological Association). About 30 references would be appropriate to cite in the text of each article. For current format of APA, please refer to Chang Gung Nursing or website https://www1.cgmh.org.tw/nursing/home.asp. For any further questions, please call 886-3-2118800 Extension 3372